Chapter 48

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(NOTE: Finally. 18+. Head to the next one if you want to preserve the innocence.)

She immediately shot up pinning me against the couch, where she kissed me passionately, there was no teasing with her tongue, it went into my mouth and then she sucked mine back into hers. Taking it as my cue she then reverses my pressure resting her entire weight on me, pushing against me rubbing her hand against my hardened dick, she smiles at me.

"Where do you think you are going?" she lowers her head, kissing my cheek then my neck.

Grabbing her ass and massaging her breast, "Don't you want to continue this in your room?"

She then brushes her lips against my ear, "I don't want to wait anymore, I want you to fuck me here and now."

I shed my jacket and she starts to unbutton her shirt I push her back onto the couch, lifting her skirt I rub my hand over her mound she breathes shallowly as I slide my hand inside her panties her hips bucking forward.

Her hand over mine she directs it deeper, interlacing my fingers with hers I pull my hand, smirking at her, "I won't let you have your way, not just yet. So, be a good girl and let me make love to you until you scream."

Putting my arms behind her back, I lift her with the one as I start unhooking the bra with the other. Staring at her voluptuous chest, I lean forward to bite her nipple with my lips, as I started sucking her hands wandered to behind my head holding me tight to her chest. Soft and sexy moans escape her lips as she runs her fingers through my hair.

After sucking her breasts her hand travelled to the rim of my pants, tugging at the edge I lift myself as she leans closer to take my pants off. Removing my underwear, lowered herself to my dick, licking it along the shaft. Pulling me closer she wraps her soft wet lips around my head, swirling her tongue along the bottom as she pushed it more into her mouth. 

Letting her continue, I brush the hair from her face as her eyes stare deeply into mine. Sucking on my full length hitting the back of her throat, I pulled her head back, leaning forward I brush my lips against hers.

"Here you are servicing me, lay down for me," she nods laying back, "Good girl."

Unbuttoning her skirt, I toss it aside as she brings her legs together for me to remove her panties. I find myself gazing at her beautiful body as I removed all her clothing. Her legs bent I move between her legs, her thighs hugging the sides of my face. Inches from her entrance, she whimpered as her my lips made contact, sending a jolt through her body.

"Oooh... oh god... this is soo good, make me cum!" concentrating on her lips a few minutes later she whimpered, "Stop teasing me... already."

Sucking her, I dig my tongue in deeper massaging her insides she raises her hips, letting out a long soft moan, her hand behind my head she tugs me tighter to her pussy as her thighs grip my head. Her other hand massaging her breast, pulling on her nipples as I am eating her out. She then finally clasp both hands behind my head letting out a scream.

Holding me tightly against her as she raises her body, the air was filled with raggedy breathing. Looking up from her mound she smiles at me, "Oh, that was amazing," I crawl up to her side, continuing to massage her breasts.

She smiles at me mischievously as she raises me to my knees then pushing me back onto the couch. Resting her ass over my groin she grinds her entrance against my dick, then leaning in forward resting her breasts in my face. Suckking on her breasts and massaging then she pulls me closer, moaning as her body shook.

Raising herself, with a lustful face she raised herself guiding my dick to the opening of her pussy. Lowering herself coating my dick with pussy juice, I can feel her lips being forced open as her insides tighten around my dick. She lowers completely until she took the full length of my dick. She exhaled a sharp breath as she looked at me.

 Trailing her finger from my chin down to my chest then to my pelvis, "It feels so good to have your dick inside of me, please have your way with me."

She was so tight as if she hadn't had sex in years. Considering that he was gone for the longest of the time she must have longed for some like this and I am the lucky man that gets to relieve her. Her insides were hugging my shaft, moving up and down slowly working my cock deeper inside. She lets out a loud gasp as I thrust myself into her. 

I feel her tail curling around my leg, moving in the same motion. My hands still on her hips I lift her and slam her down onto my cock. Resting her hand on my shoulder the other squeezes her breast as she rides me.

Bouncing on my pelvis she then leans over resting her breasts on my chest, I then raise my hips fucking her insides as her moans start to grow louder and louder. Pounding her pussy she throws her arms around my neck holding me tightly. Shooting my load inside her, we both catch our breathes as she rests on top of me.

She then giggles mischievously, "Was I a good girl?" she lifts her head giving me a peck on the nose.

"Good enough to make me want to do this very soon," I then lift myself to kiss her.

She then presses me back onto the couch, stopping inches away from my lips, she smiles at me as her hair hangs over her shoulders. Leaning in for a long and passionate kiss, she finally raises herselff off of me and starts to gather her clothes.

"I would stay but..." her smile fades into a frown, as she stares out the window.

I lift myself, "Duty calls," she glances over at me with a smile, glad that I understand. "Get that cute lil ass out of here, before I won't let you leave."

She winks at me, then turns to take her leave without muttering any words. I sigh a little disappointed at the ending of our little time together. I then shake my head quickly heading to the shower knowing that another wave of tired will kick in.

Getting dressed I climb under the covers shutting my eyes, not long after Akali mumbled something in her sleep as her hand tries to find me. Interlacing my fingers with hers she turns around, eyes still shut she scoots in closer to meet my embrace.

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