Goldy's Dilemma

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I can't stop thinking about him. I just want to spend time with him without him thinking I'm needy or weird. He makes me feel so happy and helps me calm down. Whenever I'm around him I just want to hug him. Is that weird?
"Goldy?" I snap out of my thoughts and turn my attention to my left.
"Glamrock Freddy? What do you want?" I ask, glaring a little.
"I... Wanted to talk to you... In private. I know we don't see eye to eye, but I just want to talk to you about something, if that's okay..."
Why would he ever want to talk to me? He's made it clear that he hates me. For what reason, I still haven't found.
"I... Sure?" I say as I get up, and follow him upstairs.
"So... I see you and Freddy have been spending a lot of time together these past few days," He comments, raising suspicion in me. Has he been watching us? That's weird...
"You two a thing?" He asks, making me blush in surprise.
"W-what! No! No... I'm... I'm not gay..." I'm not exactly straight either...
"Oh! Good... So you wouldn't mind me making a move on him," I gasp softly.
"He's strong, brave, independent, and handsome. Wouldn't you agree?" He's toying with me...
"I- Uh..."
We make it to the top of the stairs and head through the back to the front stage. No one else was on stage.
"Where is everyone?" I ask him, looking around.
"Charging. We had a long day of performing today. It really wore them out."
"Heh, I don't even need to charge a lot anymore. I've learned how to control the animatronic without wasting any power." He looks at me with a confused look.
"Oh yeah... You, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy are all possessed by child spirits right?"
"Why haven't you moved on?" That question stuck with me for a long moment. I... I never really thought about it. When I didn't have a suit, I made my purpose destroying Y/n's life and getting the portal timer, which I've never found by the way. But now everything is different. I've changed. I'm not vengeful, or angry. I have friends now. Well, more like two... Three if Molten agrees to be my friend.
"I... I don't know. I haven't really thought about it."
"Well anyway, just wanted to tell you I already asked him out last night."
(A/n: It's been a few days now since the last chapter. Molten will stay an anthro from here on out cause why not? Lol. Anyway, on with the story!)
My eyes widen, and I feel pain my chest. No...
Freddy smirks, seeing how I reacted.
"I... Hope that's okay. I don't want to be interfering with a possible relationship~" My fists clench at that. Keep it cool, Goldy. Keep it cool...
"You can do whatever you want, Freddy." I say through clenched teeth, glaring at him. He seems satisfied with my answer.
"I'm glad we're on the same page~" He says, patting me on the shoulder as he walks past me, heading off the stage towards the kitchen.
Why hasn't Freddy told me anything about this? Well, I guess it's none of my business what he does with his life. But it still hurts. Why? It's not like I actually have feelings for him... Right?
I head back downstairs and head to my own little corner I've made for myself. The others don't exactly like me around them still. It's understandable, I don't blame them. I see Freddy talking with Lefty and my heart sinks just picturing him with Glamrock Freddy. Is he actually going on a date with him?
"Hey, Goldy!" I look to see Y/n beside me.
"Hey..." I reply, looking back at Freddy with a sad look. Why am I thinking about him so much? I just want his arms around me and his comforting voice-
"Goldy!" I gasp, jolting from surprise.
"Did you hear me?" He asks, looking a little concerned.
"Uh... What?" I just want to be next to him...
"Are you okay? You seem out of it."
"I'm fine, Y/n... Just... Day dreaming I guess."
"Oh, well, if you want to tell Freddy your feelings then I'd say go for it before him and Glamrock Freddy go on that date tonight." My eyes widen in shock.
"Is it that obvious?" I say, smacking my head.
"I can tell you have feelings toward him. Don't worry, you're secret is safe with me. But I'd tell him before it's too late."
"But what if he-"
"You won't know unless you ask, buddy. I believe in you, you can do this!" He punches my arm in a friendly way with a smile and heads back upstairs. I wish I had his confidence...
After a minute of thinking how I was gonna do this, I stroll over to Freddy and Lefty and ask Freddy if I could speak to him alone.
"Sure, G. I'll talk to you later, Lefty."
"See yah!" Lefty says as we walk off. I take him to the farthest aisle, away from everyone. I feel like I'm being watched...
I look above at the vent shaft above on the ceiling.
"Molten! Please don't eavesdrop on this. This is a pro site conversation!"
"Nothing is private when I'm here~" He cooes, his voice echoing through the vents.
"Molten, out!" Freddy yelled. We heard Molten sigh loudly and scramble off.
"The nerve of that wired bear."
"He ain't made of wires anymore."
"Oh yeah, I keep forgetting. So! What did you want to talk about? You okay?" He asks. He's in a good mood right now, do I really want to do this? I'm gonna get my heart broken. I know it! But it's best to just tell him now than never.
"Um... Well. There's been something on my mind for a while now, and I think it's time to tell you before it's too late."
"Uh... Okay?" Shit he hates me. I'm so fucking dumb for thinking-
"Freddy I-"
"Hey, you two!" I turn to see Glamrock Freddy walking up to us. No... Its too late...
"Hey, Fred. What's up?"
"Just wanted to check up on yah. I'm excited for our date tonight. I can't wait to get to know you better!"
"Yeah me too! If you don't mind though, Goldy and I were-"
"It's nothing. Sorry, I'll get out of your fur..." I say, feeling utterly stupid. I begin to walk away but Freddy grabs my hand.
"Hey, you okay?"
"I'M FINE!" I shout, ripping my hand away regretfully, and storm off.
"Goldy, wait! Goldy!" I hear Freddy call, but I just couldn't look at him. It hurt too much. Why did I listen to Y/n? I can't do anything right. Not even tell Freddy how I feel about him. I'm so pathetic...
I make my way toward the stairs, but before I could go up, a hand lands on my shoulder. It was Molten.
"What do you want?" I ask, annoyed.
"You're hurt, I heard what happened from the vents. Come on," He says, taking my hand in his and guiding toward the nearest vent.
"Molten? What are you doing?" I ask him, genuinely confused. He stays silent and opens the vent gate and nods for me to go in.
"Just go, dude."
"You better not kill me." I mutter as I climb in.
"If I wanted too, you would've been dead years ago... Again." That made me laugh. He hated me a few years ago. Always with the death stares and threats. Good times...
Molten stays behind me and directs me to a four-way intersection that was filled with a bunch of stuff in every corner.
"Is... Is this where you hang out?"
"Yup. Don't tell anyone. Not even Y/n knows. Can I trust you?"
"Everyone still dislikes me, so they wouldn't even listen to me if I did. But yes, I promise not to tell anyone. This is your private area, it should stay private until you want others to know." I answer thoughtfully. He grins at me.
"Thanks, I appreciate that. So," He lays down on his side to face me. "I can tell Glamrock Freddy is trying to toy with you. I've seen it, well, more heard it."
"Dude, you gotta stop eavesdropping on people convos, that ain't cool."
"Yeah yeah, anyway! You gotta get Freddy completely alone. Somewhere where that Glamrock bear won't find you. Then you can tell Freddy how you feel."
"But what if he doesn't like me back?"
"Hey, I've seen the way he looks at you. He really likes you. I don't know if it's the relationship kind or just a friendly kind, but he does like you. You won't know until you tell him."
"That's what I'm afraid of..."

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