Chapter 56

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"You going to stay up tonight?" she then asks me as we leave premiere.

"Planning something special?" then thinking a bit for myself, "With you or the girls?"

She raises her eyebrow at me, "Answer the question."

I then purse my lips, "Let's assume that I will no matter what happens."

"Good answer," she smiles, "Just a little surprise."

"A surprise for who? If I am going into this expecting that is for me, no matter what you do I will be disappointed."

"That so?"

Shaking my head, I look at the car, "Let me drive?"


"Didn't have to decline that quickly," I remark. Getting in the car, we ride towards our next location. Unsurprisingly, it was the night club where she asked to meet her.

As I climb out of the car, I notice in the corner of my eye, that someone was following us. On a bicycle no less... their poor legs must be dead tired if they kept up with this woman. Staring towards the direction, I couldn't see who it is, but it looks like they are hiding from us.

That or I am thinking too much about it.

I look back to the building, noticing the bodyguard, he eyes me suspiciously, "Shit, I forgot my ID."

Eve shakes her head at me, grabbing onto my arm she pulls me along, "He's with me."

He merely nods as he steps aside, letting us both in. Our gazes lock onto each other, I lift my eyebrows in a mocking manner. Laughing to myself, we climb up to the VIP level. The club is a mixture of feint smoke on the dance floor, and neon lighting.

Music loud enough to dance to and soft enough to be able to hear what the other person has to say.

This club is filled with youth if I remember correctly this place has an age restriction of 22. So most of these people might be just here because they were dying to get into here when they started clubbing or when they turned 18.

Eve sits down on the couch, stretching her arms she then crosses her legs, smirking at me, "You enjoy people watching?"

I shake my head, "It is places like this that I used to frequent."

"The reason being?"

"Other than for work, probably the same as you," she raises her eyebrow, "Places like these are sometimes perfect to unwind. You can't be bothered with responsibility if you can't hear it," I joke.

She smiles at me suggestively, "You going to sit down?"

"I could, though you have yet to tell me why we are here," I cross my arms.

"The quicker you stop with your rambling, the quicker we can start unwinding."

I smile, lifting my shoulders and eyebrows in a 'Fair enough' manner.

Her eyes gleam in the dark, almost mesmerised by her eyes, she turns to me as I sit down next to her.  Leaning over she runs her fingers over my lips, dropping her gaze to my lips and then back to my eyes.

Leaning over, I place my hand on her exposed waist and the other on her cheek. At first, she playfully brushes her lips against my cheek then on my lips. The heat in my body rises as our tongues touch each other. She then grabs me by my shirt, pulling me after as she lays down, hovering over her I mash my lips into hers.

Her mouth open, pushing my tongue past her teeth to the moist space within. She responds in kind, working her mouth against mine, our tongues working back and forth. This lasts for minutes, until she pushes me away, raising her face next to mine.

Absolute Zero  - Male Reader x K/DA fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now