Chapter 8

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"I have nothing to do."

For me, this did come as a surprise. Guess I became too dependant on them to keep me preoccupied for the day. Well... can't really count on them to keep me busy for days on end. Though I am not opposed to the idea.

I should probably try to make it for Wednesday's concert. What I know about it is from Wednesday to Sunday it will be filled to the brim with music artists and their fans. A lot of popular names that I may recall knowing about.

Heard about Pentakill making an appearance.

Rubbing my eyes I sigh; Just glad they have managed to split it accordingly that you don't get the metal and pop fans on the same day. Nobody wants to see a news headline with fools fighting about the so-called 'best music genre'.

Reaching for my phone I do a quick search and as expected these tickets have been sold out. For a while actually. I mean what did I expect? With so many stars coming just to one park, the tickets would obviously be long gone.

Stretching my legs I drag myself out of the bed. Sitting at the edge I run my hand through my hair. I could always catch it live on the TV... if I had one. Looking around I sigh; so much for living comfortably I have enough here to just survive.

The live streams will have to do.

Climbing out of bed I wander to my workstation, dropping myself into the chair. Switching on my equipment I let out a sigh. Might as well get some work done for a change. I don't know for who I am doing it but it's to stay on top of my own abilities.

Grabbing the headphones I didn't take long before I drown my surroundings with music. So much that I only managed to notice the ringing of my phone when I wanted to check the time. I was busy for a good two hours.

Pulling of the headphones I answer the call, "(Y/n)."

"Where the fuck are you?"

I pull away the phone to look at the number; what the hell? "Eve is that you?" She stays silent, "What do you mean where am I? In my apartment obviou-"

"I have been waiting for your ass for an hour! Why the fuck- you know what it doesn't matter... I am going to come to kill you."

"Wait wait wait... calm down-"

"Fuck you."

"I am so confused! Just tell me why am I supposed to be wherever you are right now."

The line is cut off, bewildered I rush to the window peering at the streets below. Nothing giving away that she is already here.

How would she even know where I am? Should get dressed... at least I can attempt calming her down before she rips my throat out.

As I finish getting dressed as if on cue banging on the door echoed through my apartment. With a sigh, I ran to the door slowly opening it to reveal a very pissed-off woman.

"I will open it up if you only promise not to murder me in any shape or form," I chuckle.

She seems almost ready to retort but instead sighs, "Just... open the door before I break it down."

Opening it up I back up instantly, she glares at me as she enters the apartment her eyes scanning the room.

"Nice place."

I detect a hint of sarcasm but that would be rude to just call it out... maybe it's genuine.

"Thank yo-"

Interrupting me, "It looks like shit."

Should have known it was coming!

Clearing my throat, "Are you still leaning towards killing me? Or have you calmed down a bit?"

Absolute Zero  - Male Reader x K/DA fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now