Chapter 30

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(Warning: 18 + content ahead. If you are underage and certain acts of sexual actions disgust you please head on to the next chapter. All 18+ chapters are not crucial to the lore of the story.)

I stare up at the ceiling, still trying to wake up everything is in a haze. My mind in a sleeping mess, not able to deal or comprehend with anything.

"Are you even listening to me?"

"Yes, I am," I shift my gaze to Akali.

"What did I say?"

"No idea. I zoned out for a full 10 minutes there."

"You woke up 10 minutes ago!"

"That is true."

Narrowing her eyes, "(Y/N)."

"Yeah?" some part of me wanna laugh but I managed to suppress it with a smile. She drops whatever she is currently busy with walking over to me. 

Straddling my hips, wearing a feisty glare.

Shaking my head, "You know there is a grace period? I need at least an hour to wake up and enough caffeine to power an accounting office."

Pouting her face she continues, "Oh sweety, are you really that bad at waking up that you can't even listen to me?"

I stare at her, her hair hanging loosely over her shoulders. Her eyes carving into my soul, my eyes wander lower. Wearing only a tank-top and panties, her pose was ungodly sexy. 

Leaning closer her lips touching my ear, "I can wake you up." She pulls away from me wearing a little smirk.

Raising myself I rest my back against the wall. Her hand wanders under my shirt, tugging at the edge pulling it over my head. Throwing her arms around my neck she pulls me in closer. Stopping inches from my lips, her smell invigorating my senses.

I ask with a smirk, "Must you always tease me?"

It was clearly a rhetorical question. Tracing my fingers down her spine, her breath coming more quickly against my skin. Tilting my head slowly touching her soft lips. Deepening the kiss her hold on me grows tighter, pressing her chest against mine, digging her fingers into my hair.

Without any hesitation my hands were on her hips, then under her shirt. Fingers skimming over her skin cupping her breasts. In return, she frees her one hand pulling out my dick. Our lips part, as she raises herself. Sitting on it she starts grinding against it.

A thin piece of cloth separating both our privates. I was ready to cum, I grabbed her hips trying to lift her up. She then pushed me back into the bed with all her weight. 

Whispering to me, "Leave this to me," she says seductively as she wraps her hand around my dick.

Stroking it as she presses her lips against mine, our tongues wrestling against each other. Rubbing her thumb over the tip.

Sliding down my body she throws her hair back, pushing her lips over the tip. Sending a jolt through my body, then she ran her tongue up and down my cock. Sucking at the tip she put it in her mouth.

Feeling her lips move up and down, her tongue hitting against the tip. She then grabbed me by the hips and started deepthroating me. I grabbed her by the head and start fucking her mouth, pulling me in even harder I felt her muscles against my dick. Fucking her throat as hard as I could.

Her eyes still locked onto mine, I moan hard as I give the last thrust shooting my load down her throat. Pulling it out she wipes the saliva from her mouth as she swallows everything.

She shakes her head at me as she brings her face closer to me once more, "Did you really need to be that rough?"

"I... errr," I chuckle as she rests her head on my chest. "What about you?"

She looks up at me again with a smirk, "You are the horny one here, are you satisfied?"

"Very," I say, giving her another kiss.


She instantly rolls over my body heading straight for the bathroom. 

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