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*y/n pov*

I cry into Freddy chest. He continues to gently stroke my hair. The amount of pain running through my body is unbearable. The others dispersed awhile back to give me and Freddy some time to calm down. It was king of them. "Y/n?" "Y..yes?" I say quietly. "Y/n... I love you. I wont let this happen again. You have to stay with someone at all time. Ok?" I nod into his chest.

*Felix pov*

I sit with Mark and Bonnie on one of the many party tables. "Do you think she'll be ok?" I ask. "She should be ok in a day or so. They were never deep cuts so should heal quite quickly." Bonnie answers.
After afew more minutes of silence something pops into my mind. "Hey Mark?" He looks up with puffy, red eyes. "Didn't y/n have to clean the animatronics tonight?" "She had to do what with us?" Bonnie asks alittle shocked. "Someone, I think his name was Mike, said that y/n had to clean the animatronics. And we dont want her to lose her job... and she can exactly clean you guys herself..." "Felix, are you suggesting we clean them ourselfs?" Mark asks. I nod. "Ok fine." He sighs. I turn to Bonnie. "Can you get the other please?" "Yer." We all stand up and Bonnie goes to pirate cove to get Chico and Foxy. Me and Mark hed to the supplies closet and grab different cleaning supplies to clean them up.
We get back and see Bonnie, Chico and Foxy lining up outside the cove. "Come on." I lead them to the dining room. Y/n and Freddy are sitting at a table talking about something. "Ok everyone line up infront of the stage." Mark announces. Bonnie, Chico and Foxy stand infront of the stage. Me and Mark climb up onto the stage. "Can you change into animatronics please?" I ask. They all nod and light surrounds them. Then large, metal animatronic animals stand infront of us.
"Lets get started then I guess." Mark chuckles. "I'll do Bonnie. You do Foxy. Who ever finishs first does Chico." "Wait I have to do Foxy?" A little scared at the orange eyed Foxy. "What be the matter with that, Felix?" Foxy says. His voice machanical and harsh. I flinch. "Nothing. Nothing wrong." I nervously chuckle.
Ww both set to work. I get to work spraying cleaning solution on a cloth and cleaning away dirt and what looks like... blood? "Foxy have you... why is there blood on you?" "I dont want to talk about it." He answers. I just shrug it off and continue.
Lots of Foxys body parts are broken and torn. "Hey Mark?" "Yer?" Mark turns to me having a break from cleaning Bonnies animatronic. "You have a education in engineering right?" "Yer why?" "When I've fimished cleaning Foxy do you think you could weld up all his broken parts?" "Yer I can do that." "Thank you laddie." Foxy thanks Mark. Mark nods and gets back to working on Bonnie. I smile up to Foxy. "I be thanking ye too Felix." He pats my head gentley with his hook. I laugh and start to scrub at his face.
I hesitate as i get to cleaning Foxys mouth. "Dont worry Laddie. I dont bite." I let out a sigh and start to clean his teeth. "Or maybe I do?" He chuckles. I pull my hand out and stare at his orange eyes. "Do not bite me." "Nah you be a good lad. I wont hurt ye." He opens up his mouth again and I chuckle as I get back to scrubbing at his teeth.
When I finish, Foxy stands back and changes to his human form. He looks much smarter with clean cloths and flawless skin. "Hey I ain't finished with you!" Mark shouts at Foxy. "Oh yer." Foxy laughs as he changes back.
Chico then stands infront of me. He is pretty tall. "Can your clean my cupcake to?" He asks. "Sure." I clean the large metal cupcake too and then decide it needs a new coat of paint and cover it in a new layer of colour. "Shes looking good." Chico chuckles. It sounds very strange to hear a machanical voice laugh. "Its a she?" I ask. "Yer. Hey dont judge." "I won't. Get over here I have to clean yah." "Fine."
As I clean Chico I sneak peaks of Mark welding up Foxys holes and rips. Its nice to see Foxy looking better.
Mark and I both finish at the same time. We high five as we stare at the 3 animatronics. They change to human forms and the transformation from earlier is amazing.
Each one of them look cleaner and smarter. Bonnie has a brand new looking purple vest tux and a shining red bow tie. Chico wears new jeans and tshirt and Foxy... he runs around the room cheering. He holts to a stop infront of me. "Felix look at me! Im new again! Thank you!" He picks me up and pulls me into a bone crushing hug. When he pulls away I see tears pricking his eyes. "Dont cry. You deserve to be fixed." "Thank you laddie." I pull him into another hug.
I hear some people laughing and turn around to see y/n and Freddy laughing. "Hey he does ok!?" I say, blushing alittle.
"Can I get a clean?" Freddy asks. "Of course. Step this way." Mark leads Freddy infront of the stage to make him look brand new.
"Now ye be needing a clean." Foxy laughs. I lift up my hand and gasp at the build up of dirt over me. "The sinks be over there." Foxy laughs pointing to the toilets. I leave to go to clean up. Do... do I have a thing for Foxy?

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