Never Be Alone Again

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The loud sound of my phone ringing woke me up suddenly. I looked around for my phone with tired eyes and found it on the floor. How'd it get down there?
I bend down from my bed, grabbing my phone and answering it.
"Uh, Hello?" I ask, tiredly. Straining my eyes, trying my best to open them but with no use.
Stupid eyes.
"Hello, is this Y/n L/n?" (L/n: Last name) The caller asked.
"Uh... Yeah that's me? Who is this?" I ask.
"My name is Caroline, I work at the local hospital. I... I'm sorry too inform you... Your mother... She had a heart attack last night and was found by her neighbors..." My heart dropped in fear.
"W-what? Is she okay?!"
"I'm sorry... But we did all that we could..." my eyes widened as I realized what that meant. My phone slipped from my ear, seeming to fall in slow motion to the ground. No... No, that's... She was fine three weeks ago?! No she's... Shes lying... She's probably back home fine as can be! R-right?
I scrambled to pick up my phone, ending the call abruptly and calling my Dad. The phone ringed for a few long seconds, causing more panic in me. Pick up the phone you asshole!
Finally, someone answered.
"Dad... Please tell it's not true..."
"They called you, huh? I told them I was going to, but they beat me to it."
"Is it TRUE!?" I yelled into the phone, my hand shaking violently, tears were on the bridge.
There was a long pause... Then the answer came after a long sigh.
"Yes... It's true. I already made the arrangements for her funeral-" I threw my phone across my room, hitting the wall, leaving a dent in the wall, and also shattering my screen. The tears fell out like a dam breaking. I curled into a tight ball and sobbed. I couldn't stop, as hard as I tried, I couldn't.

