The Chat

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(A/N: I'm gonna put the story in your perspective so that I don't have to keep saying "you" all the time. Anyway, enjoy!)

Finally, done with all my work and taxes for today. Hopefully the animatronics are having more fun than me right now.
I push away from the desk and stand up from the chair I've been sitting at for three or so ours now. Feels good to stretch my legs.
"Hey." I turn to my right to see Molten leaning against the door frame. Why is he always leaning on stuff?
"Hey, Molten. What's up?" I asked him, as he gently pushed off the frame and came into the room.
"Your afraid of me, right?" He got really close, making you gulp.
"Y-yeah... Why?" I asked but he only gave a look of slight disappointment, and walked out.
That was weird... Why would he ask a question he already knew the answer too?
I make my way to the main party area and see everyone doing their own thing. Happy Frog was in the Duck Pool with Mr. Hippo. Rockstar Freddy and Bonnie were on their stage tuning their instruments. And Molten... Was in the far left corner, near the exit. He was on his iPad, he seemed frustrated at something.
"Hey Freddy?" Freddy turns to me and asks what's wrong.
"You know why Molten is... A little more frustrated than usual?" I ask him.
"Uh... No, not really. He seemed fine a few minutes ago." He replied. I nodded and he went back to tuning.
I went over to Molten but stool a couple feet away from him.
"...Can I... Help you?" He looked up, looking annoyed.
"Uh... Um... Uh..." Why can't I process my words?! The hell?
"Spit it out, Y/n."
"Uh... Are you... Okay? You seem a little heated." I ask, hesitantly.
"Heated, hm? Well... Happy Frog refused to believe that I was scary and that no one was afraid of me." He replied.
"Well... For what it's worth... I think your scary. If that helps..." He grinned softly.
"Thanks. I'm glad I'm feared by someone around here." He exaggerates his words loud enough for Happy Frog to turn and roll her eyes at him. I chuckle a little.
"Well, I'm all done with my paper work and taxes for today. So I'm gonna head home." I begin to walk towards the exit, but Molten grabs my arm gingerly.
"Uh... Maybe you can stay for a bit longer? For... Um... L-Lefty! He needs repairing!" He stuttered. I frowned.
Is he hiding something? Well... It's Molten. Of course he's hiding something. But what could it be?
"Lefty? Well, I guess..." I make my way to the portal room. I hear Molten sigh in disappointment as I leave.
I'm so confused...

I checked out Lefty but everything seemed to be working except for the missing eye.
"Hey, Lefty? Can I ask you something?"
"Yeah sure bud, what's up?" He acts like he's an old grandpa or something. What a comedian...
"Have you noticed anything... Off about Molten today?" I asked him.
"Well, he did seem more angered today, but that was because of Happy Frog. He looked... Sad."
"Sad? Why would he be sad? Did Happy Frog upset him that much?" I asked both him and myself.
"Maybe you should talk to him about it. I know Molten, though. He'll refuse to be helped and eventually yell and threaten you if you keep persisting. And possibly try to kill you. But I don't know, anything's possible. You just gotta find the right set of words in order to let him trust you with his problems. He trusts me, not that much, but he does! He tells me things he's feeling. Some bad, some good. Overall, he just needs someone to talk too. Other than me all the time, heh." He explains.
"Hm... Alright. Thanks, Lefty." He nods and smiles at me. I head out and see that Molten was no where to be seen.
I hope he's not in the vents..
I head to the office to see if he would be there. Luckily, he was. I knock on the closed steel door, and it opens.
"Y/n? Did you... Fix Lefty?" He asked as I walked in.
"Well um... Besides from his eye missing, nothing's wrong with him." I answered.
"Oh..." He leaned up against the wall yet again, and folded his arms.
He looked at me, I don't know how, but I could see pain in his eyes. He did look sad, but he could hide it very well.
"Yes?" Even his voice has changed. It's more... soft? It's usually dark and raspy, but now there's no raspiness.
"Is something wrong?" I chose not to say 'Are you okay?' cause I know he would think I thought he was broken or a weirdo.
He looked down at the ground, then back up at me. I looked at the chair by the desk and decided to sit on the floor. He looked at me strangely. I shrugged. It was a very quiet, yet peaceful, moment. He slowly slid down onto the floor as well, and we sat there in silence for a while.
I felt pretty tired, but I didn't really want to say anything that would ruin this.
"Yes, Molten?"
"Are you afraid of me?"
"..." I didn't know how to reply to that. Was I? Should...I? "I... I don't know."
"That's okay..." I looked at him sadly.
"Why do you want to be feared?" I ask him. I really wanted to know, and maybe he would actually tell me.
"... I... I think... I just..." I look down at the ground and try not to make him close up. "...If people are afraid of me... I won't have to worry about losing them..." I look up at him and he looks back.
"If I keep them away... I won't have to worry about saying goodbye."
I crawl over to the wall and sit beside him. I decide to keep my mouth shut in fear of ruining this and making him angry.
We sit there for about an hour. In complete silence, no one saying anything.
"No..." I say, making him turn to me in confusion.
"I'm not afraid of you, Molten." I expected him to lash out and storm off, but he didn't. He just sat there... And smiles. Genuinely smiled, at me.
"Thank you..."

Molten x (MALE) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now