Moving Day

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(A/n: The picture above is not mine, just to let you know. Found it on google. Anyway, hope you enjoy!)

I made sure Molten and Goldy got on the truck unnoticed when they packed everyone in it. They went to the way back so they'd be hidden by everyone else.

I looked around my pizzeria in sadness. I hate to see it go, but I have no choice. It's already happening. The pizzeria will be demolished, and we will move to the other location in stupid mall. Lots of customers, yeah... But it won't be the same. My animatronics probably won't be able to perform ever again. But... they've been through that before right? So what makes it different this time?
"Y/n? I would've thought you left already," I turn to see Davis walking out of the empty kitchen. I sigh in response,
"I just... Wanted one last look. I spent so much time and money trying to make this place a hit. And seeing it like this?..."
"I know, I've had to do the same thing a few times in the past. It hurts for a while, but eventually you'll move on."
"Yeah I know..."
"Alright. You know the address right? I emailed it to you."
"Yeah I have it, Davis. I'll meet you there in a bit." He nods in response and walks off. I take one last look before heading to my car. Once there, I get the directions to the mall on my phone and head off.

So... This is Starlight Mall? Wow... It looked really nice. For a mall. Can't believe we have to be here now though. Stupid coronavirus.
I head inside and see that it was packed. Not too much, but a little above the normal amount of people that you usually see in a mall. I see one of those map things up ahead and I walk over and locate the pizzeria.
"All the way at the end? Great..." I roll my eyes and start my long walk towards the end side of the mall. Once there, I finally saw it. The logo for the pizzeria looked really retro, but it drew me in. Well, I guess that's one good thing. The sign is broad and enticing. And there's a steady amount of customers walking in and out.
"Y/n, you made it!" I felt a large hand pat me on the back gently. It was Davis.
"Hey, Davis..." He frowned at that.
"I'm sorry... Truly I am. But this place will get you more money, get the company more money. So this is the best option."
"Will all due respect, Davis. Doesn't mean I have to like it." He chuckled softly.
"I know... I understand that. But just... Give it try, okay? Any who, let's meet the new crew." He said, walking into the pizzeria. I followed in after him, moving past about a dozen people walking to the exit with their kids. When we got to the main show area, I was genuinely shocked and amazed. This place was huge! There was literally a balcony overlooking the stage. The stage was enormous, and there were a lot of tables for people. I would say about 50% of all the tables were packed.
"The next show starts in a few minutes. I'll show you them up close when the show is over for break." Davis said to me loudly, trying to talk over the many people talking in the large room and also the background music that was playing on the large speakers all around the area. Probably to give the atmosphere more hype for the kids.
"Where's the office I'll be staying at?" I ask him. He nodded towards the the black double doors on the left side of the stage. I followed him as he lead the way. Once we got there, we went through the doors into the backstage area. Where there was a small crew controlling the lights and sounds throughout the whole pizzeria. Damn, this is way better than my place.
He lead me to the left down a slightly narrow hallway with black colored walls and some plastic stars on some places for decoration.
At the end of the hallway, there were two doors. One door that lead out of the building, and another that lead to the office. He unlocked the door with a key he had in his right pocket and we entered. I grimaced at how small it was. Davis noticed that and sighed.
"This... was the only room they had... If it makes you feel better, there is a tv you can watch right here," he points to the wall right next to the door leading out.
"Yippee..." I exaggerate, rolling my eyes.
"You don't have to spend all your time in here, y'know. Just when doing paper work and shit. If you have no work then you can roam around as you please."
"Cool, I guess... Um, where are my animatronics?" I ask him.
"I believe they've been put downstairs. That's where all the crates and extra supplies are that they ship here for the pizzeria."
"How many goddamn floors does this place have??" I ask in bewilderment, but understanding why we need so many floors if it's just a pizzeria.
"Only three, the upstairs is for private shows. Basically they can rent an animatronic for a birthday or something and then after that, they get sent back to the stage."
"Oh... That's pretty nice."
"Yeah, I thought it would be nice for people. Anyway though, your fam is downstairs." He says leading the way out. I follow him once more down a large spiral staircase leading downstairs.
