Chapter 63

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Waking up, to my surprise, there was blood in all of my limbs. Though Kai'Sa was nuzzled into my side, everyone else was already gone. The room has been cleaned to an extent where those who were sleeping wouldn't wake up.

So. Everyone decided to disappear so that I couldn't ask around like an idiot if they need me for anything so that I actually spend some time with Kai'Sa. Because the dumbass I am would have tried to split it evenly where they just want me to spend some time with her. Alone.


Looks like my plans for the day have been pretty much decided. I grab Kai'Sa by her shoulder giving her a squeeze as I shake her awake.

"Morning," she says lazily with a yawn, propping herself up with her arm she hovers over me, "Did... did you sleep well?"

"Mornin'. I always sleep well," I state, "Looks like the two of us will be spending tonight together."

"Hmmm?" I am speaking too fast for her to realize what I meant, she lowers herself back to my side, "That's good. Just... give me a few-" almost instantly falling back to sleep.

Trying to move out from beside her, she doesn't wake up at all from my absence. I begin to tidy up a little bit more, carrying everything around that needs to be packed away. Kai'Sa soon after wakes up, helping me clean what little there is left to clean.

"Something to drink?" I ask putting away the last of the dishes, as I walk towards the kettle.

"Tea would be nice. Thanks," she then sides next to me, resting her hands around my arm, hanging onto me, a cute yawn escapes her lips.

"I almost think you need the coffee more than I do."

She shakes her head, "No. Tea is fine," she says with a sleepy voice, still adamant that I don't dare serve her coffee.

Finishing up with her drink and my first boost for the day, we walk back to the couch arm in arm. She clearly still trying to regain all her senses, I am starting to get the impression that she is the only one out of the three that isn't a morning person.

Or maybe she is and us staying up so late is the reason why she is as tired as she is.

After drinking my coffee, she smiles at me, "I am going to go take a shower and stuff... meet you in your apartment?"

I nod, "Sure. I am going to clean what is left here then head back myself to get dressed," she brushes her lips against my cheek and then stumbles towards the hallway leading to their rooms and bathroom.

I then quickly take the liberty to clean the last of the bedding and the few messes we managed to make and hide under our mattresses. Then heading back to my room, I start stripping the moment I walk into my apartment.

Dying to get into the shower and feel some steaming hot water cleanse me. 

Almost jumping out of the shower, I almost expected to see Akali half-naked in front of my mirror busy cleaning herself up and getting ready for her day. I smile to myself, chuckling at myself as I notice how much I have gotten used to the idea... no. The reality of it all.

Finishing up, I get my second boost of the day ready. Just as the kettle starts to boil, Kai'Sa walks in with a cropped sweater and tights. Smiling at me, she drops onto the couch crossing her legs over eachother.

Preparing an extra cup, I quickly fix her another cup of tee and carry both of our cups, setting it on the table. She raises herself, looking at me with a large smile.

"Looks like everyone was pretty adamant about doing their own thing today," she sounds kinda upset, "Was kind of thinking we should all spend some time together... I really enjoyed our meeting last night. Even if you were asleep for the entire duration," she giggles.

Rolling my eyes, "Was only asleep for like an hour of it, besides. This is good," I lift my arm, and she adjusts herself lowering herself under my arm as holds her against me around her shoulder, "You should be wishing for this more actually. If we all keep hanging out, when am I supposed to ever be alone with you," I give her a suggestive smile.

She giggles, her cheeks redden as she responds, "Then I should make sure to pull you from the rest to get as much time with you as possible," she then takes a sip, "With the three of them... I think it would be rather hard to get an hour of time alone with you."

She sounds rather bothered by it... but I reckon this was their plan all along. They all know that I pretty much had my way with them and that it pretty much leaves Kai'Sa. She is a lot slower than the rest of the girls, it makes it all the sweeter taking it slow for a change.

Thinking about it. I had to piss of Eve and experience death a few times for her to get a liking to me. I had to try and get out of this shell I grew around me with Akali which is also pretty normal. Ahri... I had to try and steal her away from someone else, though it isn't stealing if she wasn't happy in the first place.

Maybe she was... a long time ago.

"What you thinking about?" she nudges her elbow into my side.

"Hmm," I snap back from my thoughts, "Just all of you and how much I enjoy being with you girls. Anyway. We need to plan on what the two of us will be doing for the day," I clear my throat and take a long sip from my coffee.

"Okay... do you have any ideas?"

"I would say we could look for parties near us, but I am afraid I going to have to make enemies with you by my side and then having to punch them in the throat the next time I see them," I roll my eyes, "Don't misunderstand. I would fight for you."

She chuckles, "I don't think that would be neccesary," she then trails her fingers on my leg, "Well. We can go out for dinner tonight."

"That was my initial plan, but that just leaves us with having to decide what we should be doing for the rest of the day before then."

She then raises herself, kissing the side of my mouth, "I guess, we can just stay here and watch a series. As far as money goes... I don't have much that I can spend considering I have already planned out my budget for when we fly over," she furrows her brow.

"Then staying at home, till then it is," I rub her shoulder, "As for tonight I can pay. Luckily for me, I am dating one of the richest popstar groups if they aren't the richest people period," I joke, "With all the money Eve has been spending... I don't know with that woman."

"Oh, the statues?"

"I just hope this music video that I am not allowed to see until the release is going to drive the fans insane, or I will never let Eve forget about these statues... I will put them all in her room."

"I feel like you are not a heavy spender," she looks up at me.

"No. Not having to save money for a full year to just buy a decent music station... now I am outfitted with the best that money can buy," I smile to myself, "And I don't even use it as much as the studio equipment nowadays."

They moved me from the music video project, because I hired professionals to do it. As like some form of punishment of making sure we make something worthy of the K/DA name. I am so sorry I want the best for you girls.

I doubt that is the case, maybe having me focus on what I am good at is the better idea.

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