A Glitch Trap

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"Y/n... Time to get up. We have a lot to do today," I hear Molten say as he gently shakes me to wake up. I groan and lazily shove him away.
"You want pancakes?" He asks, and I nod. But before he leaves, I grab his arm, causing him to look back with a smile.
"You wanna cuddle a lil bit?" He asks in a sweet tone. I nod once again and he climbs into bed and embraces me tightly, warming me up.
"Anything wrong?" He asks.
"I don't wanna get up," I whine.
"But you have to get up if you want pancakes..." He says to me, rubbing my back. I cuddle deeper into his chest. "You're cute when you're pouty." He comments. After a few minutes, I fall back to sleep.
I'm really not in the mood to go to work. As much as I would love Molten's pancakes, I just don't want to move. If I could stay in his arms forever, trust me, I would.
When I do eventually wake up again, it's 1 in the afternoon. I missed breakfast...
"That's what happens when you're lazy," Molten says to me with a smirk. I pout and get out of bed. Once I get dressed, I go to the kitchen and make myself a coffee before we both head to the car and head to the mall.
Once we get there, Molten gets out and sneaks his way to the nearest ventilation shaft to get in. He can't just walk in to a crowded mall where people can see him.

When I get to the pizzeria, I walk past multiple customers and their kids. All looking like they enjoyed their time here. I'm surprised the parents enjoy it.
I head to the back and go into my small office.
I sigh as I get to work, really not in the mood for this.
As I work on the computer, every once in a while the screen glitches. New building, it's common for the wiring to be-
My jaw drops as my computer completely glitches out and becomes a grey static. I could've sworn I saw a figure in the static, but I think it's just my imagination.
I try to turn my computer off by pressing the turn-off button, but it shocks me, causing me to jump in surprise. The static noise gets louder ever so slowly. But then I heard it...
"Hello~" A creepy, distorted, chipper voice sounded from the room. A chill ran down my spine, and I could sense someone else in my office. Yet the office was so small, it could only fit a desk a few file cabinets, and me. I looked around the small room but saw no one. The static got even louder, making me turn back to it. When I did, I gasped upon seeing those big, lifeless, purple eyes staring at me through the screen static.
"W-what the fuck..." I couldn't look away, It's eyes were putting me in some kind of trance.
"I always come back~" It says, and begins to laugh hysterically, getting louder and louder. The static begins to hurt my ears but I still can't look away from the screen. My head's stuck! My whole body is frozen, creating panic inside of me. I couldn't even talk!

Freddy's POV
"I'm sorry Freddy, but I think your mic is gone. It's in none of these crates." Bonnie tells me from across the aisle. I sigh in frustration.
"It has to be here!" I say desperately. I look to Goldy who was a few feet away from me.
"Find anything, G?" I ask him. Hope he likes the nickname.
He seemed to be thinking about something.
"Yes?" I reply.
"Do you... Do your hear static?" He asks, looking at me with a concerned expression.
"Uh... No. Why?"
He looks toward the stairs and concentrates on whatever he's hearing.
"You okay?" Bonnie asks him. After minute of silence, his ears perk up and looks to us, eyes widened.
"Y/n!" He exclaims, and runs toward the stairs at full speed. I look to Bonnie but he just shrugs in confusion.

Goldy's POV
I race upstairs as fast as my stupid robotic legs could go, but stop upon seeing the backstage crew doing there work. Fuck! Something's happening with Y/n and I can't get to him without being noticed. Fuck! If only I had my powers. I'd be able to get to him by now.
I wait until the cost is clear before quickly heading through the control room and into the narrow hallway, seeing Y/n's adjacent office door. I head in to find Y/n staring blankly, jaw open, at his computer screen. The static was so loud.
"Y/n! Turn it off!" I say to him, but he doesn't look away. Upon closer inspection, I saw that the static noise was causing his ears to bleed, as well as his nose. My god he looks as pale as a ghost.
"Y/n!" I call out to him, but he doesn't respond. It's killing him... Oh my god it's killing him!
My mind races for ideas. Clearly something is in the computer controlling him, trying to kill him. Or maybe it's using him as bait to get to us? Holy shit! If I touch Y/n, whatever is inside that computer that's in Y/n will get inside me. And I can't just smash the computer, I would touch it and it might get into me. Whatever it is. So what do I do?? Y/n doesn't have much time! Fuck! Wait... what if I...? But it would go throughout the whole pizzeria. But do I really have another option right now? Nope.
I dig deep inside of me and count to three in my head before letting out a loud, demon sounding scream, outcompeting with the static from the computer. As a matter of fact, it was so loud that the computer started to spark, and after a minute, it exploded, causing Y/n to fall on the floor, unconscious. I stopped screaming and quickly went to him and checked his pulse.
Yes! A heart beat!
There's a door I saw right outside the office. I believe it leads to the outside back ally way. I quickly head out and go through the door, but before I close it, I yell "Help! Somebody!" Really loud so that the workers could hear. I hide behind the door, but open it just enough to see what's going on. Two workers, one blonde and the other a brunette, rush to the office and gasp upon seeing Y/n on the floor.
"Call 911, Derek!" The blonde one exclaims. The other nods and takes out his phone while the blonde guy goes by Y/n's side and checks his pulse, but is careful not to move him. Moving him could make it worse.
"Goldy?" I gasp and turn around, expecting to see a human. But it was Molten. He looked confused.
"M-Molten! I-"
"Hey, calm down. Tell me what's wrong..." His voice became gentle instead of raspy, calming me a bit.
"We were downstairs looking for Freddy's microphone when-"
"Oh that? It's in Y/n's office."
"Oh, no wonder we couldn't find it.."
"Anyway, go on," He says.
"Right... I started to hear this strange noise while looking through one of the crates. Then I heard him." Molten gave me a questionable look.
"Heard... Who?" He asked.
"Y/n. As soon as I heard his voice in my head, I began to hear static, and I knew something was wrong. So I ran upstairs and went to his office and found him in front of his computer. The screen was static and the noise was so loud, I'm surprised none of the humans heard it. His ears and nose were bleeding. He seemed to be in a trance or something. I couldn't risk touching him, there was something in that computer that was using him to get to us. He was being used as bait. Whatever it was, I got rid of it by screaming loud enough, making the computer explode. Y/n fell to the ground unconscious, and I yelled for help before coming out here. Right now he's probably being taken to the hospital." I explain. Molten looked insanely concerned.
"Goldy... Is he going to be okay?" He asked in a low, desperate tone. His eyes looked panicked. I don't know...
After a second, I nod confidently. Molten sighed in relief.
I shouldn't have done that...

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