I have a secret.

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*Freddy pov*

I have to tell (y/n). She has to know the truth. Im going to tell her tonight. I look up from the small table im sitting on. Bonnie stares at me from across it. "You ok bud? Ever since she came here. You've been acting kind of strange... " he says with a small smile. "Yer. Im... i'll be fine Bonnie. Thank you." I smile back.
She sits on the stage with the boys that came here tonight. I dont like them being together. It just. Looks wrong. I think. Im jealous.
Telling her this secret will hurt. Alot.  I should probably tell everyone at the same time... nobody knows. But now shes here. I have to say. I cant keep it locked up inside me forever.
"Bonnie." "Yer Freddy." "Can you gather everyone to the front of the stage. I have to tell everyone something." His face fills with worry and confusion. "Um. Sure." He stands and walks off to get Chico and Foxy. Then i walk over to (y/n) and the boys.
"Hey. Uh. (Y/n)." i say as i approach. She turns to me. I never told her my name. I'll do that in a minute. "Yes." She smiles at me. "Um.. can. Can we talk. I have to tell everyone something..." "yer sure." She jumps down.
Everyone sits on a table infront of the stage. "Whats this about then?" The dark haired boys asks. "Firstly. Whats your names?" "Oh sorry, im Mark." "And im Felix." The other boy answers. They both smile at me and i smile back slightly. "I have a confession. Its mostly to (y/n). But... but, none off you  know it. I feel like now is a good time to share it." I look down at my feet. "Go ahead." She speaks up.
I look up. Into her eyes. "Well. Um... here goes. A few years ago..."

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