A new day. A new idea.

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IM BACK! However... there will be a slight change in my uploading times. They will be completely random. I really hate having deadlines. It just made me stressed. Including i have 8 books that i like to keep updated every now and then. So due to stress and many books, updates on this story will be completely random. And with that. Lets carry on.

For a reminder: We found out that Mari (Marionette) and Golden Freddy (Gordon) are after you. Mari wants you as his doll and Golden to torture and get revenge. Golden had come close to your death only for you to be saved. However, you are weak. Mark and Felix had cleaned the animatronics. But, Mark had found out about the bite of 87'. You may have also kissed a few of the crew (Freddy, Chico, Bonnie, Mark). What will you do now? Lets find out!


*Freddy Pov*

The manager decided that Foxy should undergo trials to test his condition. Then maybe... just maybe, Foxy can be back in business and wont be stuck alone everyday. Happy with the children again. Its so great though. To see all of my friends around me all shiny and clean. Its been years since anyone had done that. Obviously it was a little weird having Mark and Felix clean us all. Even thought we were in the animatronic forms we can still feel. So if you just imagine someone washing your whole body... It was like that. Very, very weird. but so worth it. The manger also noticed are state and was immensely pleased. But he also said about the company shutting down... If this place closes... where will we be?

Anyway i cant worry about that right now. I have children to worry about. Only a few more hours until y/n, Mark and Felix will be back.

*Y/n pov*

I wake to stinging sensation running over my body. I let out a loud groan and try to sit up. However uncomfortable it is i manage. There's i slight knock on the door, "Come in." I reply to it. Felix slowly walks in carrying a tray of cereal and juice. "Oh uh... thanks." I smile. "No problem. How are the cuts?" Felix asks raising a eye brow. I look down to my arms and legs and see that a lot of them have healed over leaving gross scabs. "Hurting but healing." I shrug and start to dig into my cereal. Felix chuckles and sits on the end of the bed looking through his phone.

"Its funny, isnt it?" Felix smiles looking up. "What is?" I shrug. "Well you know me and Mark are from an parallel dimension? How is it you have everything we do... Google, Internet, Television?" I stop eating and think for a minute. That is weird... "Wait Felix, what did you say your youtube channel was called?" "Pewdiepie? Why?" I grab my laptop which conveniently lay next to me, and bring up youtube. Typing up Pewdiepie.

I gasp. "WHAT?" Felix asks loudly and very confused. Felix's shout caused Mark to some running in. "Whats going on in here?" Mark raises a eye brow. My mouth wide i turn the laptop to face them both. On the screen lay a channel called 'PewDiePie'. "What the? Wait let me try!" Mark takes the laptop and types in Markiplier. Within seconds they both gasp and i catch a glimpse of the screen to see 'Markiplier' written on the screen. "Does that mean?" I raise a eye brow. "We arent form different dimensions... Just... Different places." Felix grins. Mark jumps around the room happily, like a child in a sweet store.,"We can still make videos! We arent stuck! We can leave! I can check all my friends are ok!". With those words my smile that had arrived soon left, with tears taking its place.

"Woh y/n whats wrong?" Felix asks holding my shoulder gently as i whimper, "You can go home. You dont have to be stuck here. You can leave me behind. Go back to normal." Mark stops realizing how hurtful hos words were to me. "Oh god y/n. Im sorry. We will all stay friends i promise. We wont just leave you forever!" Mark kneels on the bed next to me. "Thanks guys. I just never really had any friends and now you guys are here. And if you just left like that..." I fade out. Tears rolling down my face. "Why not come with us?" Felix suggests joyfully. For me to only shake my head. I cant leave Freddy and everyone else behind." "THEY CAN COME WITH US!" Mark cheers.

I think for a minute and smile again wiping the tears from my eyes. "Ok then. We will have to talk it over with them first. I think they enjoy being around the children though. And you know... Their animatronics." I laugh. Mark and Felix chuckle next to me.

We spend the remainder of the day in my room taking and joking around. that was untill it was time to go back to Fazbears pizzeria. And tell the others the news.

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