the Answer of why I haven't updated

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Hi everyone. I know you've all waitef for over a year for this story to be update. And im so sorry I stopped. The truth is... at the end of August last year I began college. Engineering college to be exact. And I found it very hard. I had no friends and no one to talk to. But. I met a boy. He was very nice to me. And we become friends. He introduced me to his friends at the college and we soon became bffs. On December 9th I had my first kiss with this boy. And hes now the love of my life. Unfortunately for all my fans out there though. This meant I haven't updated my stories and I have completely neglected you all.
Im so sorry.
I've forgotten the actual story of this book as well.
I am loyal to you all and I want to let that be known. I will be rereading this story over the next few days and re-imagining the plot. To bring a complete new life to this book. I loved writing and I miss it so much! So im coming back. Just please be patient guys. College is still extremely hard and I have to keep that my main priority right now.
Im going to try so hard to make this story great again like it first was! I promise! Just give me time! No more comments avout updates either please! Its very stressful!

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