Molten's Fear

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As I wake up I could feel Molten's soft chest fur tickle my nose. His scent turned me on, I couldn't help it. Ugh, I'm so weak after last night. I don't if I'll ever be able to get out of bed. Or walk.
Molten pulled me closer to him, smiling softly in his sleep. He's never had dreams before right? This is all so new to him. Im glad he has a chance to be like this, to experience the world for the first time. I could take him to the park down town that no one goes to.
Molten groans as he wakes.
"Why does my stomach feel so fucking empty and painful?"
"You're starving. I mean, you never had breakfast, and I think it's past lunch now. So you need food in your stomach." He whines.
"Being half human sucks."
"Heh, trust me, it doesn't get any easier."
"At least I have you..." I chuckle at that and cuddle in deeper. "Now Uh... Pancakes?"
"You know how to make them. Besides, you better at cooking than I am."
"Pfft, not true! Anyway, If we're gonna head to the pizzeria, I would like to have some clothes so the others don't see my junk."
"You're right... I'll FaceTime you when I go to the store after brunch."
After another few minutes of resting, we both get out of bed. Molten heads to the kitchen to start making food for himself, while I struggle to go to the bathroom and clean myself up.
"Molten! You might want to shower. You smell musky and gross!"
"I thought you liked my scent?!" He shouted from the kitchen.
"Just get in here before I drag you!"
"But food!"
"It can wait!" I hear him groan dramatically as he walked out of the kitchen and came into the bathroom with an annoyed look.
"I hate you."
"I love you too." I smile and start the shower, turning the knob to make it warm, but not too cold.
"Ever felt water before?"
"Yeah, it fucking hurt."
That's right, water damages his systems, but since he isn't an animatronic right now, he's safe.
"Well," I take his paw in his hand and lead him closer to the shower, to which he flinch's.
"Now that you're not made of wires, you can get clean."
"But what if-" I cup his face in my hands and gaze into his uncertain eyes.
"You'll be okay, Molten. Do you trust me?" He sighs shakily, but nods.
"If I die, I'm coming back as a ghost and tormenting you like Goldy did."
"Understandable." I chuckle as I open the shower door and go inside. Molten pauses at the door.
"Y/n... I don't know. I'm... Scared." Molten? Scared? I... Never knew he could be scared. He's never afraid of anything. Now that I think of it, I can see the fear in his eyes. He's terrified...
"Molten... Look at me," I say softly. His focus was only on the water.
"Molten," I take his hand, making him look at me.
"I'm scared..."
"I'm right here... Just keep your eyes on me." I say with a soft smile, gently pulling him into the shower. He gulps hard and walks slowly into the shower, his eyes focused on me. Soon, we were both in, and the water began raining down on his back, making him flinch.
"Hey, you're safe... You're okay... Eyes on me, okay?" I say. He was shaking, which broke my heart. He's really scared right now. I just gotta take things nice and slow.
"You good?" I say, hopeful.
"It... Feels nice, I guess."
"Does it hurt?" I ask, softly. To which he shakes his head.
"Since you don't know how to wash yourself, I'll do it for you, okay?" I say, letting go of his hand.
"Be careful... O-okay?" He says.
"Always..." I reply.
*Time Skip*
After we dried off, Molten practically sprinted out of the bathroom, no hesitation. I chuckle as I hear him in the bedroom sigh heavily in relief.
"Was it bad?" I shout.
"No! But I'm never doing that again!" I laugh at his comment and head into the bedroom.
"Heh, look at you. You're all poofy." He rolls his eyes at me.
"Do you have a comb?" He asks.
"It's in the bathroom, in the mirror cabinet."
"Ugh, I have to go back in there?" He complains.
"If you want to look neat and not poofy and scruffy."
"What if I like being poofy and scruffy?"
"Well... Too bad." He groans at that and heads back into the bathroom.
"I hate you!"
"I love you more!" I chuckle as I begin to dress up for work.
After Molten groomed himself, and I got dressed, we were going to head out.
"Y/n, I don't have pants."
"Right... Um... I can't miss work again today. So how about you stay home? Go on Amazon and by some clothes for yourself."
"What's Amazon?" He asks. I sigh,
"Never mind, just stay home. I'll do everything."
"Uh... Okay? Have a good day, babe." He says and kisses my cheek before I head out the door.
"I'll see you tonight."
"When tonight?"
"Around 11:30." I answer, making him groan. I close the door behind me and head to the car.

