Chapter 46

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(Akali lemon number... 4? Welp I guess someone is playing favourites. Will get to the rest soon I promise :D Ples enjoy. These things take forever to write.)

(NOTE: 18+ stuff ahead. But you already know that don't you. If you didn't... you can slide right on to the next chapter if this makes you uncomfortable.)

Leaning back into my chair I notice that Akali hasn't been back for a while. The private plane is pretty big and can hold a little more over eight people. She must be in the back...

I won't be getting any time back home, I know I will be jumping through hoops trying to meet the rest... guess its time to give her what she has been wanting for a while.

Lifting myself out of the chair I waltz into the back, everyone is asleep. All except for Yasuo of course who doesn't pay attention to anything around him when he is in that state.

"Akali..." I call as I walk towards the back.

She then appears from the back, seemingly stuffing her face with food. Lifting her finger she then swallows the food, walking towards me, "What's up? Did something happen?" She rests her hand on her hip,  wearing skintight leggings and a crop top

I lift my eyebrow, "Was just wondering where you disappeared off to."

"I am starving," she then rolls her shoulders, she gestures to behind her, "Want something to eat?"

I smile following her in the back, she looks back at me as if expecting for an answer. I instead push her against the counter, brushing my lips against hers. Placing her hands on my chest she pushes me back, "You pick the worst time for this, we had an entire trip."

Whispering into her ear, "That is your fault. Now that we aren't there I won't hold back."

Shaking her head she then pulls me closer, slamming her lips into mine. Deepening the kiss I slide my hand down her stomach between her legs. Fingers rubbing her entrance over the clothes. Lifting her top with the other, massaging her breast she moans as I travel from her lips to her neck.

Tugging the edge of her pants I break away from her, pulling her pants to her ankles to keep us from messing her clothes. Knowing that she doesn't have anything to wear otherwise.

Feeling the wetness between her legs, I slip my fingers into her pussy.  Gasping for air at the sudden thrusting, she locks her eyes onto mine as she slams her lips into mine. Kissing me hungrily as I massage her insides. Massaging her nipples I lower my head so suck on her breast. 

Suppressing a moan, she runs her fingers through my hair.

Lifting myself I brush my lips against her ear whispering, "Turn around." She silently obeys, turning around resting her hands on the table and spreading her legs for me. Running my finger down her spine, I slap her ass then grip it firmly before pressing up against her back.

Pressing against her lips I rub over it, then penetrating her tight, wet pussy with my fingers. Rubbing the inside slowly picking up the pace again, much quicker than before. She cries out in a sharp pitch, in response I run my thumb over her lip then turning her head to face, watching me as I finger her insides.

Rubbing her rock-hard nipples she lifts her arm behind my head pushing me closer to meet her lips. Exchanging small breathes, her other hand finds my throbbing dick pressed up against her ass and starts stroking it.

 Quickening my pace she inhales a sharp breath, as I travel my lips to her neck. Slowing my thrusting to a stop I trail my kisses down from her neck to her lower back. Trying to turn around I rest my hands on her shoulder and hip keeping her in place.

With ragged breathing, she glances at me, "Why'd... why'd you stop?"

With a little smirk I state, "We're only getting started my dear," I giver her a quick peck on the cheek.

Resting my hands on her hips I line it up with my dick. Grinding against her ass, I then drop down to my knees, patting her legs she spreads them for me. Spreading her cheeks, I dig my face into her ass. Eating out her pussy, feeling her wetness on my face. Her moans gradually becoming louder as I dig my tongue deeper into her.

Rubbing her clitoris her as I lick her insides, her moans become louder to the point where anyone that was awake would actually hear it. I then stop, raising myself I remove my clothes resting my dick between her cheeks, I line it up with her entrance. Rubbing the tip against it, I can barely contain myself anymore.

I lock onto her eyes as she glances back, with a face that is screaming 'please fuck me already'.

In one motion I grab her hips and thrust inside of her, moaning as my lust is being sated. Thrusting into her, slide my hand down her stomach to rub her clitoris. Arching her back, I kiss her neck, my other hand holding her face sticking the fingers that fingered her in her mouth.

Shifting on her feet as I ram myself into her, harder and harder as her insides tighten. Quickly nearing my limit we both moan as I both my hands travel to her hips to fuck her without stopping. Without warning I give one last thrust, unloading everything into her. 

The air is filled with quick breathes she then pushes herself off the counter turning around she smashes her lips against into mine. Lifting my hands to cup her face, she pulls away biting my lower lip. Resting her head in my hand she covers my hand with hers interlacing our fingers.

She giggles, "Looks like we joined the mile-high club."

"Do we get a badge?" I joke.

She laughs resting her head on my chest, "Given the performance, we might just have to," she then slaps my ass, "Come, boy scout, time to clean the mess you made."

Doing as asked I help her clean herself and the mess we made around us, getting into my own clothes she is still naked cleaning herself in the bathroom. Without knocking I enter, with clothes in my hand.

"I tried to not make a mess of your clothes, but unless you don't commando'ing with this hoodie, there isn't much I can do."

She smiles at me, "I was hoping you would come around soon enough so I kept some clothes for just in case," she then grabs the clothes anyway, "but a sweet gesture," she tilts her head, giving me an adorable smile.

"You knew I was?"

She shakes her head, "You put up a good fight," she then steps closer stealing a kiss then whispering, "I was starting to think I wasn't as irresistible as I thought I was."

Getting dressed in the clothes she prepared for herself and then pulling the hoodie I offered over she makes her way to me throwing her arms around me, into a quick yet sweet embrace. She then struts away, glancing back at me with a little smile.

I chuckle to myself and then fall dead quiet, hoping that everyone is still asleep and didn't notice or hear anything.

Absolute Zero  - Male Reader x K/DA fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now