Confronting Him

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I don't think Molten understands what being in a relationship means. Cause he kisses me, but loves Bonnie. And Freddy... Ugh. I don't know. It's just so complicated. I don't want things to repeat themselves, but what the hell am I supposed to do? If I tell Molten to back off then he'll ignore me and hate me forever and if I tell Freddy I don't want to do this relationship thing we kind of have going on then he's gonna get upset and I'm gonna feel like a complete douche bag. Ugh... I just need a break. I need some time to myself. Figure everything out, y'know?
After Molten left my office, I did my work until I felt like I was done. Of course I wasn't done, but I couldn't focus on all this shit while Freddy and Molten are competing in my brain. Sadly I don't have any human friends to talk too about this. My only friends are these animatronics. Anyway, I think I dosed off after a while. Then I woke up two hours later and people were in the pizzeria. That's right, we're open today. I completely forgot, damn.
"You look stressed, Y/n." I look to the door and see Freddy.
"Freddy!? What're you doing!? You can't come in here acting normal like this! People will get suspicious!"
"I don't care." He says, coming in and closing the door behind him.
"Damn, you really don't care."
"Anyway, what do you need?"
"You look stressed, came to see if you wanted someone to talk too." Well that's not like him. Maybe it's his way of changing from his normal grumpy personality into a new one?
I sigh stressfully, "I'm just... Conflicted. I have you and me trying to work something out, and Molten hitting on me every once in a while and I don't know what to do. I don't... I don't know who to choose..." Freddy began to look pissed after I finished.
"Molten's been hitting on you?" He exclaimed.
"Don't tell Bonnie! He doesn't want him to know." He sighs heavily and paces a little, thinking.
"Do you... Like him?" He asks, looking as though he'll regret asking.
"I... I don't know. I'm being honest, Freddy. I don't know. I like you, and I kinda like him too but if I choose you over him then he'll get upset and hate me. If I choose him over you then you'll hate both of us, him even more than you do now. And I don't want that. Ugh, why can't anything be simple?"
"Well I've been trying way harder than him to change and be a nicer person to you and other people."
"And I appreciate you doing that and I think that's a really big step to changing into a better person. But He'll be crushed!"
"Well, it's either that bucket of wires or me, Y/n. And I suggest you think fast before it's too late." He says, glaring at me. He slowly turns away and walks out the door, slamming it on his way out.
What am I going to do? Freddy's already mad at me which makes this harder. And now I literally have to choose. Molten? Or Freddy.
"I can't do this!" I yell out of frustration, slamming my desk in rage. "Fuck this. I'm out."
I mumble to myself and exit my office. I head past multiple people and kids towards the storage closet. When I get there, I close and lock the door behind me and enter the portal room. But Molten was in there. Great...
"I'm going for a while." I say, getting ready to jump in the portal. Molten looks up from the tablet he was playing on.
"And where exactly are you going?" He asks.
"Bye." Was all I answered with before jumping in. Soon, I fall from a ceiling and onto the ground, hard.
"Should've seen that one coming.." I mumble to myself. I look to the stage and see Freddy, Bonnie and Chica. They were offline. I sigh in both relief and disappointment, and head to Freddy's bedroom. Luckily it was unlocked.
Nothing had changed, it was still the same plain bedroom with the bulky television and small bed.
"Why are you here, Y/n. You shouldn't be here. It could mess up the future." I quickly turn around while Freddy was talking. I couldn't really find a response. "What's wrong?" He asks. I felt the urge to just let it all out and cry in his soft furry arms. But I held back in that, remembering that this was young Freddy. He doesn't know what had been going on the future. So I decided to leave out the details of Goldy coming back and reeking havoc on the pizzeria.
He sighs after a minute of no response and opens his arms. "C'mere," He said gently, and I found myself walking sluggishly towards him and hugging him tightly. He hugs back, then let's go after a few seconds and guides me toward his bed. I lay down on it and decide to just sleep. I really need it right now. I can't keep thinking about everything. I just need time to figure it all out. As I was trying to sleep though, I felt Freddy get on the bed and wrap his arm around my waste. Felt slightly weird, but I went with it. Why not, right?
"Try getting some rest, Y/n. We can talk in the morning." Was the last thing he said before turning off. I soon fell asleep after a few minutes.

"Y/n, get up." I slowly awoke to Freddy shaking me lightly. I groaned and swatted him away, causing him to chuckle. "I could pull you of my bed if you want?" I shot awake quickly after hearing that and got out of bed.
"I'm up, I'm up."
"Good, cause now you can tell me why you're here."
"I... Relationship troubles."
"With who?" He asked.
"You... And someone else."
"I'm guessing there's a reason you can't say their name?"
"It'll mess up the timeline."
"Right... So, what's happening? But leave out anything that'll mess up the timeline."
"Well, basically... You want to start over in our relationship and possibly get together. And the other guy is already in a relationship with someone else, but he keeps making moves towards me and I don't think he understands what it means to be in a relationship or what it means to like/love someone else whilst in said relationship. He doesn't see that he can't have both. It's either his boyfriend, or... Me." I then realize that me and Molten are kind of in the same position here.
"Sounds complicated..."
"Yeah.. It is.."
"Well, I think you should go with what your heart is telling. I won't be offended if it isn't me you choose. I'm a bit of a hothead, heh." I chuckle softly at that.
"Thanks, Freddy. I should probably go now..."
"Of course, yeah. I'm gonna miss you.." He looked embarrassed to say that.
"...Me too. Goodbye, Freddy."
"Goodbye, Y/n. Remember, listen to your heart, okay? Don't be pressured to make a choice." I nod in response and head out of his room and head to the stairs leading to the basement.  Once I got there, I jumped in the portal and soon, I was back at my pizzeria. I have to confront Molten about his behavior. He can't keep doing this...
I enter the main area and see that it was nighttime. Everyone was offline.
"Mind telling me where you went?" An annoyed raspy voice sounded from behind me. I turn around and sigh.
"Just somewhere to clear my head and think things through."
"Like where?"
"I don't need to tell you, Molten. You're not my parent."
"...Whatever, want to get going?" He asked, walking past me towards to exit.
"Wait!" He turns around then.
"We need to talk. Like, a real talk. About you, and about me."
"Okay..?" He walks back towards me and waits for me to talk.
"You kissing me while in a relationship with Bonnie is not okay. You and him are a couple, not us. Having said that, that doesn't mean you can go and kiss me whenever you want behind his back. That's not fair to him or me. I have enough on my plate dealing with my relationship with Freddy and the pizzeria. And you adding on to that is making me kind of pissed off. I know this sounds mean but I need you to understand that what you are doing is not okay." I explain to him. He stays silent for a minute or so before walking away towards one of the vents and heading inside it. I sigh heavily and make my way out of the pizzeria alone. I feel horrible now, but it had to be said. He's probably going to hate me forever now. What do I do? I guess I'll just have to wait and see...

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