Dirty Little Secret

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I can't shake the image out of my head. It just makes me feel so weird inside. Like my heart is sinking every time I think about it. Why do I feel this way? I should be happy for them. If they're happy together than that's good! I'm glad Molten has a companion in his life.
But still... Makes me feel so weird.
I come to work today and head straight to my office. Not the security office, my office. I don't really know why I never go in my office. Well, it is quite far from the main area and it takes at least 30 extra seconds to get from the main entrance to there. Maybe that's just me being lazy. But besides that, I do kinda want to be alone right now. I'm not really feeling that good. Physically I'm perfect, but emotionally... I don't know. It's just so weird. I can't describe it.
I decide to do paper work the whole day cause I'd rather just get it done than wait and have it pile up.

3 hours later

Ugh. I'm finally done with all this shit for the next couple weeks. Now I can relax. Maybe just go home? Yeah, sounds nice. Though being with someone would be kinda nice as well. But I don't really have that many- or any- human friends. All my friends are animatronics.
I then hear a knock at the door. I sigh, then tell the knocker too come in. It was Freddy.
"Hey, Y/n. You doing alright? You've been in hear for about 3 hours."
"Yeah I'm okay, Freddy. Just got all this shit done for the next couple of weeks. So now I'm free for the rest of the day. I'm probably just gonna head home for the day. I'm not really in the mood to deal with anyone here, no offense to you." I tell him. He nods.
"Understandable, you do a lot for us and this pizzeria. Helpy doesn't really help you anymore, which she should. But if you want to go home and rest, you can. No ones stopping you." I smile at him.
"Thanks, Freddy. I appreciate that. I'll be back tomorrow. It's Black Friday tomorrow so the prices are gonna go down by 50% I think? And because of that, there are gonna be a ton of people here. So yeah, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Have a good day, Freddy." I get up from my chair and head out of my office. Freddy follows behind me and when we get to the main area, I go towards the entrance while Freddy goes back on stage.
I was just about to open the door when I hear a growl behind me.
"Hi, Molten." I say.
"It's polite to look at someone when you talk to them~" He sounded annoyed, which I get. I turn around to face him.
"Happy now?"
"What's with the sass?" He sounded genuinely confused.
"It's nothing. I'm tired, Molten. I'm going home early today. Please, just let me leave." I felt pain in my chest as I looked at him. I placed his hand on my shoulder for a moment, squeezing it gently. Then walked away.
I sigh, and proceed to head to my car. When I got in and turned it on though, Molten appeared by my window.
"Molten?" I say in confusion.
"I'm coming with you." He stated.
"What?" But he didn't answer, he just went over to the passenger door and got in.
"Just drive, Y/n." He said, glaring at me. I sigh heavily and drove out of the parking lot.

When we got to my house, I told Molten to get out and wait by the front door. He did what I said and waited by the door. I opened my garage door with my small remote that opened and closed it, then drove in and parked it. I headed out and closed it and went to my front door where Molten was and got out my keys and once I put them in, we headed inside.
"I'm surprised you weren't worried about someone seeing me." He said, looking around.
"None of my neighbors are here at this time, they usually get home around 8." I tell him.
"Oh..." He went throughout the whole house and checked every room. I mean, he's never been here so might as well know the layout, right?
"Molten, if you need me I'll be in my room. But if you see me sleeping then just don't bother me, okay?" He comes over to me and nods.
"I like your place, cozy." His raspy voice is gone. I don't know how to describe his voice when it isn't raspy, I guess it's just... Smooth? I don't know.
"Thanks. Don't break anything, okay?"
"Sure, I'll try to be... Gentle~" That sent a shiver down my spine. I sigh and head to my room.
I should really ask him why he wanted to come with me. Was he just curious? No. That doesn't sound like Molten. He has a reason. Probably a twisted one. But do I care in this moment? No. I'm way to exhausted to care.
I flip down on my bed and groan. My back is killing me. Old age is getting to me quicker than it did my Father. Jeez, I'm only 34 years old.
I get under the covers and try to fall asleep. Luckily... I do.

Why do I feel so warm? It's not hot outside, it's spring. Maybe I just need to move my position on my bed— Wait...
I open my eyes I slowly look behind me.
M... Molten...?
I was literally about to scream, but then I noticed he was offline. Did he turn himself off? Why would he do that? Why is he sleeping with me? Bruh, if Bonnie finds out he's gonna be pissed! But...
Maybe he doesn't have to know? I mean, maybe Molten was just bored? I don't know any other reason he could want to sleep with a human. He kinda hated humans.
His arm was heavy, but was in a spot that didn't hurt me. My back was against his so-called chest. He was keeping me warm?but why? This just makes me wonder even more about why he wanted to come here. I'm so confused. But I guess in the mean time I'll just let it be and go back to sleep. Something tells me he's gonna be stubborn and act like this never happened. "I don't know what you're talking about." Pfft! Stupid Molten. When he does that I really get pissed off at him. It's just annoying how he keeps secrets from us. But that's his issue, not mine. If he wants to be that way, fine. I don't give a shit.
Or maybe I do...?

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