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(Y/n pov)

I hope Mark and Felix are ok. I swear. If Mari or Golden has hurt either of them. So help me I will rip them to shreads. No mercy. "Any idea where they could be?" I ask Freddy. Staying close to his side. "Im not sure. Dont worry y/n. We'll find them." He pats my back. Giving me a kind smile. I return one but that doesnt stop my worrying.

We slowly enter the maintance room and see old suits lieing around on the floor and shelves. As I look around I shreak as a mouse runs from under the shelf. "Shhh shh its ok. Its just a mouse. Shhh." Freddy calms me, pulling me into his chest. I try and slow my breathing again and look around once more. "I dont think they are in here..." Freddy sighs.
"LET THEM GO YOU FILTHY DOG!" "IM A BEAR AND I AM TRYING TO HELP!" shouts erupt from the main room. We run back in and see Mark and Felix holding Foxy back from ripping apart Golden.

(Foxy Pov)

I'll kill him. Hurting my Lassy. Then taking her friends! How dare he! "Your ganna die laddy!" I shreak. Yanking to get out of Mark and Felixs grip. "He helped us escape!" Mark shouts, yanking me away harder. "HE HURT Y/N!" "Foxy listen to me." Felix sighs. I let out a annoyed groan but turn to him. "What!?" "He is sorry for what he had done. He didnt want to realise that the reason he died wasnt possible of being controlled. That no one was to blame but the killer. The same killer that killed you. He wants to help now. Find the killer with us. And save Y/n from Mari!" He finishes. Im silent for a few seconds. Taking it all in. I stop pulling and stare at Golden coldly. "Do not betray us Golden. Or I'll be the first at your throught."
"Guys!?" Y/n runs in with Freddy. "W..whats going on here?" She looks confused. But when he notices Golden looking to her she quickly dashes behind me. "Why is Golden here?" She whispers. "He... he wants to help us now. Apparently he understands no one is to blame but the murderer for his death." I growl.
"I am really sorry y/n. I shouldnt have hurt you. It was immoral and a horrid thing to do. I see that now. I feel dreadful." Golden looks down ashamed. And so he should.
"Fine. We will trust you for now... you are my brother..." Freddy sighs. "Wheres Bonnie and Chico?" We look to each other. Oh dear matey.


Hi its Lucy. Im sorry about not updating in a long time. And that this is a short chapter. I just have a lot going on in my life right now. I have a job. Im going on holiday tomorrow for a week. And if you keep moaning about me not updating than I might take longer. I just have a lot going on. So undates are going to be slower. Like ive said before.
But for now. Buh bye

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