Possibly Haunted?

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As I was watching TV in the living room, I could hear Molten talking with someone on the phone in the other room. I haven't gotten him a phone yet. I probably should, since all he has is a tablet that's completely outdated.
"Molten! Who you talking with?" I ask, and a moment later he calls back, saying he's on the phone with Freddy.
After a few minutes pass, he comes in the living room and sits down next to me on the couch.
"Freddy told me he saw a child and Fred walking around in the warehouse that night. He heard Fred call him Gregory. He didn't want to be seen by the kid and risk exposure so he went back to sleep." He says.
"A kid? What the hell was he doing there after closing?" I ask myself.
"I guess we'll have to pay a visit to Fred, huh?"
"He might be the key to knowing how Vanny got ripped apart." I answer.
"And if he doesn't tell us, I'll make him tell me." Molten smirks.
"You and your insignificant need to torture people."
"It's fun! Don't judge me!" He protests, folding his arms. I roll my eyes at him continue to watch TV.

Freddy's POV
After I got finished with talking to Molten, I headed out of Y/n's office and made my way to the stairs.
"Freddy!" I stop as I recognize Fred's voice. I roll my eyes as I turn around to face him walking up to me.
"What do you want?" I ask, though I didn't really care what he answered with. I just want him out of my presence. He's hot, yeah. But personality wise? Disgraceful.
"Who was on the phone?" He asked, sounding genuinely curious.
"Just Molten. We're trying to find out who killed Vanny." I answer. He gave me a strange look.
"Uh.... Yeah... Tragic." He's hiding something.
"Hey, you were here that night. Did you happen to see anything?" I ask him. He looks, as the kids I've heard call it, sus.
"Uh... Well, I was offline that night! Yeah!" He exclaims. Definitely a lie. He has something to do with her death, I know it. And what about Gregory? What happened to him?
"Fred... If you really think for a second I believe that fat lie, then you're way more dumber than I thought." I cross my arms, waiting for a real answer from him.
"Why would I lie? I've been nothing but truthful with you."
"You covering your lie, trying to redirect the conversation to me." I say, picking up what he's trying to do. He glares at me now.
"What the hell is your problem? I told you! I don't know what happened!" He yelled. I scoff at him, looking unamused. He's a crazy one. Better put him in his place before he gets any ideas.
"Fine. Don't tell me.... And for the record, you may be Freddy, but you will never be a Fazbear." And with that, I left. That'll give him something to think about. Now, maybe the other glamrocks have some information.

"Anything?" Goldy asks as he sees me walking up to him and the others.
"They're hiding something." I answer, sitting down on a crate.
"How so?" Bonnie asks.
"I asked all of them about that night and they are all... I don't know. They were weird about it. All of them. I know Fred is definitely hiding something. He was with the kid that night, but I didn't stick around to ask him about that." I tell them.
"Maybe they're all spooked about the whole thing? I mean, it's their first time being involved in a murder case. We've been through it hundreds of times. Maybe they're just... Scared?" Chica suggests.
"Also, they aren't vengeful spirits. So Chica does have a point."
"We aren't vengeful anymore, we killed him. Then he came back in that horror attraction and that night guard killed him again by burning the whole place down." I explain.
"I still think he's out there still." Foxy retorts.
"Anyway! Back on topic... I still firmly believe they all had something to do with Vanny's death. How? I don't know. But that's what we got to find out." I say.
"Why is it up to us?" Lefty asks, whining a little bit.
"What else is there to do?" I ask him. He thinks for a bit, then lowers his head. That's what I thought...
"Alright! Chica, try to get on Glamrock Chica's good side and get info. It's okay if it doesn't work out. Bonnie, I want you to talk with Monty. The two of you would get along I think. And again, if it doesn't work out, that's okay. Foxy, you can talk with Roxanne. She's a wolf and you're a fox so-"
"Aren't fox's and Wolves enemies?" Foxy asks.
"Oh... Right. I think they are, I don't know. So how about the daycare animatronics?" I suggest.
"But that guy literally has a split personality! He's weird!" Foxy protests.
"Dude, you have a hook for a hand and a peg leg. You're the weird one. Pirates didn't even look like that realistically."
"Oh and Bunny's are naturally dark blue?" Foxy shoots back. They glare at each other, both ready to start fighting.
"Guys... Stop acting like children."
"How ironic!" Lefty says, laughing. We all turn to look at him with a confused look. "Cause... Well y'know... You're all... Dead souls of children?" He says with a weary smile and a nervous chuckle.
"I'm not!" Says Nedbear, and I smile softly at him. He's the brightest and most innocent animatronic I've ever met. He's amazing.
"We know, Buddy." I say, chuckling. Foxy sighs and gets back on topic.
"I'll talk to Roxanne..." He mumbles, rolling his eyes.
"Great! Goldy, you and Lefty and Nedbear can try talking with some of the other animatronics."
"I say we check out the daycare." Goldy suggests to the three of them.
"Where that weirdo is? Alright..." Lefty comments, seeming a little uneasy.
"He's not a weirdo! He's just programmed like that for the kids." I tell them.
"He's still weird..." I shoot him a glare, making him shut up.
"Yay! New friend!" Nedbear cheers, making me smile.
Let's do this...

