Chapter 19

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(Hey all! This is going to be quite a small chapter, sorry about that :( but I do hope you enjoy it nevertheless!!)

Night had fallen fast, no more than an hour or so ago the sky was still painted orange, but all colour had faded leaving the only black with no stars to be looked upon. Other than the dark it was deathly cold, the chilly wind biting harshly at my bare skin. I shudder as I pull out my phone dialling a number.

I stare up at the sure black in front of me, "Winter is practically already here."

"Hey (Y/N), how are you settling in over there? How did it go?"

I feel a stupid grin spread on my face, "Hey Akali. It went better than I had originally thought... as far as settling in it seems like me and Eve will be sharing a room."

She is silent for a bit, "I am happy to hear it going well. Sharing a room with Eve you said?"

Her question tore through me as if I was cheating on her without really doing anything yet. But I did share a kiss with Eve.

"Say the word and I will sleep on the floor."

She burst into laughter, "No silly. I am just a bit jealous, promise me the next trip?"

"You know I will," I then sigh, "Do you have time to talk?"

"This sounds bad... if it something like that wouldn't it be better to leave it until we see each other in person?"

"Yeah, I guess you are right."

"Wow I was just messing with you, (Y/N). Tell me what's bothering you?"

I chuckle to myself, "I feel odd I guess. Surrounding myself with the rest-"

She cuts me off, "You feel like you are cheating?"


Her tone changes to something softer, genuine, "I had a feeling you felt like that. I don't know whether it is because you are trying to be nice to all of them or just because you have some feeling for them. The truth is I thought about it quite a bit... well I had my fair share of arguments with myself."

"It seems as if you had more issues with this than me," I laugh, "Nevermind me for now... are you okay?"

"I have you and the girls. There is nothing I could ask more for, I am happy."

"Then I am happy."

The line grows quiet before she speaks again, "Tell me how you really feel."

"It is pretty much the same for me," I lower myself sitting down on the steps, "I have you, my friends and a passion that drives me."

"Oh is that so?"

"You making it sound like there is more."

"Eve talked with me the other day."

My heart starts racing, "That can't be good."

"No don't worry its nothing too serious. Well, it is a little bit maybe. She told me why you ran out and why you were angry the other day... she explained her side and your side. I decided to leave it until either she brings it up or until it was unavoidable."

"I didn't want you to know about it... it was rather petty and stupid."

"No, it wasn't. I guess she is trying to fight for everyone's happiness. I don't blame her or hold it against her but she does have her ways of getting into your head and not in a good way."

"You don't say."

"I know she wants you to get with all four of us."

"I told her no... she kept pressing that we talk about it more. I was totally against it but until recently I wanted to talk about you, maybe you can give some insight."

"(Y/n) I don't really know myself," she then sighs, "I can tell you this at least. I love you, I love the girls and I want all of you to be happy. When Eve brought it up I was against it knowing that I would be too jealous but seeing Ahri and Eve act like that around you I wasn't bothered by it at all. I do get jealous as most would."

"That is why I decided to leave it at that. I didn't want to bother you with the thought of it. It would have been fine if it had continued on without having to think about it."

"You are too sweet, I did do my fair share of thinking as I said," her voice lowers to a faint whisper, "I am fine with whatever you do. I wanted to tell you this but I wasn't sure yet if you can make them happy along with me then I am happy. Just make sure I am your favourite."

"Are you sure about this?"

"I am done thinking about it. I made my decision and I content with it. All the people I love surrounding me. Besides I have bragging rights," her tone shifts, "I had you first."

"Please don't encourage a challenge."

She laughs again, "Get some rest and get your ass inside. It's cold tonight and I can't see you tomorrow."

"Goodbye Akali. Sweet dreams you okay?"

"You too, Love you."

Cutting the call I had a stupidly large grin on my face, sighing in relief I shut my eyes stretching myself. She does love me... and she gave me permission. I think Eve had her fair share of involvement.

God, I am a lucky man.

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