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(A/n: I've noticed my writing is getting a little worse recently, maybe the motivation and ideas aren't coming to me as quickly as they used to when I first started this fan fiction story. I want to add Glitchtrap to the story, but how? If any of y'all have any ideas for that, feel free to give some opinions. Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter!)

I finish wrapping my gift for Molten in the study of my home, adding a red ribbon around it for a little decoration. Although he was upset with me from yesterday, he still agreed to come home with me. He was still offline in bed, which gave me time to wrap his present. And if y'all think I'm gonna tell you what it is, then think again.
Anyway, when I was done tying the ribbon, I sigh contently and hid the box under the bed. Luckily, I'm the manager of the pizzeria so I don't have to go in today. So with that out of the way, I climbed back into bed and cuddled up next to Molten's warm chest and fell asleep quickly.

Third Person POV (Never done this before but I'll try it)

"Hey Freddy, Isn't it Molten's birthday today?" Goldy asks as he waltzes up to Freddy in a chipper way.
"Yeah, I've got him a present. It isn't much, but it's something." He says, revealing a small cardboard box from behind where he was sitting.
"Damn, well that means I have to find a gift. Maybe I'll try asking the newbies upstairs."
"It's only been a few months since they've been alive, Goldy. I doubt they know anything about birthday gifts."
"Well, yeah... But it doesn't hurt to try!" Goldy exclaims, grinning. Freddy rolls his eyes and gets back to reading a newspaper.
Goldy races upstairs and heads into the stage area.
"Hey guys!" Goldy says to the four animatronics on stage. They all greet him in unison as he walks up to them.
In truth, when they met him yesterday briefly, none of them really liked him. He looked different than the rest and acted differently than them. And since they don't really talk to people on full lengths, they're not well-versed in what's right and wrong to say to someone. In short, they might say something offensive without knowing it's offensive. Progressive learning I believe it's called.
"What's up, Goldy?" Freddy asks.
"I know y'all don't know us that well yet, but you know Molten? The one made of wires of other animatronics?" He asks. The others look at each other, concerned with the new information.
"Uh... Yeah? What about him?" Monty asks, cautiously.
"Well, it's his birthday today and I wanted to get him a gift. Do you guys have any ideas?" He asks them.
"Well, what does he like?" Chic asks Goldy. Goldy replies with a shrug, "I don't know."
"Does he like games? Or stuffed animals?" Roxanne asks.
"I don't know," Goldy replies yet again with a shrug.
Freddy rolls his eyes and sighs heavily, getting a little annoyed.
"Do you know anything about him?" He asks, giving Goldy a judgmental look.
Goldy's ears dropped upon seeing his mood, "Well... Not exactly..." He rubs the back of his neck nervously.
"Then how are we supposed to help you? We don't even know him either."
"Well I just thought-"
"How about you go look elsewhere and stop wasting our time. We have kids to perform to in about two hours. The pizzeria opens at 6:30, and we have a routine we need to practice before the party gets here. So can you just leave us alone so we can work?" He says, his eyes narrow in a glare. Goldy frowns and turns away, heading off the stage and back downstairs.

