Why is there people here?

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*(y/n) pov*

God! My head hurts... alot. Its so dark here. I can hear a low buzz of a fan. Wait. Where am I. Oh yer... I have a new job. With muderous animatronics.

Whats that! My eyes are closed but i can feel something around me... its warm. I slowly open my eyes. T..theres people in the office... THERES PEOPLE IN THE OFFICE!

"WHO THE HELL ARE ALL OF YOU! WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?" Complete shock over my face.

All of the people turn to me astonished. They look slightly scared. I look around and it seems a boy is holding me on his lap. Hold on a minute. All these people are boys. Great. Just perfect.

The boy holding me answers first," Hello. Im Bonnie." Hes cute. I have to admit. He has purple hair, very neatly combed down and gelled. He wears a long sleeved white top with a sleeveless purple tux. Wearing a red bow tie. He has black jeans and purple converse. Maybe 18 years old.

A boy also sitting on the floor next to us then answers. " Howdy. Im Chico." Oh god. Thats an amazing name. I think hes 18 aswell. Chico wears a demin jacket with a yellow vest underneath. And has a darker shade of yellow skinny jeans and white sneakers. I then notice something strange. Around his neck he has a bandana. Pure white with 'LETS EAT!' And confetti on the front. His hair was a light blond and tied in a small ponytail at the back.

"Hello lassy. I be Foxy." I look up at this tall male. He looks around 19. This person he has thick hair. Its a deep brown red. Very scruffy. He also has an eyepatch. Wierd. He has a ripped black tshirt on, showing skin underneath. Foxy wears a long leather jacket that goes down to his knees and wears red shorts. He has some awesome looking boots on. Jet black and folded at the top.

Theres just one other boy. Hes glaring at me. Why do i feel like ive met this one before. I just, cant figure out where.

"Dude. Are you not ganna tell her your name." Bonnie glares at him.

And with that the boy walks out.

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