Home Alone

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I stare out at the sunset, feeling relaxed, happy. I glad Molten found this place, now I can come here whenever I want. Maybe just to think, or to be alone.
I'm here now because, well, I'm conflicted. I think I have feelings for Molten... But he's a taken guy. And here I am, wanting to get it off my chest and get over it. I want to tell him, but, just like with Freddy, I'm scared I'll get rejected. Which will most likely happen, of course. But isn't it better to tell him now than later? But what's the point in even telling him? He's with Bonnie, so he'll reject my feelings. Plus, I'm human. So it'll never work out. He lives at the pizzeria, while I live in the human world. With other humans. And that's what's really getting me down. If I stayed in the past and somehow got with Freddy, I would have to live in the pizzeria, which, at the time, was closed. So, that wouldn't have worked out. And it's the same here. I can't move in and live at the pizzeria. If someone from the company found out, I'd be fired on the spot. Maybe I should just give up on this false hope, maybe start going on those dating apps. I don't know... when all of this is going on, there's still the sexuality question. I just don't know. I like girls, hot babes. But Molten and Freddy... I had a crush on Freddy, kinda. And Molten? Maybe I'm over exaggerating my affections toward him? I mean, maybe I don't like him in that way. Earlier today, I looked on my phone and found something called... Bi-Curious? It's a term for a person, usually heterosexual, who's curious or open about engaging in sexual activity with a different sex than there usually interested in? Hopefully I understand that right... Because it defines me in way. Like, my ideal sex partner is a girl. But I wonder sometimes if it's a guy? I don't know. It's stressing me out. And I'd rather not think about it.
"Hey.." A voice calls from behind me. I turn around to see Freddy walking over.
"Freddy? How do you know this place?" I ask him as he sits by me.
"Molten showed me a few days ago."
By the way, it's been a few weeks now since my mother's passing. I'm still not completely moved on from her, because I still wish she was here to guide me through all of this. I miss her... But she's in a better place now.
"So, what're you doing here this late?" In our universe, it's been at least three hours since we closed for the day.
"I don't know... Just to think, I guess. What about you?"
"I saw you go into the portal room a few hours ago, I was worried."
"Heh, thanks for caring. But I'm good, it's really peaceful here. Always the same, never changes."
"I've only been here once, but I gotta agree with you on that. It is really amazing." He says, looking up at the colorful sky.
"I... I think I know my sexuality now." I say, feeling comfortable talking about it with him.
"Really? What is it?"
"It's something called Bi-curious."
"Bi- what?"
"You have google, search it up." He pauses after that. I assume that's what he's doing. After a few seconds, he blinks a few times.
"Huh, interesting..."
"How uh... How you holding up?" By that he meant my mom.
"I still miss her a lot, but it's getting easier..."
"That's good to hear... Oh! Did you know that Molten and Bonnie are together?" My eyes widen in fake surprise. No one knows I already knew, except for the two in question.
"What?! Wow... I didn't know they liked each other."
"Yeah, me too. They announced it while you were gone. So everyone knows now."
"I'm happy for them."
"Same here. Hey, have you noticed Molten becoming a little more... Uh, what's the best word to put it?"
"Yeah! You've noticed too?"
"I have! I guess Bonnie is rubbing off on him a little." He chuckles.
"Maybe in more ways the one." He smirked playfully. I rolled my eyes at him and laughed.
"The uh... The CEO, Jon, is coming over in two days." Freddy turned to me, surprised.
"Jon? He's coming here? That usually means bad news, Y/n."
"I'm... Hopeful that it's just a visit. Business has been booming around this area so I don't really know why he wants to come. But I don't think it's for anything bad." He gives an uncertain look.
"I've known Jon for a long time, Y/n. He takes his job seriously. Even more serious after Bryan died..." We both took a moment of silence after he said that.
"Hey." We look at each other in confusion, then realize that wasn't either of us. We then both turn around and see Molten walking over.
"Hey, Molten." I greet as he sits beside me, sandwiching me between him and Freddy.
"Hey.." Freddy mumbled. I forgot about their little quarrel with each other. Freddy hates him. From what I've gathered, Freddy regrets teaching Molten what he was taught by Goldy and regrets turning him into... Molten. So... He mostly just blames himself for creating him, and he focuses that anger with himself onto Molten. Causing Molten and Freddy to have bad blood with each other.
"It's been two hours since you've been gone, Freddy. You should head back before the others start panicking." Molten told him, rolling his eyes.
"Hmph, whatever." He snared in response, getting up and running down the field, then disappearing into thin air.
"Now that he's gone, I want to tell you something."
"You told everyone you and Bonnie are together? Freddy told me, heh."
"Of course he did... But no, it's something else."
"Oh?" I didn't realize at first, but he was holding something behind his back. He revealed the object, showing it off nervously.
"You... Think he'll like it?" It was a medium-large sized Bonnie plushie. It looked soft and squishy, cuddly.
"Omg! He'll love it!" I say enthusiastically, trying to get his confidence up.
"You think so? At first I thought it was stupid, so I almost didn't get it. But I remembered you, so I wanted to know what you thought of it first."
"Well, I love it. And I bet he'll love it as well."
"What if he doesn't?" He doubted, frowning.
"If he doesn't, I'll take it because it's cute." He looked at me with a small grin.
"Heh... Thank you. I appreciate that."
"So, wanna head back? I'm ready to head home. I gotta mentally prepare for Jon coming over." I begin to get up, but he stops me.
"Jon? What would he want here? I haven't seen him since... Well,"
"Can I ask... How he died?" He seemed to be remembering something.
"Not now...It hurts to think of him. I'd rather stay in a good mood today."
"That's okay, I'm sorry for bringing it up." He stayed silent after that. Now I felt obligated to apologize over and over again until he says it's okay.
"I gotta get something off my chest." He says, sighing.
"What's wrong?" I ask him. He turns to me sadly, looking at me with an apologetic look.
"It's... You."
"What about me?" I ask, a little surprised by his answer. Not really knowing what he means by that.
"We..." He sighs stressfully, looking away from me for a moment, "We can't-" He looked stressed. I place my hand on his shoulder in support.
"Don't force it out, take your time."
"Y/n we can't see each other anymore..." I furrow my brow at him.
"That's kinda impossible, we see each other everyday."
"I mean... We can't talk to each other anymore. We, well, we can't be friends."
Well that hurt...
"We just can't!" He snapped, causing me to flinch back. He gave me an angry look, but I don't think he was angry at me. I frown,
"If...That's what you would like, then I'm okay with that. As long as you're happy," I get up from the soft green grass and begin to walk away from him. I looked back at him to see him punching the ground in anger. He didn't want to do that... He was forced too. I could tell. I turn back toward the sun, and begin to run, thinking if the portal room. And soon, I was flying up through the darkness into the small room at flash speed. I landed almost perfectly, but yet again, I didn't care. It got old. The lights were all off now, it was late. I should be home.
I head past the stage, Freddy wasn't on it, but cleaning up the left over plastic plates and party hats on the tables. Bonnie was tuning his guitar. Chica was offline. Happy Frog was offline.
"Goodnight, guys." I say, waving toward both of them.
"Night!" Freddy said, waving back. Bonnie though... He gave me a nod. But it didn't seem pleasant. Like he wanted me gone. Eh, probably just nothing.
I headed out and got in my car and turned on the radio. Of course, "Am I Wrong" By Nico & Vinz, was on.
"Seriously?" Say to myself, thinking how cliche this is. I ignore the relatable lyrics and drive home.

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