A Friend In Need

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Ugh, finally done with this stupid paper work. Didn't know I'd have double the work here than at my place. Either way, I'm pretty certain I'm getting paid a bit more here.

I turn off the computer and leave the office, turning the light off in the progress. When I locked the door, I headed downstairs and saw that everyone had powered down for the night.
Wait, where's Goldy?
"Hey," Molten's soothing voice sounded from behind me, as he rubbed my aching shoulders.
"How bored were you guys? Scale from 1 to 10."
"Uhhh... I'd say a 6. Everyone just stayed here the duration and eventually went to sleep."
"Oh... You know where Goldy is?"
"Nope. Haven't seen him in a while." That got me worried. What if something happened to him? What if he left and is inside the mall area? Shit.
"I'm gonna go look for him, just in case he didn't wander out of the Pizzeria."
"I'll check the mall, but I doubt he's there." Molten offered.
"Okay, be careful and stay hidden from the security camera's, okay?"
"Don't worry, Y/n. When have I ever been not stealthy?"
"True. Just be careful." After that, he went off in search for him. I looked around the warehouse but he was no where to be seen. He has to be upstairs then. Either that, or he's in the mall.
After I went upstairs, I went to my office to grab a flashlight.
"Uh, hello?" I stopped in my tracks in the small, cramped hallway leading to my small dinky office. I turned around to see a women dressed as a security guard. White button-down shirt with a black tie, black pants and... Sneakers? She was also wearing a black cap on her head. With the pizzeria's logo on it. She had blonde hair that went to her shoulders, and had brown eyes. She was holding flashlight in her left hand, signifying she was a lefty.
(A/n: Heh, get it? Cause Lefty is- yeah I'll stop...)
"Uh, I'm guessing you're the night guard?" I guessed
"And who might you be?" She asked, giving me a suspicious look.
"I'm the manager here. Well, the new one. I'm Y/n," I say, extending my hand for her to shake.
"Oh! I forgot they replaced Phillip. I'm Venessa." She said, shaking my hand firmly. "So, what're you doing here this late of night? Paperwork?" She asks.
"Well, I finished my paperwork. Now I'm just..." My eyes widen as I see Molten come around the corner and gasp quietly upon seeing who was with me. "Uh..." She looked at me strangely, wondering what was wrong with me all the sudden.
Shit shit shit shit shit shit!
"Hello, you must be Vanessa." I practically fainted when Molten spoke. Vanessa slowly turned around and looked up, seeing Molten with his big smile and sharp fake teeth.
"You're gonna faint, aren't you?" He said, his smile fading into a disappointed look. Next thing we know she's on the floor, passed out.
"Molten, why didn't you just walk away?"
"You we're gonna say a stupid lie about why you were still here this late. You should be thanking me for saving you."
"But look what happened instead!" I say, pointing sarcastically at Vanessa's body on the floor.
"So? We'll make a lie, well, you will, about how she looked really dehydrated or something and fainted. Simple and easy."
"Sometimes I hate you."
"I love you too." He grinned. I roll my eyes in response. "By the way, I found Goldy. He's just in the bathroom. I didn't go in cause I don't think he'd want to see me honestly."
"Oh, well, thanks for finding him. While I do that, can you... Well, deal with her?"
"Sure, I'll put her on the stage."
"What? Why there?"
"Cause she'll be confused and then carry on with her shift like nothing ever happened." I sigh.
"Nothing is ever that easy, Molten."
"Not with that attitude it isn't." I scoffed playfully at that. Sometimes he makes me laugh. Other times, I just want to punch his face in.
I then proceeded to the bathrooms, which I believe were on the other side of the main area. Once I found them, I went in the men's room and saw Goldy over by one of the sinks, looking into the mirror intensity.
"Goldy?" He snapped out of his trance and looked at me.
"What do you want?" He scowled. I frowned when I realized something had happened to make him feel upset.
"Wanna tell me what happened?" I ask cautiously. I could see his lower lip quivering slightly, but he tried to hide it by turning his head back at the mirror.
"You wouldn't understand..." He murmured, but loud enough so I could hear.
"...Not unless you tell me," I say softly, walking a bit closer.
"Please go away, Y/n." His voice was cracky now, like he was about to cry. I don't think he can, right? That's way too advanced. But Freddy did shed a tear that one time 5 years ago... So maybe their souls are powerful enough to actually cry through the suits. That would be kinda cool not gonna lie.
I sigh softly, and nod. "Alright. Just know that if you need someone to talk too, I'm always hear to listen." I say, then walk out. While heading out, I could hear him sobbing. I feel bad for leaving, but I don't want to make him angry. Best thing to do is let him have his space until he's ready to open up. Also, it's good to be there for him. Because he's clearly going through something, and I don't want him feeling pressured to do anything.
"So, how'd it go?" Molten asked, walking up to me from the direction of the stage.
"He's... Not ready to talk about it yet. I'll give him his space and he'll open up when he's ready."
"Heh, that's what you did with me."
"And look where that turned out." I winked, smirking. He grinned and nudged me playfully.
"Wanna head home?" He asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.
"Yeah, I'm tired. Did you put the night guard safely on the stage?" I ask him.
"Yeah, she'll wake up and be hella confused."
"Alright, let's head home." And with that, we headed out the pizzeria and out the mall.

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