Who are you!?

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*(Y/n) pov*

I unlock the pizzerias doors. They slowly creak open. Im not really looking forward to this... Stubling to the office i walk past the animatronics. I cant tell but i feel like their eyes are watching me cross the room. I get to the office. The work shift alarm goes off. Pulling out the cameras i check the stage.... they are all gone.... Freddy, Chico, Bonnie. Pirate Cove!!! I switch over quickly Foxys gone to... this is so weird. Why would they all leave at the same time. I check through the cameras and find the 4 boys from yesterday sitting down in the dining area. I think their talking about something. