Chapter 35

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I am troubled right now. Something inside me is waiting for something to go wrong because I know it can and will go wrong. Mich is a loose cannon and he knows that Akali and I are dating. He will start to raise suspicions around the rest of them.  

Wandering around aimlessly, I feel jittery and anxious. Standing at the door I wonder as I observe them all at the table speaking to each other. I feel like if I left now I can side-step this from happening. My paranoia has taken over and every thought of my conscience is no longer clear.

As I walk to the table I stumble into another person, steadying myself against one of the chairs he chuckles.

"I was wondering where you went," he stares me in my eyes.

"Sorry about that, Liam, I got a lot on my mind."

"Oh? Do tell if I can help in any way?"

I shake my head, "That won't be necessary. Anyway, you said you were looking for me?"

"I wanted to thank you. I have only heard great things about you from my Darling. Thank you for being there for her during these hard times... I was getting worried that my absence has made her love for me to dry out. I want to ask if you could keep your distance from her maybe?"

My stomach twists, I clear my throat, "I won't accept your request. She is a dear friend of mine and as I remember you were out there leaving her alone."

"A pitty here I thought we could be gentlemen about this."

Sneering, "Oh? Sorry, Liam. If you do feel threatened by my presence and that I may affect your relationship then you must seriously be jealous of something you already have."

"It was a matter of request. I don't wish to make you jealous in front of her. Though the idea of teasing you with the thought of her is enough," he walks back to the table, "Be careful, (Y/N). Make any further moves I will come out with your secret. I will let Akali know about this, if not her then the Media."

I glare at him as he makes his way back to the table. Here I thought he would be a nice guy about it. He is an ass, I wonder if I can ask Eve if she would like to interfere with this. I sigh making my way to the table, Ahri's gaze is locked onto me. I can tell that she knows that the two of us talked.

Sitting next to Akali I give her a peck on the cheek, "Miss me?"

"Were you busy idolising Sona over there?"

"I really don't need this right now," I laugh playfully.

She then rests her head on my shoulder, "Tonight is kind of fun. Not as fun as I want it to be, everyone has people to entertain. Kind of wish it was just the five of us doing what the four of us would usually do."

"A whole night with the four of you is bound to make me insane before I see daylight."

Mich then shifts in his chair looking his eyes onto me, Kai'sa then turns to follow his gaze, "Something wrong?"

He then smirks, "Akali can I run something by you?"

Akali then looks at me then at him, grabbing my hand she rubs her thumb over the top of my hand.


Everyone's gaze then jumps to him, "Are you aware that your boyfriend went on a date with Kai'sa not so long ago?"

She nods, "I am aware. And what of it? Are you trying to imply something by sticking your nose somewhere it doesn't belong?"

He then shrugs, "I don't know. I thought it was worth knowing that he was hovering over him like some freak. Protecting her, making sure she didn't have a chance with any other man out there."

Kai'sa tries to interject, "Stop it... (Y/N) is a very good friend of mine."

Akali then challenges him, "From people like you maybe. If I were there I would protect that which is so close to me."

He groans, "How much more blunt do I need to make this? He is into her! I won't be surprised if he already made moves towards the rest of the girls. He is everyone's precious little friend, I won't be surprised if he already wormed his way into Liam and Ahri's relationship."

I can almost only hear my heartbeat dominating that sound around me. I can very very faintly hear the shit he is spewing from that mouth of his.

Liam then enquires, "That so?"

My promise to Ahri is being broken for me. I didn't want to dare look up, seeing her face is enough to tear my soul from its resting place.

Akali's grip on me gets even tighter, Eve then giggles as her tone sends shivers down my skin, "Watch your tone. You are spoiling this evening for everyone else. Keep it in your mouth before I have to make sure you never use it again."

"That confirms it then."

Something snaps in me as I realise myself to my feet. Taking off my blazer I put it on Akali's shoulders as I turn around heading for the door. 

Not even a short walk I the cold of the air pricks my skin, I hear him walk behind me. Grabbing my shoulder I feel something connect into my face. The pain spreads across my face, groaning in pain I lift myself to my feet.

"Pathetic. All you can do is run, how fu-"

Without looking I swing my fist connecting with the side of his face. As he falls to the floor I hover over him taking another swing across his face.

"Please. Shut. The fuck. Up," wiping the liquid from my nose, "Do me a favour and make sure I don't ever see you again okay? I don't think I will be able to hold back next time."

Walking away from him I can see a crimson glint on my hand. Walking to a public restroom to wash the blood from my hands and face. What am I to do now? 

Absolute Zero  - Male Reader x K/DA fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now