Chapter 54

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Spending the rest of the day, finally doing some work. I have ten well thought out songs that I can already start working on. With the general idea of each written down and with an established melody in place... I consider hiring a freelance singer, asking one of the girls or just using my own vocals.

One is cheap, the other might get me a lot of traction seeing I am already using a well-known group's voice and the other I can freely cater to my own personal taste so that I can produce something as close to my vision.

Though that one will be very expensive. I am not very well known just yet, so for them to think there is a guaranteed success before they sign the deal is slim at best. I will stick with quality control and the cheapest option that will still ensure that outcome.

I then take the liberty to check my statistics. I seemed to have climbed through the ranking but not enough to consider that I have 'blown up'.

Then something pulls at my headset, whispering into my ear, "Hard at work?"

Pulling down my headset, Ahri pulls up a chair sitting next to me, "Hey, I always am," I then grab another headset, "Want to see what I got so far?"

She takes the headset, putting it in her lap, "Won't turn down to watch you work. Though I imagine you could take a little break, can't you?" the edges of her mouth curve upwards.

"Sure," I then, save my progress then turning to her, "How did your work go? I can only imagine it is rehearsals for something K/DA plans to release out of the blue after being silent for so long."

She smirks at me, "It went well, though I actually want to hear your opinion on something."

"Go for it," I turn to completely face her.

She then rests her knee on my leg, "About the stuff you sent me today. I am considering taking her with us to Shanghai and have her collaborate with us."

I lift the side of my mouth, "Why would you ask me? This is more of a K/DA thing and not a K/DA and co."

She giggles, "I imagined you would say that. I just want to run the idea by you before I do it for the girls. Maybe get her to come in so that we can get their personal input by making her sing for us, then if we are all impressed with what she has to offer it can be arranged."

"Hmm, not a bad idea..."

She then continues, "Though you have a knack for these things."

I shrug, "I am good at listening and breaking down sounds. Not the best person when it comes to finding the talent-"

She interrupts me, leaning closer, "But you found her."

I sigh in defeat, "I guess that is true. It was more of a 'look, a very good cover' rather than a possible person to collab with," I chuckle, "Though as for my opinion, I would say to go for it..."

She then frowns, "I would think you were a bit more on board with this idea," leaning in even closer, her scent enveloping my senses.

My eyes drop to her lips and then back to her eyes, "I am, I am."

"Are you jealous?"


Brushing her lips against mine, she pulls away, "If you say it that quickly I kind of find it hard to believe you," stealing another kiss, then kissing my cheek and then my neck she then whispers, "What if I told you we had a plan for you as well?"

"It is starting to seem like you are the one that has plans for me," I then lower my head to kiss her.

Gently pushing me away, giggling, "Maybe I do, but it will have to wait."

"Why?" I raise my brow.

"Well you see-" as she speak, the rest of the girls walk into the room, already talking to each other, "Looks like everyone is here," she says, then turning to me with a smile.

Akali walks over, resting her arms on my shoulder, I lean back resting against her body, Akali smiles down at me, "We were wondering if you want to work for us."

"I'm going to need more than that... is this business or?"

Eve sigh, shaking her head, "Of course it is business. He only has one thing on his mind, this one."

Akali then remarks, "Probably because of the constant flirting between the two of them."

Eve then nods, "A lot of unresolved sexual tension with this one."

Ahri then retorts, "You all act as if you don't do the same," she growls.

Kai'Sa places her hands together, "We thought about it for a while. More worried about if you wanted to do take it or not... seeing as you are already busy with your own brand, but if you want to focus on that, then we understand."

"You girls are serious about this?"

Eve shrugs, "You are pretty much tangled yourself into our lives. So it would make sense."

Ahri then remarks, "Not what he asked, Eve."

Kai'Sa walks closer, sitting on my lap, "I want this to happen."

Akali then leans onto me, "So do I."

Ahri and Eve both smile at me, waiting for my response.

I smile widely at them, "Of course it is a yes!"

I have never felt happier, to hear something in my life. Kai'Sa threw her arms around my neck, feeling her racing heart against my chest. Unsure if it is really my own or hers. Akali resting her head on mine, then giggles.

Though it is not because this made me happy... it is a continues streak of happiness.

Ahri then says, "We start working in two days. Feel free to continue with your own work in the meantime and whenever you want," she smiles at me, giving my hand a squeeze she lifts herself to her feet.

Eve then locks her eyes onto me, "You free tomorrow?"

I nod, "Yeah I am, why?"

"I have some errands to run if you don't mind accompanying me."

"Gladly," she smiles at me, then turns to leave, "Be ready early tomorrow morning."

Ahri follows her, "I will then leave you to it."

With the two of them already gone, Akali then speaks, "So, the three of us getting into bed?" We both look up at her, "What?"

I laugh shaking my head, "So, looks like Akali is already on board with it," I lower my gaze to Kai'Sa who's face is flushed, "Staying the night again."

"I wouldn't want to intru-"

Akali then states, "You already slept with the two of us. So it won't hurt to do it again."

I then remark, "I have to get used in having all four of you at once. What better time to practise it than now?"

"Wait... am I moving in?"

I then look at Akali, "She has a point there."

"Huh?" Kai'Sa responds in confusion.

"At this point, I think we should consider finding a place where all four of us can live, other than an apartment. You know... something more permanent."

"Oh?" Akali leans over me, "Someone is getting a little ambitious."

"I know it is a bit too early to be thinking like this... but I am hopeful"

She, lowers her head kissing my cheek, "We will talk about this later. As a group," she then grabs both our hands, "I am beat. Let's get to bed."

Kai'Sa then asks, "Wonder how long till all of us will be sleeping in the same bed?"

"When I can get a bed that will support five people," I chuckle, "For now, this is fine."

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