Chapter 25

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I've been so lost in constructing scenarios for the evening ahead that I'm surprised to see with what I managed to come up with. Already at the place, she works I sit and wait. There's nothing slick about it. You could pick the whole thing up and send it back thirty years and it wouldn't look out of place. Despite the hour, I can still hear music from inside, with cars taking over almost every parking space. Suddenly I drop all my preparations climbing out of the car as I grow curious about what is inside.

Walking up the steps, just as my hand touches the door the music stops. Pushing into the glass doors my head starts swinging around like it is on a swivel. From here the place seems to be emptier than I originally thought.

Exploring even further I finally reach a set of doors leading into a room with a quite a bit of people inside. Stepping back from the door there's a sign saying "Come in."

With a shrug, I step inside. As I shut the door behind me their gazes all jump to me, Kai'sa's head pop up behind the grouped up people and then she returns back to them as their attention shifts back to her.

Hmm, I feel welcome here with all those stares.

Glancing to my side there was an open seat next to a woman and a teen. I drop down next to them fixing my gaze to their little group.

As if they were waiting for me to take a seat, they all break apart back to their positions I assume. The music begins again and they all start their movements as Kai'sa watches them. 

They dance around throwing exaggerated movements, from flailing their arms and an assortment of kicks, advancing and then retreating to their positions. It all seems so flashy and well-choreographed, these are the only terms that I could think off seeing as I know nothing of this field. 

Chuckling to myself I feel a tug on my sleeve.

"I have never seen you here before, you here to sign up?"

I shake my head, glancing at the woman before turning my gaze back to the dancers, "I am just here to speak with Kai'sa. You can say we are business partners."

"Not much of a dancer I take it then?"

"I can dance but not to this extent."

She giggles next to me, "You should consider it at least. She is really talented in the art of dancing."

I shoot her a glance, a smile spreading across my face, "I have heard that she is." Returning my gaze to her, "What about your son?"

She simply states, "He is just here to clear up some info with her. He is part of the morning class where the younger students are mostly dealt into."

The dance they seem to be doing seams very street. Though thinking about it again I doubt I will ever be able to take any classes here... my mind and eyes will be focussing a lot more on Kai'sa than the actual movements. Especially with what she is wearing.

The woman then shifts in her seat, clearly not wanting to share any words further. Guess the media hasn't gone as overboard with their private lives as I expected. I wonder how long it will be before the stories actually come out.

I don't really care... just curious how the rest of them will deal or handle with it.

They continue with their routine, Kai'sa and I share an occasional glance before she returns to her students. They are all talented and for this, they must be extremely fit... this just seems like a massive workout.

The music cuts again but this time it seems like they are all finishing up. Grouping up one more time they all leave to grab their stuff. Some of them hover around to get some time to talk to her or waiting for someone to probably come get them.

Absolute Zero  - Male Reader x K/DA fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now