Chapter 23

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The rain bore down mercilessly almost the moment I was about halfway home. My feet beating against the concrete making the water splash up to my knees. It felt like I was trying to outrun it but to nobody's surprise, I was completely soaked in a few minutes time. I stop in my tracks staring up into the sky.

"Fuck me I guess. No point hiding from the rain now... best to make my way home rather than just waiting it out now," what an idiot I am.

Digging my hands into my pockets trying to keep the wet from my phone. I walk a steady pace, I stopped as a black car stops next to me honking its horn. I glance over at the car as the back door swings open. I was greeted by her worried face... though a surprise it is certainly not unwelcome. 

I walk to the door, shutting it slightly to prevent the rain from coming in, "Are you sure? I might just flood the car."

She scowls at me, "Don't be an idiot and get in."

I shut up and climb into the car. I pull my phone out my pocket and drop it in the middle, a miracle that it didn't get wet at all. Sitting still she leans forward.

"Take me home," I keep my thoughts and words to myself as she looks at me sternly, turning to face me she still keeps her distance, "What was the plan (Y/N), are you trying to get yourself sick?"

"No. I thought I could make it back. Besides, the rain came out of nowhere."

"You are an idiot," she sighs, "Don't worry let's just get you home."

I sat in silence as her phone rings. Her jaw tenses as she answers the call, she asked them if they could move her reservations and plans, as she had to take care of a sick family member. It didn't make me not feel even more guilty. If I had that power I would climb out the car and tell them to continue with their day... but that would just make it worse.

As she got off the phone I glance at her over my shoulder, "I am sorry... Ahri."

She shakes her head, "It is okay."

We park underground. The driver climbs out and walks off into the building. I slide out the water still dripping to the ground. She grabs me by the arm leading me inside, her grip wasn't tight but it was probably to keep herself from looking pissed off at me.

In the elevator, she just stares at the numbers as we climb the floors.

As we reach the top we both climb out, she then lets go of my arm walking to my door, "Stay here... I will get you some towels."

I don't wait for long as she stops in front of me with two towels in her arms, she looks me up and down, "Better undress."

I listen to her and start tearing the clothes off me, as I get to my pants she tosses me a towel, "That should be enough... go take a hot shower. I'll talk to you in a few minutes."

I rush inside past my room into the bathroom. Tossing my clothes on the pile and undressing the rest I jump into the shower.

My hand falls to the lever and the water begins, the cold felt normal. Then the stream thickens, warms, steam rises to my frozen face. Though the heat brings pleasure I want to stay here, in its warmth far away from the winter air outside.

Stepping outside the entire room is filled with steam. Stepping in front of the mirror I wipe away the fog, glaring at myself. I am an idiot sometimes. Though at least in this I can tell that she isn't avoiding me... something must be bothering her.

Stepping outside the bathroom I head for my closet grabbing a fresh change of clothes. As I head to my door leading to the main-room I can hear the kettle boiling from the other side.

Absolute Zero  - Male Reader x K/DA fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now