Chapter 53

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Waking up extremely early, my whole body is dead weight. Unable to move anything but my arm, I lift my blanket to notice one too many bodies clinging to mine. Akali lazily looks up at me, narrowing her eyes at the light.

Groaning she nuzzles her face into my chest, "Morning."

Chuckling to myself, I lower my blanket, shutting my eyes I try to get some more sleep, having lost all feeling and blood flow to my entire body, I was starting to notice a prickling pain in my body as Akali started to shift her weight.

Shortly after, Kai'Sa lifts herself yawning, rubbing out her eyes, "G'morning, (Y/N)..." as she lifted herself, the blanket came with exposing Akali on my chest, she looks over to me, "When did she?"

I shrug, "Must've snuck in when she noticed she was sleeping in her own bed for a change," I whisper, trying to not wake her.

Though to no avail, she raises herself growling at me, "Why are you two awake so early?"

The sudden flow of blood to all of my body, send an unbearable uncomfortable prickly pain throughout my system. Not giving my body a chance to adjust, Akali already started to lower herself next to me, her back pressed up against me.

Kai'Sa climbs out of bed, sitting at the edge. Glancing at me over her shoulder, she smiles at me "Thank you, for last night."

"Anytime, let me know if you want some time alone," I then notice Akali staring at me, prodding my cheek to get my attention, "What?"

"What about me?"

"Good morning-"

She pouts, "Nevermind," she then rests her head back on my arm, with her back faced to me.

Kai'Sa lifts herself, stopping next to us, "Wake up soon okay... or Eve will come to fetch you personally," she then lifts her gaze to me, "Try to get her up in time okay? See you later."

"Will do," with that she leaves the room. The door shuts and Akali raises herself heading straight for the bathroom. Raising myself to the edge of the bed. Finally regaining all my senses, Akali drops onto my lap pushing me back onto the bed.

Smirking at her, "Someone a bit jealous?"

Crossing her arms over my chest, she smiles at me, "Nope. Just happy to see you doing your best to make it work with her," she kisses my nose, then lifts herself off of me, "Though you don't need to make me sleep in my own bed."

"You walked to your own bed," I defend myself.

Narrowing her eyes at me, "I expected that you would join me, or do you want a little break from me, hmmm?" she then turns around digging into the closer.

"Don't go putting thoughts like that into your own head," I say, approaching her from behind, holding her around her waist I rest my head on her shoulder, kissing her cheek.

She giggles, "Let go, I need to get ready."

"We can surely take our time."

"Not unless you want Eve interrupting us."

"Too much to hope that she will join us?" I joke.

Turning around she grabs my face, brushing her lips against mine, "I would say let us find out, but I don't want to get on her bad side just yet. Work is stressful enough as it is, between her and Ahri I shouldn't be late."

I tilt my head, "K/DA making a comeback?"

She then kisses me again, letting go of my face, "You will just have to wait and see. Now I need to get cleaned up and get out there... see you tonight?"

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