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*Mark pov*

A blaring alarm sounds off around pirate cove. I stand up from leaning in the wall. I look at (y/n) and so does Felix. Curiousity. "Dont worry. It just means my shifs over. We can go to my apartment now..." "Oh cool. Can we sleep there?" Felix asks. She nods giving a small smile mixed with sarcasm. "Of course. Like i said earlier. You can stay at mine untill the portal opens again." "Thanks (y/n). We really appreciate all this." I walk over to her side. "Come on then. Lets go." I offer her my hand to help her up. Whispering 'thanks', she takes my hand and stands up. Suddenly theres a bang on the door. (Y/n) backs up onto the wall. If this is that Golden fellow i will beat the shit out of him.
The door flys open. Then there stands a 'fox pirate' animatronic... "Foxy you scared us... wait. Shouldn't you be with the others on stage?" "I be out of service. Ey. Its been quite afew years since a performance. There was. How may i say. An inncident." I give Pewds a questioning look. He just shrugs in return. Felix turns back to (y/n). "Can we leave now?" She nods.
As we head for the door i spot a newspaper article on the floor..i quickly drop down, grab it and shove it in my pocket. Keep this for reading later.

*y/n pov*

I see Mark kneel down to grab something. I have no idea what it is though. Looks like a old peice if paper. I'll just ask him later. I turn and give Foxy a hug. The cold metal against my face. "What happened to Golden?" "Dont worry Lass. He be gone for now. We'll protect yah." "Thanks Foxy. See you later." I release from the hug and step out of the door. Mark and Felix wait there. Looks if worry and fear on their faces.
"Whats wron-" thats when i notice him. Standing infront of them. A pure look of disaproval and fustration. "Who are these people? Hm (y/n)?" I lower my head to face my shoes. The sudden feeling of embarrasment and fear. "Im sorry Mike. They're my.... friends?" He raises an eyebrow. "And why were your friends here?" Gesturing to Mark and Felix. "We can to keep her company. It seems pretty lonely here every night. So we came to give moral support." Felix says. A pretty convincing arguement i must say.
"Sure... Sure... Anyway (y/n). Your not ment to do this. You know. Put other members of the public in danger." Hes hinting to the animtronics trying to kill us, but i know they would never hurt me. "I didnt we were fine." "The manager can fire you. Sue you even!" I look up from the interestingness of my feet. His eyes are serious, yet caring. "Ok. I'll be more careful next time." He releases a heavy sigh. A look of relief waves over his face. "Thank you. You go rest up, ok? See you later." I nod as he leaves for the office.
"LETS GO ALREADY!" Felix shouts. Marks jumps from the sudden noice. I giggle alittle. "Hey dont laugh at me!" "That... that was ... pretty funny!" I snort between laughter. "Seriously i want to sleep!" Felix sighs, more unpacient and serious. His agrivation building. "Ok guys. Lets all go home, shall we?" And with that we start walking out of the pizzaria. I wave to the animtronics on stage and exit the door to my car.
We climb in and start to drive back to my dump of an home.

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