The Moment

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"Y/n...Wake up, it's time for work." I groan in response, then notice I was in my bed. Why does he always bring me to my bed? That's kinda weird, but I really don't care at this point.
Molten shook me lightly, causing me to open my eyes and look up at him staring at me from the bed side.
"Y'know I don't have to be there all the time, right? The employee's know what to do."
"Yeah, but you're always there. It'd be weird if you weren't."
"I'm sure y'all can deal with a day without me."
"Get up, Y/n."
"Don't make me..."
"I don't care, just don't pull me out of bed." I turn my head away from him and bury my face in my warm comfy pillow. He sighs impatiently.
I heard footsteps walking away from the bedside, and thought that he just left. Molten's gonna do something to tick me off, I just know it.
I prepared myself, mentally, for what he might do. But after a few seconds of quiet suspense, nothing happened. I wonder if he left?
I then hear footsteps coming from the other side of the bed, and then felt as the bed compressed to hold the weight it was carrying. He got in bed? Huh, thought he would do something more drastic than—
"Scoot over or I'll push you off the bed."
"You're physically incapable of feeling the bed. Unless I turn the sensors on, which I'm not even sure you have."
"Hm...That would be nice, but not now." I scoot over so he could lay beside me, also getting in the covers. "...Can you turn them on?" I turn my head to look at him. He almost looked embarrassed to even ask that question.
"Sure," I reply, and after I do, his eyes widen.
"Wow...I've only turned on my sensors when Bonnie and I— uh...Never mind. It's warm under here." I chuckle at that.
"I've been under here all night, dummy." I grin. He rolls his eyes at me.
"I can drag you to work if I wanted." He warned, smirking after.
"Shut up, you can't touch me."
"Oh really?" He then reached out and poked the side of my head. Huh, never thought Molten was the playful type. I like it.
"You know what I meant," I chuckle. His smile, his genuine smile, was a sight to see. Just seeing him happy, or in a good mood, made me happy as well.
"What?" He asked, chuckling softly. I then realize I was gazing at him, and blinked a few times.
"Uh... S-so um, can I ask you something?"
"Sure, what?"
I don't even know what I want to ask, what am I asking? Ugh...
"How...Did you know that...Bonnie was the one?" I ask. I keep thinking about Freddy and what we could've been if I had just stayed in the past. Maybe he was the one? Did I miss my chance?
"Oh, um...Well, after we decided we wanted to be together, I..." I could see he was struggling.
"It's okay, I'm sorry for asking, heh."
"I...I don't know if he's the one. To be honest, for a while I did, but now... Seeing him like this is kinda making me doubt.."
"Hey, I'm sure things will get better. If they don't, I'm always here to talk." I tell him, hoping he would come to me if he ever went through that.
"T-thanks..." He grins at me slightly, but I could see he was still a little down. He then nodded for me to come closer to him, which I didn't hesitate to do. Being this close to him is...I don't even know. I feel like I have butterflies on my stomach. My heart is beating fast, but why?
He wraps his arm around my waste and pulls me into his chest, causing me to blush extremely. Uhhhhhh....
"Heh, I can feel you blushing," My eyes widen at that in surprise. Now I feel really embarrassed.
"That's your fault!" I say in protest, feeling really vulnerable and weak in front of him.
"Heh, I know. But it's cute~"
"Shut up..." I mumble, but then feel his finger lifting up my face to face his. He was grinning warmly at me, but why? I look at him in confusion, but I was unable to say anything. The way he was looking at me, those piercing eyes, his soft grin... I'm being so cringy rn omg.
"Thank you," Was all he said, before pulling my face gently toward his. What. The. Heck. Is. Happening.... He's kissing me, and my eyes are still open while his are closed! What do I do? I literally don't know how to feel about this, but what I do know is...
I ain't stopping him.
At that moment the world stopped. Time stood still, and it was just him, and me. I closed my eyes and kissed him back after a few seconds. It felt like heaven, no wonder Bonnie loves him.
Wait- Bonnie! Shit! If he finds out—
Molten backs away then, and just stares at me with that same calm grin.
"I-" I try to speak, but he silences me.
"Let's not make this awkward. C'mere." He says, pulling me into a bear hug. I hugged him back, feeling really happy that just happened.
"Don't worry. No one will know about this, it'll be our little moment."
"What about Bon-"
"No one, will know." He looks down at me and gently kisses my forehead. I bury my face in his chest as he wraps his arms around me yet again, as if protecting me from the world.
As much as I love this... I have a horrible feeling someone's going to find out. But for now I shouldn't think about that, right? Just him, just us, right here, right now. Like it was meant to be...

"I can't believe him! How could he do this to me?! I thought he loved me... I guess I was wrong." A distorted voice yells from outside.
Yes, you were wrong, he betrayed you~ So, what are you going to do about it?
Bonnie glares at the scene inside.
"I'm going to kill him..."

(A/n: I know, I know, this was badly written 😔. I tried tho, so I think that counts? Anyway, hope you liked it! Thank you for reading!)

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