"And uh... no one is worried how someone could easily come back here and come down here and possibly see that the animatronics are alive?"
"Y/n, don't worry. You saw the security around the front entrance. People won't be coming back here."
"I hope you're right about that..." I say under my breath. When we get to the basement, I see the huge area filled with crates and shelves full of supplies and stuff. Looked like an underground warehouse.
"I think they are over near the left corner in the back. They all grouped up to wait for you." Davis said, as we walked toward that way.
"They're still pretty upset from me keeping all this 'moving away' stuff from them. Even though it's been a whole week since I told them." I comment, looking around at all the stacked up crates on either side of me.
"About fucking time you showed up!" Davis and I look up on one of the shelves of crates and see Molten sitting on the edge.
"Molten, I know you're safe and all, but please get down before I have a heart attack." He smirked down at me and jumped off, landing perfectly on his feet a few inches away from Davis. Who flinched when he landed so close. Molten chuckled lightly as he passed him, happy that he still made Davis scared.
"Missed you," He said with a smile, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
"Molten, I'm guessing you went through the vents and have already checked this place out?" Davis questioned.
"Yeah, much better than our place." I glared at him and hit him in his side. He laughed and said he was only joking.
"Well when night comes and everyone in the pizzeria is out, you can give everyone a tour. Including Y/n, since he's only seen the main area and the back area and his office."
"The bathrooms are trash, don't use them." Molten commented. Davis grimaced, agreeing with him.
"Y/n, wanna stop flirting with your hookups and get your ass over here?" Freddy called from the corner. I looked over to where he was, glaring at me.
"Keep up that talk Freddy, I dare you..." Molten spit back.
"Molten, I have a meeting I have to get too, so can you give Y/n a proper tour? And please don't touch the animatronics."
"Why would I touch them?" I ask, confused.
"Well they're new and I don't want any finger prints on them." He says, turning around and heading out.
"Well that was weird..."
"I haven't even seen them yet, so they might be incredibly ugly. So don't touch them, they might have diseases." I laugh at that as we head over to the corner.
"About time..." Freddy commented, his arms folded as he leaned against one of the shelves.
"Shut up, Freddy. Just because you're angry doesn't mean everyone else has to be."
"Look who's talking. Before you started dating people all you were was angry and made everyone feel horrible just because you felt horrible."
"You don't know why I was like that, dick head."
"Oh, I don't? So, enlighten me tin head." Freddy was now in Molten's face. Molten growled at him.
"Back. Away..." He said through gritted teeth.
"Or what? What's the big bad wolf gonna do?"
"Freddy!" I yell in a stern voice, causing both to look at me in surprise. I nod for him to follow me and begin walking off. I hear him following me, which I was kind of surprised at, since he hates me so much. Once we were far enough away from the group to have a private talk, I turn around to see him. His head was down, looking ashamed. I stayed silent for a few long seconds, making him feel uncomfortable.
"I know why you're upset with me, Freddy. And I completely understand your frustration. But lashing out like that at Molten is so fucking dangerous. He is so much more powerful and stronger than you. And you know that. You might've been stronger back then, but in the rockstar model, you can't fight. It will damage your systems and I can't loose you. You mean a lot to me, Freddy. Even if you hate me, I don't care. It's been a week now, and I've apologized more than I should've have had to. You need to get over it and move on. I did. Molten did. If you can't get over it then fine, be miserable. It's not my problem. So don't make other people feel bad just because you feel bad. That's not right. At all. And you know I'm right..." Now he looked really guilty. Was I too hard on him? I mean he's only a kid on the inside.
I sigh out of frustration and head back over to the group, leaving Freddy to think.
"Damn, I think you broke him." Molten comments as he looks over at Freddy, who still isn't moving.
"I told him how I felt about his behavior and now he has the choice to either fix it, or stay that way. It's not my problem anymore. I have bigger problems than him. I have to recognize the layout of this place, the tax's, the bill's, upgrades... I just. I can't right now. I just can't." I turn around and walk off, heading down the large long middle row of shelves towards the stairs.
Once I get in my office, my stupidly small office, I sit down and find a blueprint of the whole pizzeria. Time to get studying...

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