A Growing Relationship

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"Anyone know if they'll be back anytime soon?" I ask, sitting lazily on a crate.
"Y/n said they would be back in an hour." Rockstar Chica responded.
"Is Freddy still over there?" Bonnie asked, walking over to see if Freddy was still in the same spot when Y/n and him had a chat.
"Yup. He's sitting against one of the crates." I answer, looking over at him.
"Someone go talk to him." Lefty suggested.
"Why don't you?" I ask him.
"Because he doesn't like me that much." I sigh to that.
"Fine, I'll talk to him..." I say and get off the crate, heading over to Freddy. I've actually been wanting to talk with Freddy. It's been a long while since we've actually had a conversation. He doesn't acknowledge my existence at all. But I understand why. I turned him into a human killing machine. Then he used that knowledge to turn Ennard into Molten. From what I gathered anyway... I don't know, I guess I want to apologize for doing that. I don't regret it, though. He'd probably be a completely different person right now, a much better person, if I hadn't... Damn. Now I'm starting to see why they hate me.
"Hey, Freddy," I say, walking next to him and sitting on the crate beside the one he was leaning on on the ground.
"Fuck off, Goldy." He mumbled.
"I know you don't want to talk, but the others are worried about you."
"Well they shouldn't be, I'm fine."
"Oh really? Then why are you over here instead of over there with your family?"
"You are not my family..."
"I... Yeah. I know. I've down a lot of shitty things to you guys in the beginning. But that's in the past. You look towards the future and hope things will get better."
"You, giving advice? Pfft, that's new."
"I'm turning over a new leaf, for real. I know you don't think so, but it's true."
"Why?" I was about to tell him why, but then stopped. I can't tell him. He'd kill me.
"...I'm alone, Freddy. The only thing closest to family I had was you and the others. And, I'm sorry for what I did to all of you. I know that doesn't mean anything... But I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done what I did. It was wrong and I turned almost all of you into killers. Not sure about Foxy though," He chuckled softly at that.
"He's a lover not a fighter." He smiled. Then it stayed silent for a while. It wasn't awkward though...
"...I forgive you..." He says, causing my ears to perk up in excitement. "But I'll never forget..." My ears drop back down, making me frown. Now this is awkward...
"I respect that..." I say, and after a minute I head back to the group by the corner.

Y/n's POV
It was now 7:30pm. I told everyone I'd be back by now... Well, 30 minutes ago. But the show is finally starting and I really want to see the animatronics and how good they perform. Molten was back with everyone else, he gave me a tour of the place while everyone was going to get their seats for the show. After that, he went back into the vents unnoticed.
The lights dimmed and colorful stage lights began the wave around the large room. The host, who's name I didn't get yet, came on stage with a microphone and began talking.
That's weird... That microphone looks a lot like Freddy's...
I ignored it and paid attention him as he hyped up the crowd of kids up front. I was in the back where there weren't that many people. After it's still covid season.
"Now! The moment you've all been waiting for... Freddy and the Glamrocks!!!" He exclaimed and quickly left the stage as the red velvet curtains opened up to reveal the crew. A look of disappointment became plastered on my face when saw their designs. Roxanne looked so... Weird. Monty was okay, though it was strange seeing an alligator animatronic. Freddy looked gay as hell, but Chica looked decent. I've never seen a white Chica before, but it looked good.
Then they started playing "Crazy Train" by Ozzy Ozbourne. Freddy's voice was friendly but also had a little bit punk to it. It wasn't super deep but it was a good tone I think for him. Monty played the guitar really well. It's like he's alive. Chica did the drums, and Roxanne did bass. After the song was over, the curtains closed and and everyone cheered and clapped at their brilliant performance.
I got up from my seat and headed back to the backstage area and went downstairs. As I was walking down the large warehouse aisle, I saw Freddy and Goldy talking with each other at the end of the aisle over my some crates. When I got closer, Goldy left to go talk with the others. Leaving Freddy alone. I should go apologize to him... Wait, why? He's the one who was being a dick to everyone. He should apologize to me.
When I walk past him, he glances up at me and was about to say something but I was already heading away from him to the corner where everyone else was.
"Hey guys, sorry I was late. The show went on a bit longer than I expected." They all brushed it off and forgave me. Molten came up behind me and hugged me from behind.
"What did they look like?" Happy Frog asked.
"Is there another Lefty?! Oh god, I knew they would replace me! I'm horrible! I have a missing eye and I don't work that good-"
"Lefty!" I shout, making him stop blabbering and listen. "They didn't replace you. They just replaced Foxy and Bonnie with a gator and a wolf. That's all." I explain. He sighed in relief.
"Damn, we got replaced?" Bonnie says sadly, looking over at Foxy who looked equally sad.
"That's how I felt... But don't worry. They look ugly. You guys look 100% better than them in my opinion." I say, making both of them smile.
"I haven't seen them myself, but I'll take your work for it." Molten comments, resting his head gently on mine.
"Y/n... Can I talk to you? Please?" A light-hearted voice of Freddy's came from behind me. Molten moved out of the way and I turned around to see him. That same guilty look in his eyes. A part of me wanted to scream at him, but the other part wants to make amends and hope he wants to apologize for his behavior.
I nodded and followed him over to the crates he was sitting at before.
"I'm sorry, Y/n... I was just angry that you would keep something that big from me- from us. I overreacted about it, but that's just how I am."
"I understand that you were angry about the move. I would be too if I was in your shoes. But you gotta try to manage your anger, Freddy. You might get hurt one of these days," I say, looking over at Molten. I turn back around, "I don't want to see you get hurt. I care a lot about you and the others... I forgive you." He smiled at that. "C'mon," I say, nodding for him to follow me towards everyone else. When we got to the corner, Molten asked me quietly if Freddy was okay now. To which I replied with yes.
"Alright guys," I said loudly, getting everyone's attention. "I'll be back around 10:30. If anyone needs me, just call my cell. If I'm not on a phone call, I'll pick up. Molten and Freddy, you guys are in charge." I say to them. Molten and Freddy glance at each other and roll their eyes at one another. I then begin to head out, but before I could leave around the corner, Molten stopped me.
"Why put Freddy in charge?" He asks, looking confused.
"Maybe you can get along a little. I don't know, it was a last minute decision. I didn't think about it. Anyway, I'll see you later." I say, kissing his cheek and heading off down the aisle towards the stairs.
"I'm coming home with you tonight, right?" He shouts from the other end.
"Yup!" I shout, already walking up the stairs.
Once I get to my cramped office, I take out my AirPods and put them in my ears. Once they connected to my phone, I played my 2010 playlist and began working.

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