Freddy's POV
I was searching through one of the crates to try and find my microphone. Last time I saw it was when I aggressively gave it to Y/n, back at the old pizzeria.
He might still have it... Maybe he put it in one of his boxes that is full of things for his office.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Goldy walking past me with his head down, shoulders hunched and his ears down.
Something was wrong.
"Hey, Goldy! Could you help me look for my mic?" I asked him, making him stop in his tracks.
"Uh... Sure, I guess..." He mumbled, walking back over to me.
"I think it's in one of these crates," I say, rummaging through the crate in front of me. There were four large crates full of shit, so it'll take awhile to search by myself.
"What if not in these?" He asks, folding his arms.
"Then we'll look somewhere else, dumbo." I chuckle softly, but he remains silent.
"Freddy, I'm really not in the mood for this-"
"Oh come on, buddy. Help an old man out, will yah?" I say, trying to lighten his mood. At least make him chuckle at most. But he gives me a stern look.
"I'm older than you..." He says, causing me to frown.
"Wanna talk about it?" I ask him after a moment.
"Not really."
"Is that your way of saying, 'fuck you, leave me alone'?" I smirk, which makes him smile a little.
"I'm sorry... It's just..." He sighs in frustration. I close up the crate and stand up.
"Hey, come on. Let's go somewhere private." I say softly, directing him towards the stairs. Yesterday, I saw Y/n and Freddy head backstage and through a door. I don't know where it leads, but I'm guessing it's private. After we get upstairs, I lead him to the door saw the duo go through yesterday.
"What's this?" He asks. I turn to h with a sly smile.
"We're about to find out," I say, making him scoff. His smile makes me feel warm inside. Is that normal?
I open the door and we see a flight of stairs leading up.
"Ugh, this reminds me of that one ghostbusters scene where they have to use the stairs instead of the elevator." Goldy comments, making me laugh.
"So true though," I say, and take the lead up the stairs. After about two minutes, we get to the top, where there's another door.
"Turn your sensors on, Goldy."
"Why? And by the way, I can't turn them off."
"Oh, well, can you feel a breeze?" I ask him.
"A little, you think this is the roof?" He asks. I answer by opening the door, and seeing that we are indeed on the roof.
"Huh, we'll I guess this answers our suspicions," I say, smiling at him. He rolls his eyes playfully and we head to the ledge of the roof.
"Is this a bad time to tell you I have a fear of heights?" He says, looking at me with a guilty expression.
"Don't worry, I'll keep you safe," I say, wrapping arm around his neck. His eyes widen for a moment before setting on the horizon. The sun was just about to show up.
He sighs after a few minutes of silence. I look to him, and release my arm, gesturing to sit down on the ledge. Once we do, his expression becomes once again saddened.
"They treated me just you did..." I gasp lightly at that. What the fuck?
"What? Why?" I ask him, he starts to sob.
"Why do you think?!" He yells, beginning to cry. Yet no tears came. Mostly cause we're animatronics and we're not that advanced, but anyway...
"I'm different... That's all they see me as. How everyone sees me. I'll never be like you." He says, staring longingly at the highway on the side of the mall, watching the cars go by.
"Goldy... Who cares if you're different. Yeah, you are, but that's not a bad thing. Acting different, talking differently... That's what makes you special. I would see it as a strength. You're different, you'll never be like them. Who says you have to? You should be who you want to be, not what others expect you to be."
"Easier said than done..." He mumbles. I frown at that. Clearly this isn't working... Maybe a little hands-on approach instead.
"Goldy," I say, and he looks to me with a solemn expression. Without saying anything, I pull him into me and hug him tightly. His yellow fur was neatly brushed and clean to the touch. After a moment of surprise, he hugs me back.
The hug felt like forever, but it wasn't bad. I enjoyed it. Have I hugged anyone before?
I really didn't want to let go, and it seemed like Goldy didn't want to either. It just felt so... Right.
"Thank you, Freddy." He said finally after about 5 minutes of content silence. I smiled and pulled away from him.
"Anything for a friend..." I reply, making him smile. His smile makes me feel so accomplished. I successfully made him feel better! I'm awesome!
"Even though I-"
"Ah! Imma stop you right there. No negativity! You're perfect just the way you are, Goldy. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
"Y'know, just a few days ago you saying the exact opposite." He chuckled. I gave him a guilty smile.
"I know I was being really mean to you, I'm sorry for that. I can't help but hold grudges against people."
"It's in your nature, Freddy. It's okay."
"I'd rather it not..." He places a hand on my shoulder, making me feel warm inside once again. What is up with me? All I can think about is hugging him forever.
"Uh... Freddy? You okay?" He asks, and I jolt back to reality. Crap! I was staring at him like an idiot.
"Uh... Y-yeah! I'm fine..." I respond with a fake smile.
"Wanna head back? The others might worry," He says.
"Sure!" I say to him, and we both get up and head back downstairs.
"What were you guys doing? You can't go up there." Freddy comes up to us as we close the door.
"Well, we did. So get over it." I reply to him, seeing his facial expression change from curiosity to annoyance.
"Only we are allowed to go up there. We were here first."
"Does it look I care?" I ask, an unamused look on my face. He growls and heads back to the stage. I sigh, and we head downstairs to the warehouse. Goldy stayed silent.
"Hey, everything good?" I ask him as we head down the long isle.
"They treat us with no respect. They don't know who we are. We are the originals. They were made from our designs. Why do they treat us like...Like-"
"Dirt..." I finish for him.
"It's not fair..."
"I know... I know..."

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