Chapter 66

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A hand on my shoulder, rips me from my thoughts, jumping in my seat I swing around to see Eve waving at me, "Knew I'd find you here," she smirks at me.

I joke, "Where else would I be knowing that you guys have put me to work?" I arch my brow, "Anyway. Yasuo left a little while ago, we are pretty much done with everything so I am just working on my own things," I gesture to the seat next to me, "Want to see what we came up with?"

She shakes her head, but still sitting down next to me, "You said you had something you want me to read through?" she props her arm on the table resting her head in her hand, "An idea you had for a collaboration?"

"Ah," I then remember, "Sorry I almost forgot about that one," I then slide my laptop over to her. It was open on one of the tabs, she quickly skims through everything and then smirks at me, "I can work with it."

"Really?" she answers with a kiss and a confident nod.

"So. When do you want to start on it?" she crosses her leg over the other, "I am going to be honest. Just the lyrics alone has gotten my attention."

I then offer her the headphones,  "The rest of the framework is already set in place. I just need your voice," I smile at her, handing the headphones she takes it, "I've prepared a little demo so that you can get the feel for what I have planned."

"Looks like you came prepared," she takes it, holding it close to her ears. Her yellow eyes glowing as she stares at the screen intensely. She smirks at me, "I have a general idea on what we can do with it."

"Glad to hear it," she then stretches her arms in front of her, cracking her fingers, "Wait... shouldn't you be working on the set?"

She looks at her phone, "For now... my schedule is open for the next two hours then I have to go back for our group session," she smiles at me, "So I am all yours for the next two hours. Make it count," she winks at me.

We start immediately. As much as I was unsure she was going to take up the deal, I knew that it should be something that she would do. Something that could spark her interest and that... well in a sense is something worthy of her.

I didn't entertain thoughts like... this isn't something she wouldn't sing. Besides. That doesn't matter. She took interest in it and wants to do it and that is more than what I can ask for.

Up and down, we walk into the room and finding the right vocals for the song. Sometimes doing retakes because she herself wants to hear it with the track and then do a re-run because it doesn't fit. It is almost like she took charge.

Though when we found the sweet spot, recording was a breeze. All that was left was to edit the vocals and apply my flare to them and then compile the track. Although what I asked her to do was already done and settled. 

She stuck around to keep me company, "You have been working pretty fast lately. I am impressed," I pick up her stare through the corner of my eye, "If K/DA ever breaks apart I am making sure I get to you first," she chuckles.

"I doubt you think K/DA will ever end," she raises her brow in response with a smirk.

"All things do end," she then leans closer, "But we will sticking around for a very long time."

"I am happy to hear that," I nod, "Besides. I doubt any of you four will ever be apart. The synergy and the music you all create is phenomenal."

"Thanks, love," her phone rings immediately signaling that she has to cut out time together short, I turn to leave to walk her out but she instead grabs my by the shirt, pulling me in for a long and deep kiss.

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