The Cheater

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"Y/n~" I heard faintly in the distance. Telling by the voice, it's Molten. Sigh, I'm napping right now, can't he just go away for a bit longer so I can have my beauty rest?
"Molten, I swear the fucking hell..." I grumble, forcing myself not to open my eyes and be awake. I don't wanna be awake...
"It's time for you to go home now~" I can feel his devilish, horrifying smirk creeping up against me as he speaks.
"Fuck off... Let me sleep. Just tell the night guard he's off for tonight." I mumble to him.
"He was supposed to show up an hour ago, I guess he's a no show." I decided to just ignore him and go back to sleep, which made me grin unconsciously.
"Fine then, I guess I'll leave you alone... For now~" Holy fuck he said that right in my ear! That literally sent shivers down my spine, but no time to be afraid of him. The only thing on my mind.. Is sleep!

"Y/n... Time to get up." I jolt awake after someone flicking me on the head. I look around and see Molten beside my bed.
"Molten? I told you already to leave me— Why are we in my bedroom?"
"I- uh... Freddy saw you sleeping and thought you'd sleep better in your own bed rather than a dusty old chair from the 80's." I furrow my brow at him in suspicion. Freddy doesn't care about me enough to do that. Or for anyone...
I can see he's hiding something, but it's probably best not to get him agitated right now.
I sit up in my bed and sigh. He took my car didn't he? Damn it... I really hope no one saw him. That'll be a lawsuit I can't get out of.
"Wanna just hang out here? We can head back later." I suggest. He grins a little, and lays down on my bed next to me. I get the tv remote and turn on the tv and decided to let Molten choose the channel. He, of course, goes to a channel telling about Aliens and UFO's. I personally don't believe in Aliens, but after what I've seen these past few years, I might as well believe.
Molten, after a little bit, put his arm around my shoulders. He said nothing about it and acted like he hadn't just did that, like it was normal. I didn't really mind it after a while, to be honest. I kinda liked it.
"So, you believe in Aliens?" He asks me after a scene shows up of a woman being abducted into a space craft.
"Not really, I mean, I do a little bit, but to an extent. Like- how the Egyptians built the pyramids and how they didn't build them and it was actually aliens. Like, is it so hard to believe that people back then were really smart and knew how to build incredible structures? I guess so." He chuckles at that.
"Yeah I guess your right. But those structures were way ahead of their time, so you can understand a lot of peoples questions about them."
"Yeah, that's true. Hey, I'm gonna go get some lunch from the kitchen. You want anything that won't damage your systems?" I knew he couldn't eat.
"Hmph. Show off." I chuckle, he's always been jealous of humans being able to eat.
"I'll be back." I get out of bed and head into the kitchen and make myself a ham and cheese sandwich. When I come back, Molten wasn't in bed.
"Molten?" I looked around but he was no where to be seen.
"Boo." Normally, that would scare me. But this time I just turned around, un-phased. I gasp sarcastically, making him grumble and roll his eyes.
"Happy Frog was right, I'm not scary anymore." I frown at that. Being scary is his way of feeling powerful, at least, I think.
"You don't have to be scary around me, Molten. You won't lose me.." I say that as I look into his eyes. I quickly look away, and try to change the subject. I don't want him agitated. "So! Uh... Wanna go back to watching Tv?" I ask, nervously. But he stays silent, just staring at me. I frown at his hurt expression. "Molten?"
"Leave..." He growled, though I can hear in his voice that's not what he actually wanted.
"... No."

When we got back to the pizzeria, Molten went into the vents as soon as we got in. I headed to the office, the security office. Why do I always go here?
When I get to the office, I enter but stop in my tracks out of surprise. Bonnie was here... With Happy Frog!?
"Bonnie?!" They get startled by my voice and turn towards me. Bonnie looks in horror as he realizes that what I could do.
"Y/n! Please! Don't tell Molten!" He pleaded.
"You're not even going to deny that your with Happy Frog?! Dude! What the fuck?!"
"Please! Don't tell him! I'll do anything! Please!" He continues to plead. I can't believe this. If Molten finds out, he'll kill Bonnie for breaking his... Heart? I mean, technically he doesn't have one though so I- Wait! I'm getting  off track. Stay focused! Okay... What do I do?
"I..." Bonnie looks to me desperately. I sigh, "This is out of my hands, Bonnie."
"Y/n, please... Don't do this!" He yelled. I began to walk out and head into the hallway. He has to know.
"Y/n, I'm sorry... But he can't know about this. Forgive me." I furrow my brow in confusion and turn around. Last thing I saw before complete darkness was Bonnie's fist colliding with my face.

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