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As late as it was, I was still in that damn chair. It's been hours now, and Molten hasn't come back yet. The door is still open, but I haven't heard a thing since he left. Maybe I should go look for him. Maybe he's in trouble? Wait, it's Molten. He makes trouble, not the other way around. Wait, what if Goldy got him and the others and are holding them hostage? But wait, if that happened, where is he? He would've gotten here and killed me by now.
Suddenly, I hear a knock on the door frame, making me jump in surprise. I turn toward the door frame to my left and see Molten standing there.
"You're back! It's been hours dude, where have you been?" I ask, standing up finally and walking over to him. As I approach him though, he growls at me, causing me to stop.
"Did I tell you you could get up?" He asked in deep raspy voice. He's angry... He's really angry...
I gulp nervously and step back until I felt the chair and sat back down. He advanced towards me until he was towering above me.
"You... Were right."
"Did I stutter?" He growled, to which I shook my head no, violently. "Let's go home. I need a distraction." He said, turning and walking out the office. Since when was my home his home? When was that established??
I didn't hesitate to get up from the chair yet again and follow him. When I got to the main area, Bonnie was no where to be seen. Freddy, Chica, and Foxy were on stage, Lefty was on his stage, Happy Frog was offline still in her corner. Everything was normal?
"Pick up the pace, fuckface!" I jumped a little from Molten yelling from the exit door.

The drive was horribly silent, which made me worry more. Was he angry at me? Or at someone else?
When we got home, He went straight to the couch and turned on the tv.
"Get over here, dumbass. Or do I have to get up and drag you by your virgin balls?" Damn, he's roasting me. That's not a good sign. And I don't have virgin balls! I don't... Okay fine I do.
I head over and sit on the couch next to him. He glanced at me for a second, glaring intimidatingly. I frowned, not knowing what I did besides keeping that secret of Bonnie being possessed from him. I look ahead at the tv and watch the show that was on.
"I hate you."
"...Okay..." I reply softly, feeling a pain in my chest like when my mom died. I decided to get up and leave him alone, so he could just think, y'know? Did he mean it?
"Where the hell are you going?" He asked. I didn't respond though, I didn't want to. I just headed down the hall to my room and closed to door. I then headed over to my bed and laid down, staring at the ceiling. I glance at the Alexa on my nightstand.
"Alexa," I say, causing it to turn on. "Play 'Chasing Cars' by Snow Patrol."
"Playing 'Chasing Cars' by Snow Patrol, on Amazon Music," she responds, and the song begins to play.
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Amazon Music! Or this song! So, yeah. I don't own them.
I sigh heavily and close my eyes as the song plays in the background.
Should I have died instead? I'd rather my mom alive and me dead than her being dead. Goldy was right though, I can't do anything right. I don't even know what's going with Freddy and I, or Molten. Everything is just a mess. It's Bonnie's fault, he was the one who brought us to Goldy. He started all of this. But, it's my fault too. None of this would be happening if I had just minded my own business. Now Goldy's back and wants this portal timer which I've never heard of. Molten is mad at me for, I think, keeping the "Goldy's possessing Bonnie" from him. Freddy wants to start over, though I don't know how that will work out. Ugh, why must there be so much drama? I don't want to deal with this. And before I forget, the inspector is coming I think, right? Or is it my boss? Shit. When is he coming again? Wait. Wasn't he supposed to come here a few days ago?
"Alexa, stop music." I say, getting out of bed. The song stops abruptly and I walk out of my room. I head to the living room and see Molten there.
"Molten? Wasn't Jon supposed to come to the pizzeria a few days ago?" I ask him. He looks over to me in confusion.
"Uh... huh. Yeah, he was."
"I wonder why he didn't."
"Maybe he did, but saw the chaos going down over there that he decided to leave." There was a load of sass in his voice. I roll my eyes in annoyance, I'm done with this shit.
"I'm sorry for not telling you, okay? I should've told you right away but I didn't because I wanted you to be happy and not stressed out and angry."
"Well look where that ended up."
"Fuck you, dude. Whatever, tomorrow I'm going to the office building to see if everything is okay."
"Great, a stupid field trip. How exciting!" His voice was yet again filled with attitude and sarcasm.
"You'll be at the pizzeria fixing your stupid relationship while I go there." I remark, causing him to look in disbelief, as if I had said something that surprised him that hurt him in a way.
"Wow..." He scoffed, then got up from the couch and walked past me toward the door.
"Where are you going?" I ask.
"To fix my stupid relationship." He replied, exiting through the door and slamming it shut. I scoff and head over to the kitchen and make myself some dinner. Then the regret came flooding in. I shouldn't have said that... I fucked up big time. How am I going to fix this?

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