A place to stay.

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*y/n pov*

"Um.. hello?" A shakey voice says from the left hallway. We all turn and see the two men standing there. Very confused and shakey, not being sure of where they were. They appeared silentely like a single mouse. "Um. Hello." I say. Giving an equally confused face. I stand and start walking towards them. "H... how did you get in here? Its after hours. The doors should be locked..." i turn around to see Foxy. He shrugs and stands up next to me. "She said. How are ye here?!" A stern look on his face. The blonde haired boy steps back abit, but the dark haired stays in place. Unaffraid. "Well. I think we came from that office... or something?" How. How could they have come from the offi... i suddenly realise. "THE BLACK MIST!" i shout. Everyone turns to me, faces covered in shock and confusion. Not caring to explain, I sprint down the hall way to the broken door.
Its gone... There is no referance or anything to  prove the existance of the mist even being here... Foxy gets to office first after me. "It be gone..." i nod slowly. "This doesnt make any sence. How can it be gone. It must have stopped after they came through it?" My voice raises as i guesture to the new boys. "I dont know what we should do about it. Um. Excuse me. You two. Um... before you woke up what were you doing?" Bonnie asks politely. They look at us all. Deep in thought. "I... dont remember. I think i was in a call with a friend. I was about to play a game. When i clicked start i blacked out and woke up here..." the dark haired answers. "What do you mean. Game?" "I... I think you said you where going to play. Five nights at Freddys.... it was a new horror game or something." The blonde confesses. Im really confused. Is this a game? Am i part of a horror game!? "I think i know what happened. " someone answers. It turns out to be that boy i dont know the name of yet... " What? Are we part of a game!?" Fear inglufes me "No no no. We arnt. But. Well. There is a thing called a parralel pixel demension. They can join worlds together. If the game made in one world has the main characterists of a parralel pixel demension than a portal can be made. That explains the mist. And how they got here." Its confusing but i understand what hes coming from. "So. I guess you have to stay here untill the end of the game period. Was it only 5 nights?" He asks in a sure voice. "No. There was actually 2 extra nights. So seven all together."


After a while of talking about what to do. We all decided to go into the dinning area. The new boys stand alone sitting on the stage. I might aswell talk to them. I should get to know them. "Um hi." I say as i sit on the stage next to them. "Hello" the blonde answers. "So you never told me your names..." i point out. A guilty look passes over their faces. The blonde extends me a hand. Im then confused then he turns it into a fist. "Im peeeewdiepie! You can call me either Pewds or Felix. You choose." I smile and bump my fist to his. "Felix then." I laugh. He has a side parting, blond hair and blue eyes. His top is blue with little brofists around it. He wears jeans and white vans.
"And im Markiplier. But you can call me Mark." He offers a simple smile.  Im then shocked when it turns into a hug. I blush alittle. I can feel his muscles under his top. He pulls back and grins. He has a large black hoodie with a large 'M' on the front in red. Has red joggers and black sneakers.
"Do you two have anywhere to stay during the day?" They glance at each other realising they dont. "Hey. Its fine. You can stay at my place." I grin ear to ear. "Are you sure?" Felix asks with a questioning look. "Yer its fine. We can the  atlease get to know each other."
So i now have two hot men staying in my flat and i have to work with them for 7 nights... well. Lucky me.

Hey its me Lucy. I just want to say. Thank you soooo much for nearly 1000 reads its crazy as ballz!  I will try and publish as often as possible. Sorry for any inconvience.  I have all my exams soon. Dont worry though after 13 June i can focus on this every single day! Thats the day after my last exam! Yay! Anyway. Please comment and vote. Show your support. Thanks again for so many reads!

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