Meeting The Glamrock's

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I felt the morning sun shine through the window onto my face, meaning I was awake. I groan, causing Molten to turn on.
"You're awake I see," He says softly in his gentle voice. He seems to only use it when we're alone. It's been that way for 5 years. Every since we first had a heart-to-heart in the security room.
"What time is it?" I whine, cuddling into his chest, trying to block out the annoying sunlight. He chuckles and holds me tighter to him.
"It's way too early, it's 4:35." I sigh at that and try to go back to sleep. "I'll wake you up when it's time." He says to me.
"Thank you," I say, tiredly.
"Love you, cutie." He says, softly. I muffle a quiet response that sounds like gibberish to him and quickly fall back to sleep in his warm, comforting embrace.

Freddy's POV
I sigh impatiently, "I can't stay here. I need to see something outside of this stupid warehouse! I'm going up there-"
"Freddy," I turn my head around to see Goldy holding my wrist.
"Let go, Goldy." I glare.
"At least take me with you." He says, smirking. I look at him confused, but then realize it's Goldy, not one of the others. He lets go of my wrist when I nod.
"You guys are gonna get caught by security and then we'll all be doomed." Bonnie commented, rolling his eyes.
"Cheer up, Bon. We'll be sneaky." Goldy says to him.
"C'mon, Goldy. Before Y/n finds out."
"I'm coming. Oh wait, where's Molten?"
"I'm up here, what do you want scumbag?" Goldy growls at that name.
"Don't tell Y/n we're going to explore the pizzeria, okay?" He tells him.
"I'll come with you then, I want to see the animatronics."
"Okay, let's go." I say, watching him jump down and land on his feet perfectly. We then make our way to the stairs and head up.
When we got up, I saw a few stairs leading to the stage on our left. The backstage area wasn't the large, but was filled with technical stuff for the lights and sounds.
"Wanna explore first, or see the new animatronics?" I ask the two of them.
"I've already seen everything but I'm only up here to inspect the newbies."
"Understandable, let's check them out first." I say, letting Molten go up the steps first, then me, then Goldy.
"Damn it, Anyone have a flashlight?" Molten asked, annoyed how he literally couldn't see anything in the dark.
"I mean, I have a light feature in my eyes which helps me see in the dark. I'm not sure if it's bright enough to-"
"Use it, I want to see." Molten says, impatiently. I sigh and turn it on with just a thought, causing a small light to shine in front of us. It was a like a dim flashlight. We could only see the ground and what was a few feet away from us, so we stuck together. Even though it was uncomfortable.
We began walking forward and I began to see a figure coming up. It was weird looking. It was grey and had some highlights in their hair. When we got closer, we saw that we found the animatronics. This one was a wolf. Or, at least supposed to be.
"I believe this one is called Roxanne Wolf, who ever made these designes needs glasses," Molten comments. Goldy and I nod in agreement before we move to the next one.
"This here, is Monty the Gator." Says Molten.
"His torso frame is weird, but other than that, he looks okay." Goldy comments.
"All of them look like this, so it doesn't get any better." I frown in disappointment. These buckets of bolts will never be as famous as us.
We then move forward and meet the new Freddy Fazbear. Not gonna lie, he looks gay as hell. But I'm gay, so I guess that cancels out. At least I don't look like that.
"Well, I bet you two are gonna be great friends in the future." Molten smirks.
"Shut up, tin head." I say, rolling my eyes.
"I'm just kidding, lighten up." He scowls at me and moves on. I turn around to see Goldy standing there blankly. He had a frown on his face, he seemed to be thinking of something.
"Goldy? You good?" I ask him, placing my hand on his arm. He sighs softly in response.
"I'm never going to perform. I'm never gonna meet kids and sing songs and have fun. If we're just being being made to get replaced, then why live at all?" He walks past me and catches up to Molten, who was now at the new Chica model. To be fair, he's never performed for anyone. When he died and got stuffed in the suit, it took him at least a year to gain full control over the animatronic parts. But by then, he and Spring Bonnie were already scrapped and replaced with us.
I catch up to them and see how Chica looked. She was alright. Her head was weird, but that was about it.
"So, so guys can roam around. I'm gonna head to Y/n's office. Don't do anything stupid. And don't get caught by the night guard."
"The night guard?!" Goldy and I say in unison.
"Yup, Vanessa. I saw her coming in a while ago when I was in the vents. She seems to be a pretty good one, so please don't kill her." I gasp sarcastically.
"Molten? Saying please?" He growled at me then, rolling his eyes and heading off.
"That was rude, not gonna lie."
"Oh, and you're suddenly an expert?" I shot back, only for him to give me a look.
"I am the expert."
I sigh in annoyance and push past him, heading off the stage and into the main party area. Looks like a big theatre.
"Freddy, what do you think the night guard looks like?" Goldy asks as he walks behind me.
"A girl," I say blankly.
"Well duh, but do you think she's cute?" He asks.
"Goldy, we're animatronics. It'll never work out between you and her."
"Didn't say I liked her, I just wanna know if she's cute."
"How am I supposed to know? I've never seen her before." I answer, getting even more annoyed with his excessive need to know how the night guard looks.
"Just trying to have a convo, Freddy."
"You act more like a child than you did back then."
"Thank you." He chipped. I could feel him grinning behind me.
"Wasn't a compliment." I stated, rolling my eyes. He stayed silent after that. Finally.
We head past the rows of tables and chairs and into the kitchen.
"Maybe the chicas can come here and make some food if they're bored. It looks big enough to— Goldy? Hello?" As I was talking, I turned around only to find that Goldy hadn't followed me to the kitchen. Where'd he go? I thought he was right behind me.
"I saw the whole thing, Freddy." I jumped in surprise upon hearing Molten's voice so close behind me.
"Molten! I thought you where-?"
"I was, but Y/n needed to get work done so I left him be."
"Oh, have you seen-?"
"He went back downstairs."
"Oh? Why?"
"Why do you think? Every time he tries to talk to you and bond a little, you shut him down without hesitation. He literally has no one, Freddy. As much as I dislike him, I don't treat him horribly. I call him names and such, yeah. But I don't purposefully make him feel secluded and horrible about himself. I used to do that, but I've grown. Look, I know you two have a past, and it's none of my business, but he's trying to move on. And with you being so negative all the fucking time, neither of you will be able to do that. So how about you get your head out of your ass and stop being a douchebag to people, hm?" After that long lecture, he left the kitchen.
I didn't know what do, all I could do really was stand there and think about everything he just said. What is wrong with me?

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