Chapter 58

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Three of them are sitting down on the stools, as Ahri stands behind them. Her hands resting on Akali's exposed shoulders. Sitting at my equipment I watch her sing her song to the four of them. As the final verse ends, I can see Ahri's face light up and Sera dying to find out what they have to say.

Ahri speaks first, "Thank you, Seraphine. Fantastic song."

Kai'sa then adds, "Loved the lyrics. Brilliant stuff."

And Eve, "It was... not bad," she says as you would expect.

Ahri then exclaims, "Not bad!? Eve, why you gotta be like that?"

"What, honest? It's the best policy, darling."

Ahri then leans over Akali, she then shifts in her seat, "I know I speak for all of us when I say, we're so thrilled to have you collaborate with us on this EP, and perform with us in Shangai."

As Ahri says is, she walks towards Sera who jumps to throw her arms around her, "This... this is unreal! I can't believe it! Thank you so much... what an incredible opportunity!" her voice quivering with excitement.

They all soon surround the two, as they exchange further information on what will be happening from now on. When they will be practising and where...

I then catch Akali's gaze. She gives me a smile that warms my heart. I then turn to my equipment and start setting up so that when they are done, Ahri and I can begin working on finishing this track.

Akali stands behind me, resting her hands on my shoulders, "Hey, need any help?"

I shake my head, "I am pretty much done here... though I can always use a second opinion when it comes to validating if it all sounds good. I wish to take as little takes as possible but would much rather ensure quality."

I look up to her, she kisses my forehead with a smile, "With all of us here we will make sure you produce a masterpiece."

She brings her stool propping it next to me, as we both run through the recorded tracks we have. Then setting up the mic for sound capture, the rest soon join us. Eve reads through the lyrics and then going through the melody, giving me a few suggestions to work with.

Ahri and I start singing our lines, we do a few re-runs. A few mistakes did happen, such as my voice cracking in the middle of it. I am not used to singing as much as I have recently, I haven't practised my voice as much as I should have.

"Thank you, everyone."

Eve smiles at me, "Good work today, just try to keep my advice in mind next time you record and compile the track."

"Will do," I say with a smile. It is like they say... she really is one of the best when it comes down to it.

Eve then turns around, "See the rest of you at the apartment."

Ahri says, "It was fun, if you ever need me to sing for you again, I would do it gladly," she kisses me on the cheek and turns to leave with Eve.

As they leave Akali sides next to me, "We going to get the food?" 

I nod, "Sure. You two going to come with us?"

Kai'Sa smiles at me, "Came with my own car. You going to come with me, Sera?"

She lights up, "Yes, please."

I wave at the two of them, "See you two back at the apartment," then turning to Akali, "Shall we get going? I wanted to order and have them deliver but if you want to risk riling the crowds at the Pizza hut then I won't stop you."

Grabbing my hand she pulls me after, "Just wanted to get some alone time with you before I have to share you."

"Glad to feel so wanted, "I joke. "So what do you think of her?"

"Sera? I think she has already warmed up to all of us. She will fit in nicely," she says, "Oh... I forgot to mention but Yasuo will be helping you with the production," I stay silent, she then stops in her tracks looking back at me with a worried face, "(Y/N)?"


"Are you fine with it?" she looks worried.

I tilt my head, laughing, "Of course I am. We are bringing the best to make sure we produce the best," I say confidently, "What did you think I would be bothered by it?"

She rolls her shoulder, squeezing my hand, "Maybe a little bit. When we broke the news you were so happy... It felt like I was going to stomp on you so that's why I kept it from you for a bit."

I pull her to me, "Don't worry about it so much," giving her a tight hug, "If I wasn't included then probably," I joke. 

She gives me a satisfied smile. Heading to get out orders of Pizza we head back to the apartment to catch up and spend the rest of the day together, though I am in the room I am set up on one of the couches running through our new track.

Occasionally joining in on the conversation, when I am taking a short break.

A hand waving across my screen tears me from my thoughts, I look away from my screen pulling off my headphones as Kai'Sa hands me a cup of coffee, "Making any progress?"

I nod, "Yeah sorry. I will be with you girls now, I am technically done. Just making sure it saves and doesn't get corrupted somehow."

She then sits on the railing of the couch, "Can I hear it?"

"Just about..." I wait a few seconds, then handing her my headphones, "Say if it sounds choppy."

Her face lights up, wearing a smile that destroys my worries of how it will end up sounding. She scoots closer, her arm around my shoulder she rests her head on mine, looking at the laptop on my lap.

"I love it, are you going to release it yet?"

I shake my head, "Waiting to complete the rest, then I will complete my first album," I then lean into her, "Though it might take a while now that I have a new priority."

Ahri then sits on the other side of me, "You will have plenty of time," she smiles at me, "Besides with all of us... creating this EP will be a piece of cake."

Akali then jokes, "Our fearless leader is beaming with confidence," she remarks, "Let's make sure the world will never forget us."

Eve then smirks, "They won't."

My gaze stops on Sera, who is probably having the time of her life right now. But give it a few days then this will all seem like a daily routine. Her gaze jumps between us all, finally settling on me she nods with a wide smile.

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