Its my fault?

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*y/n pov*

"Your the reason he died!" Im shacking and tears roll down my face. "How?" I squeal out.
A hand grabs the mans sholder. "Let her go." "Shes the reason Freddy. I need revenge! For both of us." Thats when a switch flicks in my mind... Gordon. "G..gordan it wasnt me.. i didnt do anything!" I say between my sobs of fear. "DONT CALL ME GORDON! Im not him anymore... im Golden." "Ok times up!" Freddy shouts. Freddy hits Golden straight in the jaw making him drop me. I fall to the floor in a heep. "Come on." Freddy takes hold of my hand and hurrys to pirate cove to get the others. As we run through the dinning hall Golden teleports infront of us... wait. He teleported?! "Give her to me!" "No." "Now Freddy!" Freddy stands infront of me. A hand on my arm. "She did nothing." "Your so arrigant!" Golden steps forward infront of Freddy. He is significantely taller. "Let her go." Freddy turns around to face me. He leans down. Then whispers into my ear "Run". Freddy turns back to Golden and pushs him back. I take my chance and run as fast as i can to pirates cove. As i reach the door. (A.n is a room in my mind. You go into the room and it has a seperate stage with chairs infront of it) i hear screems from behind me. "GET BACK HERE!" I dash in. "Help. Golden attacking me... Freddys in trouble!" Foxy Bonnie and Chico stand up immediately and head out the door.
I sit in a chair on the far corner of the room. "Hey. You ok?" I look up to see Felix. "He.. he wants to kill me. He said im the reason Freddy died..." water funs from my eyes, again. "Hey. Its ganna be fine. (Y/n). We will protect you." Mark says. Felix grabs a chair and puts it next to mine. Mark leans on the wall behind us. "What do you thinks happening out there?" Felix questions. "No idea." Mark replies. "I hope they dont get hurt." I wipe away the tears flowing down my face. I dont want to die. And i dont want them dieing because of me.

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