When I get to the mall, I head Into the Pizza-Plex and go straight to my office. I see The Glamrocks on stage singing their songs as I walked by. Freddy looked dirtier than when I last saw him. They all did. What we're they doing last night to make them all look like they were playing in the trash?
I set my things down in my dinky office, scowling at how small it was. Then I realized my computer was smashed. That's right, Goldy saved me. But now I don't have a computer to work with. And I forgot my laptop at home. Fuck... might as well see what the others are doing.
I head out of my office and head downstairs. When I walk down the large aisle to the corner where they usually are, I was surprised that practically everyone was gone besides the Rockstar animatronics and Nedbear. He really took them away... Molten isn't gonna be happy.
"Y/n! Where's our friends?" I practically jumped upon hearing Freddy's booming voice behind me, he sounded angry. I turn around to face him with a guilty look, he looked concerned and pissed off.
"I might've broken the fourth wall and caused the Author to take away everyone except for Nedbear..." He glared at me for a second, then his gaze softened a little.
"Thank you for telling the truth this time. I'm mad at you, but at least you're okay."
"Feels like forever since I've seen you."
"It's been about two days."
"Yeah, there was this Glitch Rabbit thing that someone put into our TV do Molten had to smash it and-"
"Wait wait wait- someone broke into your house?"
"Yeah, crazy right?"
"Anyway, after all that shit happened, the Author decided to change Molten into a furry overnight and this morning we had sex for the first time and-"
"Y/n!" He shouts, interrupting me.
"What?" He looks insanely confused.
"What happened to Molten?" He asked, trying to understand.
"He got turned into an anthropomorphic animal. Like Simba from the Lion King. Anyway! He's alive now for two days, and since he doesn't have any clothes to hide his junk, I told him to stay at home. Understand now?"
"Uh.... I guess? So he's half human half animal?"
"Ok? Weird. But anyway, aren't you going to do work? Isn't that why you came here?"
"Yeah, but since my computer is broken," I nod over to Goldy, "I can't do any work. So I don't know what I'm gonna do..."
"Well, you don't exactly have to be here everyday. The pizza-plex thrives everyday from what I've been hearing. Why don't you go out and get Molten a few pairs of clothes?"
"But, he'll only be like this for a couple days, today being one of them. So should I even bother?"
"I don't know, if Helpy was still here, they'd tell you what you should do."
"Helpy kind of disappeared during the last week of moving out of the old pizzeria."
"Yeah, I saw her leave. She put on sunglasses, grabbed a black suitcase, and left. Who knows where's they're at right now..."
"Y/n! You're back!" We turn to see Goldy walking up to us.
"Heh, Yeah. No thanks to you. I would probably be dead if you hadn't screamed at my computer and caused it to explode." I chuckle.
"It's the least I could do, I mean you did give me a body again so I guess were even now."
"Hah! True. By the way, I ship Nedbear and Lefty." Freddy and Goldy raised their brows at me.
"Oh... Uh... Cool I guess?" Freddy commented. Goldy looks back at Lefty who was laughing along with Nedbear.
"I can see it~" Goldy chuckled.
"So yeah, um... Well, I guess since I need to get a new computer and maybe possibly shop for Molten, I'll head into the mall. See you guys later!" I say and wave at them as I head back towards the stairs. They wave back and head to the others.
What kind of clothes would Molten like...?

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