He's Back

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The first thing I felt as I began to slowly wake up was warmth. It felt so good, I wanted to stay like that forever.
I cuddled in deep, closer to the warmth. That's when I felt an arm resting on my waste. Slight panic filled me as I wondered who this arm belonged too. Then I felt the wires that made the arm.
If this were any other day, I would've woken up so fast and panicked. But now? Right now? I could care less. He must've brung me home after I past out.
For some reason, the only thing thing I wanted to do was just stay here, with him. As if on que, he pulled me into his chest and squeezed me softly. I partly open one eye and look to his face. He was grinning, not an evil grin though, but a content, happy grin. I'm glad I was making him happy. Hopefully I was...
"Molten?" I whisper. He looks down to look at me, his one orange eye shown brightly in the dark room.
"I was wondering when you were gonna wake up." He commented.
"What day is it?" I can't believe I don't know what day it is.
"Saturday." I sigh in relief and relax my muscles as I hear the great news. "I'm surprised you aren't panicking right now." He smirked.
"If it were any other situation, I would be. But this time is different... It's..." Then the memories start flooding in.
"Hey," He puts a paw on my cheek, rubbing it softly. "Try to forget right now, okay? Just focus on me. Wanna go back to sleep?" He asks, and I notice his voice hadn't changed and it was still soft and comforting. He's never touched me like this before... How do I react? I then felt heat rush too my cheeks. No! Do everything except for that! Agh!
"S-sure..." He removes his paw and wraps it back around my waste. I just decide to go with it, what's the worst that can happen?
"So, how'd you sleep?" He asks.
"I don't know... Good, I guess? I don't have many dreams anymore."
"I thought all humans had dreams when they sleep?"
"A lot of adults, like myself, don't really... Dream? Mostly just go to sleep and wake up the next morning." He frowns at that.
"I wish I could dream..." He says, making me frown as well.
"Well... Maybe there's a way you can? Like, a software that jumbles up your memories and forms them into dreams." He looks at me with a confused expression.
"You want to mess with my memories?"
"What? No. You know what dreams are, right?" I ask.
"I... Yeah. I do."
"Tell me." He gives me a quick snare.
"Dreams... Are figments of someone's— Oh." I chuckle softly, making him roll his eyes playfully at me. But then he frowns once again.
"What's wrong?"
"If memories are what make dreams... Wouldn't I just be having nightmares all the time?" Now I felt bad... I don't know that much about his years with Freddy, and how Freddy basically turned him into a monster. Whatever they did, must've been horrible.
"Well... Yes. I'm not going to lie."
"Then maybe we don't do that."
"I know you have good memories, you told me about some of them yesterday."
"Those were small. Most of my memories are just me killing people..."
"I don't believe that for a second, Molten. Your not a monster."
"Have you seen me?" I look up at him for a second, seeing him frown at me.
"If you don't want to have dreams- nightmares, we don't have to do it. It's your choice." He grins at me softly, pulling me closer to him.
"...Thank you..."  I cuddle into him like before and close my eyes. Letting the remaining tiredness I still had to consume me in sleep.

I walk into the pizzeria, the smell of Ballora's cooking filling the place. Molten wasn't anywhere to be seen, which was strange. He's usually on the ceiling waiting for me to come so he can scare me.
Freddy wasn't on stage, but Bonnie and Chica were. Foxy was offline. Happy Frog was playing in the duck pond.
Where's Freddy?
I head over to Lefty's stage and call into the curtain.
The curtain opens, but what was there was horrifying...
Lefty was hanging from ceiling, his eyes were white, his mouth hung open. His neck was tied with a noose that was attached to the ceiling. I stumbled back, bumping into a chair and falling over. But I didn't stop. I kept falling. Down and down. Where was I falling too?
Then I saw light. Was I in the portal?
I fell onto a checkered floor, luckily it didn't hurt. I look around to see that I was in a kitchen.
Wait- I know this kitchen.
"Hello, Y/n~" A shiver runs down my spine. I turn to face the door at the other side of the kitchen. The door was open, and in the door frame, was Goldy.
"No... You're dead!"
"I was... But I'm back."
"No... That's not possible!" He started towards me, to which I turned around tried to open the kitchen door to the main room, but it was locked.
"No where to hide, Y/n... You're trapped. There's no escape from me~" His voice felt so close, like he was...
I slowly turn to face his chest. I look up, seeing his red glowing eyes.
"Say goodbye~" He smiled devilishly and grabbed me. Lifting me up.
"Fredbear! Stop! Please! What did I do?!"
"If I can't live, neither can you!" Suddenly, I large fiery pit filled with burning arms and screams reaching out for me appeared in the floor.
"Please! No!" He began to laugh hysterically, sounding like a mad man.
"You deserve this." He whispered in my ear, before throwing me into the pit. I screamed for dear life as I felt the burning sensation of fire and the hands grabbing me and trying to rob me apart.

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