Chapter 4

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"You okay, you seem to be on edge?"

Her head was slightly skewed, her hair hanging loosely in her face. Scratching the back of my head I let out an awkward chuckle.

"Evelynn sure is terrifying, I could feel her aura from across the room."

"She can be like that sometimes. She only gets like that with us though, she is the big sister of the group everything goes through her first. She looks out for all of us."

I nod watching the elevator number tick down, "She cares a lot. Then I will make sure not to hurt you."

She responds with a giggle, "Hurt me? In what way would you hurt me?"

Glancing back at her I could tell she was quite toned despite the clothes she was wearing. But I won't say I am not curious myself. Clearing her throat I notice her gaze.

Warmth spreads over my cheeks, I blurt out, "I wouldn't."

She bursts out laughing, "I'm sure you wouldn't." Nudging against me, in a hushed tone, "Don't be so submissive, confidence is really attractive you might just get a girl to be interested in you."


"Well, yes! If your confidence in your work reflected in your social life then you would be perfect."

Perfect huh, is it really that simple? I guess it must be if she says so, she is a woman... one of very high caliber if anything I should listen to any advice she gives.

"Let's get going then yeah?"

"Where we headed?"

"Your place, get some of your equipment then we just got to find a place where we can make some noise."

As the doors slide open, I suggest, "We should rather go to the club I work. It only opens up in a few hours but Brian will already be there. Besides my last shift is tonight," I smile widely, "It's going to be wild."

"Good idea!"

Driving through the streets, I cycle through the radio. Maybe hoping for some news about two new artists tackling the industry or just news in general but that is just wishful thinking, I don't think they would hit the radio's this soon at least. Miracles happen though

"This the place?"

"Yeah let's get inside." Gesturing for her to follow me, "We have to enter through the back, don't wanna risk anyone that they can have an early night."

"I take it that it can get quite busy?"

"It does have its fair share of regular customers but other days there are just more people. Whether it is for celebration or escaping something," humming to herself wondering about something.

"Something on your mind?"

"You like music right, I know that much. But is there another reason for it? Is it that you took up music to run away?"

Thinking about it I don't recall there being a specific reason to it. Music... I just always loved it and my abilities just made it so much more obvious that I should follow the music industry.

Shaking my head I unlock the back door, leading her inside, "No. The reason I took music is because everything pointed towards it. My interests, my dreams. I decided to follow them despite what others said. But I didn't come this far without problems. There are people that hated my choices."



She slows her pace, glancing over her shoulder I could see a faint smile, "I understand. Then let us prove them wrong."

Absolute Zero  - Male Reader x K/DA fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now