Molten's POV
"Y/n! Can I buy this really cool shirt?" I ask him, having him look at my iPad. He thinks about it for a moment.
"Black doesn't really go with your fur, bud." I frown at that.
"But look at the design! It's white and grey and a little bit of yellow! It looks so cool, please!" I beg, giving him my best impression of puppy dog eyes. He sighs after a minute, and buys it.
"Yay! Thank you!" I exclaim happily, kissing him on the cheek before going back to browsing.
"I'm not cleaning it, that's your responsibility now." He says.
"But... I don't know how to wash clothes..."
"Then I'll teach you. It's simple."
"Will there be a new security guard?" I ask him, curious myself.
"Uh... I can post some 'Help Wanted' ads on our website and around the mall. The public doesn't know about Vanny's death yet, so more people will be willing to apply I think."
"How old was Vanny?" I ask.
"I don't know, I only met her that one time. She looked to be in her twenties probably."
"College kids, got it."
"Not all people go to college, Molten..."
"Cause... I guess it's just not for them, y'know? You don't have to go to college to get a job. It just opens up more job opportunities. Also, a lot of colleges cost a shit tone of money." He explains.
"Just realized... I got no money. I'm living off of your money. I gotta get a job..." I say, realizing.
"You can be the janitor that works the Night Shift if you want? No one's gone for that position yet."
"I used to have an ice cream shop at the theme park. It was nice. I hated the apron though." I comment, making him laugh.
"You had your very own ice cream shop?" He says in disbelief.
"It wasn't much, but the others liked it." I tell him, remembering the old park.
"What ever happened to that place?" Y/n asks me.
"Got demolished." I answer flatly, still scrolling through Amazon on my tablet.
"Damn..." He says, and we both go quiet.
My ears rise as I hear footsteps coming from the ceiling. I look up and try to trace where the footsteps are coming from.
"Y/n... Is there an attic?" I ask him.
"Uh... I think so? It's filled with insulation though so I never go up there or even put anything up there. Why?" He answers, asking.
"Do you hear the-" I was cut short by knocking at the front door. Three knocks. Something doesn't feel right...
"Huh, I'm not expecting anyone..." Y/n comments as he gets up and heads for the door. He looks through the small peephole in the door and then looks to me, shrugging. We both get startled suddenly as we both hear a loud crash in the kitchen.
"What the fuck?" Y/n exclaims. I quickly get up and go in front of him, taking his hand as we both walk slowly and quietly through the small hallway to the kitchen.
"You smell anything?" Y/n whispers to me. What does he think? I'm a dog? No! I'm a bear! Half bear to be realistic, but that's not on topic.
"No, I don't." I say, instead of lashing out at him. His grip on my hand tells me he's worried.
We make it to the kitchen and find that nobody was in there. The back door leading to the backyard was closed. I went over after releasing his hand to make sure it was locked. It was.
"What made that noise?" I ask, looking around, then seeing what made the crash. A large cooking pan was now on the floor. It used to be on a hook on the wall next to the stove. Along with some other smaller pans. We used this one for making pancakes.
"Maybe it just... Fell off the hook?" Y/n tried to guess, picking up the pan and placing it back on its hook.
"Let's uh... Go back to the living room, okay?" I say as I walk over to him and take his hand firmly in mine and head back to the living room.
"Molten?" Y/n says, looking at the screen.
"Hm?" I answer, looking also at the screen to see it was glitching out. Ah Shit, here we go again.
"Cover your eyes and ears, babe. I'll go get the metal bar you wanted to kill me with." I say, rolling my eyes and heading toward the garage.
"Molten! I can't afford another TV. And plus, this isn't the same as before. Glitchtrap is gone. It isn't him." Y/n says, watching the TV glitch out every few seconds.
"Then what-" I get interrupted yet again by three knocks at the front door. Y/n sighs in frustration and goes to the door again and looks through the peephole and yet again, sees no one.
"What the fuck is happening?" Y/n asks aloud. Not exactly to me but to the house really.
What the fuck is happening?

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