Chapter 39

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"You busy packing?"

Crouching down at my bag busy zipping it up I glance over my shoulder to find Kai'Sa standing in the doorway.

"Hey, Kai'Sa. I am pretty much done and ready to go, just waiting on Akali to come back from her little trip to the shop to get something for the flight. Need something?"

"Just wanted to check up on you before you leave... any idea on how long you will be there?"

"You should ask Akali for that info I myself have no idea when but I know where. Paris, never been outside this city so I am pretty excited myself."

"It does sound refreshing to get out there."

"Well, I was assured that I will be doing some work so I am not too sure what to make of it but it is a little break from it all. If it were up to me we all could go but I guess you girls also have things to do here."

I turn around dropping my last bag on the bed and then walk to meet her, "Yeah."

She stays silent, I tilt my head rubbing the back of my neck, "Is... there something you wanted to talk about? We haven't talked since... you know."

Her face flushes, "Do you remember what I told you?"

I nod, "that you did indeed like me."

"No not that-"

"Ah. Sorry, about the fact that if you wanted to make sure you weren't stealing me away from her."


I grab her hand tracing my finger in her palm, "Well you don't need to force this situation just yet. I understand that Akali talked you through it and well it was pretty sudden for myself," letting go of her hand I caress her cheek, meeting my eyes I flash her a smile, "If you don't mind waiting we can start the moment I come back. That way even if you aren't sure right now you can be sure of yourself then."


"I will be waiting for you, whatever you choose I will be here."

She walks closer throwing her arms around me. I pull her into my embrace, squeezing her body against mine. It felt comforting, though we are all just desperate for answers and direction.

"Thank you for putting up with this."

"I have to put with Eve, this feels almost refreshing from the mixed signals I get from her."

She giggles into my chest, looking up into my eyes, "I will miss you."

"I will miss you too."

She lets go of me walking outside the room, she takes a last look back as I wave at her. Grabbing my bags I bring it into the kitchen. Looking at Akali's bags I sigh as I start walking out of the apartment and dropping them in the hallway. 

"You should put these in the car I prepared for us," Ahri says as she walks out of the elevator, "Hey by the way."

I smirk, "Hey to you too. I am just going to quickly deal with the bags then I will meet you up here?"

She nods, "Sure. It isn't like you aren't seeing us before you leave."

"I could always not give you that extra bit of attention."

She rolls her eyes, "Move your butt then," she flashes a smile at me.

It is kind of weird. Though I am not in any confirmed relationship with the two of them, it almost feels like I have been for quite a while. Emotionally that is. Physically not so much. God this effort I went through better not end with a gag and cameras recording this whole ordeal, that will be the biggest 'fuck you' ever.

Absolute Zero  - Male Reader x K/DA fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now