The Secret

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*y/n pov*

"A long time ago... I was called... Freddy" he starts. "Not Freddy Fazbear. Just Freddy. I had a friend. Her name... her name was (y/n) (l/n)" wait... hes refering to me isnt he. Im now very confused. "Yes. Thats you (y/n). We were best friends a long time ago. Untill i went missing one day. I just. Vanished from the world. And thats technically what actually happened." "Wait. So your... Freddy. Ok... but what do you mean you 'actually vanished'?" Freddy faces me. A sturn look on his face, "I was murdered." "That cant be true though... Your right here." Mark answers. Looking equally as confused as i am.
"Me and these three arn't technically... human." "What do you mean. Your not human" fear strikes my heart like a freshly sharpened knife.
Freddy nods to Bonnie, Foxy and Chico. They nod back. They all stand and step away from the table. "Ok. On 3. 1...2...3." Suddenly light surrounds each one of them. Freddy brown light. Bonnie purple light. Chico yellow light and Foxy red light. I stand and step far back from them. Mark and Felix filled with fear just freeze in their seats. When the light fades there are no longer boys infront of us. There were the animatronics. I let out a scream. Mark jumps out of his seat and runs up to me. He stands infront of me to protect me from them. Pewds had fallen from his seat, face full of confusion and shock.
"Its ok. Its still us..." Bonnie answers reaching out a hand. I scream yet again. "HOW! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!" Freddy continues his explanation. "We were all murdered here at Freddy Fazbears Pizzaria. But we were saved by the first killed. His name is Marionette. We normally call him Mari. He doesnt show up often, he is quite shy. Anyway, Mari would find our dying souls and put them in the only place that would let us live longer. At the time, it was the Animatronic suits. So... here we are." He finishes.
That was alot to process. I sit back down in my chair as they change back to humans. I feel a hand on my shoulder. It was Chico. "Its the truth (y/n)." I slowly nod my head. They have no reasons to lie to me. So they must be telling the truth. Thats when i remember something... "Freddy?" "Yes." "Didnt you have a brother? His name was, Gordan wasnt it. He went missing 2 weeks after you did?" A sad look covers his face. He looks helpless, ashamed. "G...Gordan was murdered here by the same man that i was. He had come in asking if anyone knew where i was; If they had seen me. A man... approached my brother. He said he had a cctv video of me, out the back. My brother followed him. I couldnt do anything. Only watch. We cant control what we do during the day. We have to entertain the children, its are sole purpose now. So i watched as my brother was taken into the room,  and... he too died there." "Wait... so is he a animatronic too?" "Yes. His name is Golden Freddy now. Or just Goldie."
This is amazing. My best friend is alive. Well his spirit is. "What happened? The day you died." Freddys head drops and he falls into a chair. A desperate look covers his eyes. It must be hurting him to talk about all of this. "I was with you... We came to this place to get some pizza and to watch the animatronics. You were 8 years old, i was 9. We got our pizza, and we danced, and sang. It was all fun and games. But then your mother came to pick you up. You left after saying good bye... I was left to wait for my Mum to pick me up. I didnt have a phone. So i just sat and waited. She never turned up. A security man came over. Asked if i was ok. I said i had no way of getting home and he offered me a lift. It was late, and i wanted to get home so a agreed. He said he left his car keys in the back room, so i followed him. We walked in, then he turned to me. Then grabbed me by the sholders and tied me to a table" Freddy starts to cry as he talks. "The man. He slit my throat and butchered me to bits. Then thats when Mari turned up. After he left. Mari saved me. But i could never see you again. I didnt want you to ever come back here. But now you are here... in the place i feel so much hate to." tears form in my eyes. I cant control the weaping. I jump over the table and hug Freddy intensly. My head on his shoulder. Imbetween sobs i let out, "i missed you... i missed you so much Freddy" Freddy wraps his arms around me. "I missed you too."
For what seems like forever we hugged. Time seemed to slow. I cant believe it. I found Freddy. He didnt just. Disapear. He was murdered.

Hey its Lucy again. Just want to say. Im writing a Markiplier x Reader book if anyone whats to read it. I will update this story every 3 days or so. But the markiplier book every week. So for any Markiplier fans. Go check it out.
Tell me what you thought of this chapter. So yep... See you in the next chapter!

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