Its ganna be ok.

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*Mari pov*

"That was to close Golden!" "What was?" "One you nearly fucking killed her! Two we were almost caught!" I shout as we sit in the back room. "You said I could torture her!" "And I said not enough that it will kill her!" "Whatever..."
I hate him. She will be my doll and I will not allow her to slip through my hands. I only promised him the torture so that he would leave her alone after so I could have her to myself.
Its the perfect way to get back at Freddy. Its not that he has done much. But I run the show, not him. He doesnt appreciate what I have done for him. He must pay with what he finds dear.

*Freddy pov*

"How are we ganna find Golden?" Mark asks. "No idea." I sigh. Bonnie stays by y/ns side and keeps monitoring her condition. He made some really bad cuts. Never piercing the flesh, always on the skin. It was brutal. I can only imagine the pain she must have been in; Compared as my death was pretty quick.
"Shes waking up." Bonnie says to the group of us. We slowly stand and stand near the stage where y/n is starting to sture. She groans loudly. "Fuck. Why do I hurt so fucking much!?" She asks. Pain in her voice. She trys to sit up but immediately falls back down.
"Y/n. How do you feel?" I ask. "What happened?" She says as a tear rolls down her cheek. I wipe the tear away, "G...golden took you... hes made multiple cuts into your body. You ganna be pain for awhile." Bonnie says. More tears stream down her pale skin.
She sobs helplessly on the stage. I rap my arms around her and pull her into my chest. She tucks her head close to where my heart used to be.
"W..why me?" She sobs. "I.. I dont know. He thinks your the reason we both died. He just wants revenge." "Freddy its not that." What does she mean? "What is it then?" " wasnt just Golden..." everyones eyes widen at this news.
"Marionette. He said I was going to be his doll. But I dont want to." She sobs. Tears stream down her face. Shock and dread consumes me. Why would Mari do this? He is so kind normally. But he has power. Maybe that consumed him. The power to take away and return life.
"Shhh shhh its ganna be ok." I say as I gentely stroke her hair as she lies with her head on my chest.
"Its ganna be ok."

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