Freddy's Desires

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"I'm guessing you didn't get a lot of sleep..." Freddy commented on our appearances. I didn't really have time to shower this morning. Thanks to what happened last night, me and Molten slept on the couch for the remainder of the night. When the events happened, it was 3:00 in the morning. So by the time we were able to fall back asleep, it was already 4:30. And we had to get up at 6. So you can imagine having to wake up with just two hours of time and not wanting to go to work.
"Wow, it's that obvious, huh?" I retort.
"That spirit was annoying us all night. Banging and knocking."
"Are you okay? You said you got dragged out of the house?" Goldy asked, looking a little concerned.
"I'm okay. It was scary, yeah. But you did that to me a few years ago, so it wasn't that much of a shock." Goldy frowned at that, his ears drooped.
"I'm sorry..."
"It's okay. I'm over it. Anyway, I'm gonna head to my office. I'll see you guys later." I say, heading off.
Ugh, paperwork. Hopefully no lawsuits yet...

As I was heading to my office, Fred calls me over to him backstage. Everyone is chill with it since they know how advanced their A.I. is.
"Uh, what's up Freddy?" I ask him.
"My guitar broke during the last song a few minutes ago. Could you fix it for me?" He asks.
"Y'know I'm not the maintenance man, right?"
"He called out sick today. So there's no one to help us with our technical issues today." He explains.
"Oh... Well, I guess I can try to fix it. C'mon." I say, and we both head to the small maintenance room that's connected to the backstage area.
"Everything else working besides your guitar? Not going to lie, but it's strange seeing a Freddy with a guitar." I say.
"My systems are functioning as they should be. And as for this? Well, you know how there's Bonnie, right?" I nod, and he continues, "We used to have a Bonnie here... But at the last minute, they wanted to change it up more. The crew, I mean. So they got rid of Bonnie and Foxy, and replaced them with Roxanne and Monty... He was my best friend... I never got to say goodbye..."
Woah, now that's harsh. Back when the Toy animatronics came out, they used the parts of the originals. But they were never separated. They've always had each other.
"I... I know what it feels like. To loose someone you care about abruptly." He looked at me with curiosity.
"My Mom... She died of a heart attack. It was a while ago so I've moved on, but... It still hurts."
"I'm sorry for your loss, Y/n... I can't imagine what it's like loosing a parent."
"In all honesty, it sucks." I say, chuckling a little.
"This guitar was his... He actually taught me how to play, heh... I loved him like a brother. He was the nicest person I've ever met. Super friendly, generous, kind... I miss him. I don't say anything to the others, or even Chica. I know she misses them too, but it's just too hard to talk about with her."
"I can understand that... Maybe just, talk to her about it the way you talk to me about it." I say.
"I don't know... For some reason you're easy to talk too."
"I get that a lot, heh." After a bit, I finish fixing the guitar and hand it back to Freddy.
"Thank you, Y/n... I appreciate it."
"If only you could be that nice to my animatronics." He frowns at that.
"Y'know I... I really did like Freddy. I was jealous of his and Goldy's relationship. I guess I just wanted... I don't know. I wanted to feel same way I felt with Bonnie, with Freddy. I thought he could help bring that joy back. That happiness, that Bonnie gave me. Goldy kept interfering, I got angry..."
"You may want to make amends with them at some point, Fred. Cause their hate for you is going to keep growing unless you make things right." I tell him.
"... I'll try..." He smiles softly, and heads back to the stage. I sigh, and head to my office to do more paperwork.

Freddy's POV
The urge to dominate Goldy right here and now is getting too hard to stop. I just want to force him up against the wall and-
"Freddy! Here's your mic!" Lefty says, causing me to come back to reality, looking away from Goldy who was talking with Chica and Bonnie a few feet away. I look to see Lefty holding up my mic in his hand, walking towards us from the stairs.
"Huh? R-really?! That's great! Thank you, Lefty!" I exclaim, taking my mic and side-hugging Lefty in gratitude. He grinned and headed over to Nedbear who was on Lefty's tablet. They've been spending a lot of time together. I wonder if they're—
"Hey! I see he found it!" Goldy says, walking up to me. I give him a tight hug, rubbing his soft fur.
"You're cuddly this evening," He chuckled, hugging me back.
"I just... Uh... Hey! Can we talk?"
"Aren't we already doing that?"
"I mean, in private..." I say, glancing at the others.
"Uh, sure? Everything okay?"
"Yeah! I just... I wanted to talk to you about something..." I say, smiling nervously.
A/n: This is too good to pass up~
I ignore the author as he said that, and luckily Goldy didn't hear him.
"Oh? Ok..." He shrugged, and we headed off in the direction of the stairs.
I take him upstairs and we make sure not to get caught by the staff as I guided him to the storage room and locked it.
So, uh... Heh, what did you want to talk-" I cut him off by forcing him up against the wall abruptly.
"I've been wanting some... Alone... Time with you for a while now." His eyes widened in shock and surprise.
Then all the sudden, both of us began to change. It didn't hurt, but it was strange. Now we were anthropomorphic animals! Holy crap, we're like Molten now! Wait- why are we like this?
A/n: You can thank me later, Freddy.
I smirked as I looked up and down Goldy's new body. He was blushing madly.
"F-Freddy? A-are we gonna-" I answered him by kissing him passionately, making him moan softly.
"If you're okay with it..." I say to him.
"I... I am..." He smiles softly. His smile is so cute. I could fall in love all over again.
"Well then... Are you ready for Freddy?"

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