Back in business!

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*Foxy pov*

It be nice that Felix got Mark to fix me. I havent been sorted out for so many years. No one ever cared. But now Felix does. He is so kind.
After awhile of chitchattering the shift alarm spounded. We all say good bye to Y/n, Mark and Felix and the others head to the stage.
"Hey Foxy!" Freddy runs over from the stage. "Yer matey?" "I think you should leave pirate coves curtain open. Maybe the manager will see you and decide to put you back onto business. I would be more fun then sitting alone In the dark." Freddy grins. "That be a darn good idea. Thank ye Freddy." Freddys grin grows wider and he pats my back. I smile down at him open up the curtains wide. Freddy runs back to his spot on stage for the staff to return.
If I get back to working.... I will be so happy. When... when that incident happeded I couldnt control myself. It felt like someone had taken over my body. I didnt want to hurt her, she was just curious and then it happened. That be the worst day of my life. Apart from being killed of course.
Mike walks through the entrance and heads towards the stage looking at the animatronics. "Your all looking in tip top condition. Nice and clean!" Mike chimes. As he starts to walk towards the office Mike glances towards the Cove and sees it is open. "What in the?" Mike approachs the open curtain and stops im his tracks as he sees me standing by the curtain. All holes fixed. Clean and practically in brand new condition. "Foxy? Oh my god. This is amazing. Look at you! Y/n did a good job on you! I need to tell the manager about this!" Mike runs down the hall to the office. I look towards Freddy and the gang, Bonnie gives a thumbs up and Chico is practically jumping.
Im so excited.

*Mark pov*
As I Felix drives the car, because y/n is still sore, i remember something. I reach into my back pocket and take out the old newspaper cutting. On the front in bold letters was, ' beloved animatronic killer! ' and on the front was Foxys animatronic. I read the article.
' Date: 1987.
At the most beloved fast food restarant 'Freddy Fazbear Pizzaria' a death of a young girl occured. The girls frontal lobe of her face was biten of by the well known 'Foxy the Pirate Fox' animatronic. From reports it is suspected the girl had climbed onto pirate cove stage. From here the animatronic started to glitch and shake. Within afew seconds the girl was attacked. We have no information on why this event happened but Freddy Fazbear Pizzaria will be closed for the coming months. The owner of the company says that the animatronics will return but more saftey precautions will be made to keep the business child friendly.'
My mouth drops. Why would Foxy do that. I cant show Felix and y/n. I cant allow there to be anymore trouble and stress. I tuck the article back into my pocket and try to pretend nothething was wrong.
When we pulled up to the house I helpes y/n inside. As she slowly walked in clinging to my side I noticed some of her beautiful (f/c) hair covering eyes. I gentely move it away. Y/n smiles gentley at me. "Thanks Mark." "No problem." I smile.
When we get inside Felix helps me get y/n to her bed so she can sleep. We cook some pasta and go to sleep. Im ganna take the couch cuz Felix took it last night.
"See ya tomorrow Felix." I grin as he heads to the guest room. "Sweet dreams Mark." He smirks.
Good night.

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