The Break-In

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"Has Molten left to pick up Y/n yet?" Freddy asks. I shrug in response.
"I haven't seen him since yesterday," I tell him.
"Could he be in the vents?"
"I'm right here..." We turn toward the stairs to see Molten walking up to us.
"Where have you been? You gotta pick up-"
"I know, I know... I gotta tell you guys something first..."
"What is it?" I ask, and he nods past me.
"Everyone should know."
He seems... Disturbed? Something happened. Nothing good I presume...
Molten gathered up everyone and began telling us happened yesterday.
"After I talked with Freddy yesterday, I went to the vents. That's when I heard the humming,"
"Humming? Like, someone was in the vents with you?" Chica asked.
"Yes. It was a girl. I traced the sound to the upstairs vents and saw... A rabbit." Everyone looked confused, especially Bonnie.
"But, I never go in the vents..." said Bonnie.
"Not a bunny, a rabbit. It wasn't an animatronic. It was human, she was wearing a rabbit costume with patches on it."
"Did you catch her?" Lefty asked, intrigued.
"Yes, but she knew my shut off Protocol. No one knows that except for—"
"Afton..." Foxy said, a grave look on his face.
"Yeah. That's what got me confused. Did Afton have a daughter?"
"I... I don't know. All I know is that he's a psycho that kills kids." Replied Freddy.
"We know Michael, and that he had a younger brother."
"I bit his head back in 1983. Malfunction of my systems." Goldy added.
"Yeah. But is he alive?" Molten asks us. We all shrug. Molten sighs.
"Alright... I'm gonna get Y/n from the hospital. Oh! And the bunny is Vanessa. She's the psycho. So if you see her, be careful."
"Vanessa? The night guard? Damn. Didn't see that one coming..." Freddy commented.
"I'm surprised too. But it is what it is. See you guys tomorrow." I wave at them goodbye and heading upstairs.
I head through the control room backstage and into the small narrow hallway leading to the exit to the side of the building. Since it was only 7, not a lot of people are at the mall yet. So I sprint to the car and make sure the coast is clear before putting in the keys and driving off to the hospital.
Once I got there, I texted Y/n I was in front, waiting for him. He said he'll be right out, and after few long minutes, he comes out. He gets in the car and I immediately hug him. He chuckles, "I missed you too. Now let's get outta here before someone sees you." I nod at that and drive home.
Once we got home though, we could see the front door was adjacent. I remember he locked it.
"What the fuck?" He said, raising his brow. I growled in response.
"You stay here, I'll go check. I'll give you a signal to come in, okay?" I tell him and get out of the car.
Who the fuck broke into his house?
I opened the door more and saw that nothing was out of place... Yet.
After searching the whole house, I could conclude that no one was here, so I went back out and signaled Y/n it was safe to come in.
"Who would break in and not steal anything?" He asks, looking around.
"I don't know... But I don't like it..." I say back, seeing him going to the bedroom, probably looking for something.
I check out the living room to see if anything was missing, but I found nothing. This is really weird...
All the sudden, the TV came on. A static. I look in confusion as I grabbed the remote and tried turning it off, but to no avail.
"Uh... Y/n?" I call out. After minute, Y/n comes in and gasps.
"That's the same static that literally tried to kill me... Somehow."
"What? Then don't look at it. We don't need you going back to the hospital. I'll unplug the TV." I say, going over to the plug in the wall.
"No! Don't! Don't touch anything! Whatever that thing is, it moves with electricity. So if you touch the plug,"
"It'll possibly go into me... Whatever the thing is."
"Exactly. So, I think we should smash the TV with something."
"Dude, this is a large fuckin TV and you want to break it?! This must've cost a lot!"
"Trust me, it did. But I have enough to get a new one." I sigh at that.
"Alright then..." I head to the garage and find a metal pipe in the corner. He must need it for something, but there's isn't a bat anywhere. So this will have to do.
I head back to the living room to see Y/n staring at the TV with fear. I look over and see that there was something moving between the static. A face. It wasn't clear, but it looked to be a smiling rabbit. Yellow fur. I could see it's purple eyes dashing across the screen as it moved. First Vanessa, now this- this... I don't know! Glitch Trap being.
I don't hesitate to quickly bash the TV with all my might. Breaking the screen, with a loud bang. Y/n collapses to the ground right after. Fuck!
I go to him and shake him worryingly.
"Y/n! Y/n wake up! Wake up!"
After a few long seconds, he wake up, disoriented.
"What happened?" He asks, sitting up. I embrace him tightly, relieved that he's okay.
"My god... You scared me." He hugged back after a minute.
"You're buying the TV." He comments, making me chuckle and kiss his neck softly.
"Fine, only if you promise to take me to the movies this Friday."
"A date? We haven't been on one in... A while."
"You want a new TV?"
"Deal. Now, what to do with this one," He said, looking over at the shattered screen.
"Trash it. I think whoever broke in must've bugged it. Added that virus."
"I'm fearing that too, I'll head to the hardware store and get new locks for the front and back door." Y/n said. I hold him closer to me and don't let go. I'm so fucking glad he's safe. But what if this happens again? What if I'm not there to smash another screen? The first time this happened, it nearly killed him. Vanessa. It has to be. I know it is. She was wearing a rabbit suit. This one on the TV was a rabbit. They're connected some how...
"I love you..." I say, my head resting on his shoulder. He grins,
"I love you too, Molten."
"Can we please have sex?" I pout. He pulls away and rolls his eyes.
"How many times have a told you?" I sigh in response.
"I know I know, we can't have sex because I don't have a butthole or a dick. But, if there's a will, there's a way~" I smirk.
"How?" He asks, chuckling.
"I have some ideas~"
"Maybe later..." I frown at that. Damn, way to ruin the mood.
"Can we just cuddle for now? I've had enough action." I sigh, defeated.
"Fine..." I mutter, and we both get up. We then head to the bedroom, but before I go in, I get Y/n a glass of juice. I've always wondered how this tastes...
I head into the bedroom and give the glass to Y/n, who thanks me while changing his cloths.
"Hey, you could always just cuddle naked?"
"Molten! Oh my god..." He blushes a mad red. I smirk and walk over to him. He tries to put on a white t-shirt but I snag it from him, leaving him now shirtless. Damn he's sexy...
"Molten give it back!" He says as he tries to grab it. I laugh when I smack him with it playfully.
"You're just gonna have to be shirtless~" I say, knowing I won. He sighs and gets into bed with only his boxers, having forgotten to put on anything else. I get into bed with him and pull him closer to me by his waist.
"Sorry for messing with you, I couldn't help it." I tell him, caressing his cheek softly.
"It's okay... I'm just tired." He responds. I pull him closer to me so that I could warm him. He curls into my embrace as he closes his eyes. I then wrap my arm around him and close my eyes, ready to turn off for the night.
"Can you make pancakes in the morning?" He asks. I smile warmly and hug him tighter.
"Of course, babe. Anything."

Molten x (MALE) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now