New Job?

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"YOUR FIRED!" the fat man screamed infront off me. Great i thought. I hated that job anyway. Who would ever want to work in a cardboard box factory anyway. It was sure like hell to me. "Just get your stuff and leave (y/n)..." he sighed. "FINE!" I screamed as i left the office.

I got fired for drinking coffee over one of the cardboard pressers. I didnt even spill it. Apparently its a risk of health and saftey. But what ever. I hated that job. Screw them. But wait... I dont have a job now! I ruffled my (h/c) hair as i stormed out the building and hopped in my car and started to drive home.

Im ganna need to find a job soon. If i dont. Well. I wont have anywhere to live. I wouldnt be able to pay rent. DAHM IT! Ok... all i need is a part time job. Just to pay the rent while i find a longer period job. I drove into my drive and walked in my house.

God i was hungry. I walked over to the fridge to grab some food. None. I have no food... Great just great! You know what, screw it. I scanned my (e/c) eyes around the messy living room for the local newpaper. Gosh... i really want pizza.

As i scanned the paper something caught my eye. It said 'Fazbears Pizzeria. Job availible" oh this is good! Maybe i could apply. "Needs new night guard. Pay : $120 per week'. Hmm thats enough to get me through the next few weeks!

I rushed to the phone and call the number in the advertisement. A man answers, "Hello. Fazbears Pizzaria. This is Mike. How may i help?". I answered nerviously, "um.. hi im (y/n). Im looking to apply for the night gaurd job." "Oh.. are you sure? Um. Ok then. You start tomorrow. Bye (y/n)." Mike hesitantly questioned and hung up the phone.

Well at least i have a job i thought.

(Hi thanks for reading. This is my first fanfic. Please comment if you want more! I dont want to write more if people dont want to read it...)

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