Is this real? Am I driving? Where am I going? I don't remember... Why am I crying? Oh... Yeah. She's gone. No! She's not? She's at home. Happy as can be! Right? She's still here. She wouldn't leave me... Would she?
To my surprise, where I parked was at my pizzeria. Why would I come here?
The sun was still rising. I haven't even look at the time yet. But does it really matter? Does anything really matter?
I shut my car door and lock it, and head into the building. When I got inside, Molten falls down from the ceiling and lands in front of me. Why doesn't that scare me? What's wrong with me?
I stepped around him and headed into my office, leaving Molten there, confused.
Everyone else was offline.
I sat down in my chair and looked at the papers that I still had to fill out from yesterday. There used to be thirty papers, now there were only a few. Might as well distract myself.
"Y/n?" I hear suddenly, making me jump.
"Molten! Jeez, knock next time will yah?" He grins wickedly. I sigh and head back to work. His grin fades into a frown of concern.
"What's the matter with you?" He leans against the door frame, crossing his arms. I try to ignore him, mostly because whenever he does that it makes me blush. Which is embarrassing, but can you blame me? He's kinda hot.
"You gonna talk? Or even look at me?" Stop making me feel bad you dumb fuck.
"I... I'm busy.." I tell him, realizing I haven't even started to write on the paper.
"Sure..." He comes over and spins my chair to face him. He scans my face for a moment, causing panic in me. Then he frowns, "Y/n... What happened?" His voice changed into his non-raspy voice. It was soft and clear. He looked me in the eyes with care. I tried to look away from his gaze, but that only made him growl. I glared at him.
"Leave me alone, Molten." He grinned.
"I love how you think I'll listen to you, when your the one crying." I look at him in confusion.
He lifted his hand and wiped a tear off my face with his finger.
"I'm your friend, Y/n. Tell me what's wrong."
Friend? He called me his friend? No, it's too good to be true... Is it?
"It's noth-" He growled once again, making me frown. I sighed then... It's no use. He's going to find out eventually. "My... Mom died from a heart attack last night..." I say softly. He looked surprised.
"I... I'm sorry."
"She's in a better place now. I gotta get to work. I've been gone for almost three weeks and I'm behind my taxes." He stepped back and sighed.
"No." I look to him, confused.
"You need ears? I said no."
"I have to get this done, Molten."
"Not now you don't. Come with me." He held out his hand. I stared at it for a second, wondering where he wanted to go. I sighed heavily before taking his hand, getting up out of my chair and following him to the portal room.
"Molten... No. I don't want to go back in there." I pulled my hand away and stepped back from the pit.
"We aren't going to the past."
"I'm not going..." I said sternly.
"Fine.. Guess I have to make you then." My eyes widened as he came up to me and lifted my up with ease, throwing me over his shoulder.
"Molten! Put me down!"
"If you kick me I'll kill you." After that I chose to stay silent out of fear. "Do you trust me?" He asks.
"...Of course I do... I just don't want to go through the portal right now."
"Well, too bad. We're spending the day together and that's final." I furrow my brow.
"What?" But before he answered, he jumped into the portal. I shut my eyes tight as I felt myself falling down and down. Then, began to feel as if I were going up super fast.
"I'm going to drop you, sorry In advance."
"Molten!" I yelled as we shot from the ground and into the air. He let me go mid flight, and I felt myself falling yet again.
"Shit!" I scream as I saw the grassy ground. I braced myself for impact but when I was about too, I felt someone catch me. I opened my eyes to see Molten holding me bridle style in his arms. He smirked at me.
"Thanks.." He put me down this time instead of Dropping me.
"Remember this place?" He asks, looking around. I as well look around and see that we were in the same grassy field with the beautiful sunset as before.
"Y-yeah..." It felt as if I could touch the sun from where I was standing. Molten stood beside me and told me to look down. I did, and what was there, surprised me. There was a large blanket with little snacks and sandwich's. Not too many, but enough for one person.
"Wow... You did this?" He grins proudly and nods. "Bonnie is going to love this..." I comment, looking over the scene. There was a picnic basket filled with bread and croissants.
"This... Isn't for Bonnie." Molten added after a minute. I looked at him confusingly.
"Oh? Who's it for?" I ask.
"You." I blush in surprise.
"Me? W-why?" I was flustered.
"You need a little distraction. Something that isn't work. And... Make you a little happier." I then feel him hold my hand, which was strange, because he's never held my hand before. I'm so confused...
He sat me down on the blanket, and from there we just... Talked. It was actually really nice. He told me some stories of when he was younger, I told him stories of my school years. Stuff like that. All the while picking at the food that was laid out in front of us. The food was definitely made by Chica and Ballora.
"Yeah, and he told me she was the one spreading the rumors!"
"Emily? I would've thought it was Rebecca, given her "destructive" nature."
"Haha, nope. That's who I thought too, but it was Emily because she thought I was secretly dating her boyfriend?? Which wasn't true, but he was cute."
"What did you do?" He asked, leaning in closer to hear more.
"Well, I went to her house one day and told her that the rumors were false. But she didn't believe me and started yelling at me. Then after a butt load of yelling, she slapped me."
"Wow. You got bitch slapped." He chuckled.
"Yeah, yeah. But I slapped her back." He looked surprised.
"You? Slap a girl? You daredevil." I laughed at that.
"She deserved it! After that, I left and we never spoke to each other since."
"Wow... You slapped someone."
"Is that really your main surprise?"
"Didn't think you had it in you." I roll my eyes playfully, chuckling.
"So, you having fun?" He asked, grinning at me.
"Yeah! I'm wondering why the sun hasn't disappeared yet, though." I say, looking over at the sunset that has stayed the same since we got here.
"Oh, yeah. This universe is stuck in a time loop. It's always sunset, and never dark. So sunset is the norm here."
"Ooh... That makes sense." I picked up the last croissant and began to eat. We sat there in silence for a while then. Not awkward silence, but a good, peaceful mutual silence. When I was done with my croissant, I yawned, stretching my arms out wide.
"You tired?"
"A little bit... How long have we been here?" I ask him.
"The whole day."
"Wow... Really? Huh, time flies." I look back to the sunset, the same beautiful colors fascinating me. I then felt something on my hand, causing me to look down in wonder. It was Molten's hand... He didn't seem to notice, I think? He was also looking at the sunset. The fur on his face being blown slightly in the calm cool wind.
"Molten?" He turns to me, looking relaxed.
"Yes?" He replies, his soft voice making me feel really calm. I look out once again.
"Do you think she's in a better place? What if she's suffering? What if she's in pain?" My chest clenches up as I think of her.
"No... I think she's in a better place, honestly. I don't entirely believe in religion, but I do know that good people, like your mother, go to a place where there's no pain, or suffering. She's happy..." Tears begin to form as my bottom lip quivers.
"It's not fair, Molten..." My voice shakes. I couldn't control it.
"...I know..." He wraps his arm around my waste and pulls me into his side.
"How do you do it?" I ask, as if pleading.
"Do what?"
"Move on..."
"...I...I don't. I let it go. When I... Kill... I'm not attached to the person or thing, so it's easy for me to not care." I felt the tears running down my cheek as I sobbed quietly. He turned to me, noticing that he did the opposite of help. Then, he wrapped his other arm around me and pulled into his chest, tightening his grip. I held onto him, afraid that If I let go, I might fall.
"I'm sorry, Y/n..." I buried my face in his shoulder, feeling so much pain in my chest- no, my heart. It hurt so much. I just want it to stop! Please make it stop! Make it STOP!

After a long while, I finally began to calm down. I feel so lightheaded, like I was about fly up and away and never touch the ground ever again. Nothing felt real, except for him. I cling onto him as hard as I can. I didn't want to let go. I never wanted to let go. My eyes stung like I've just been stung by a billion jellyfish at the same time. They feel so heavy.
"M-molt..." I try to say, but I'm just too tired.
"Shhh... Sleep, Y/n. I've got you...

"You'll never be alone again..."

Molten x (MALE) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now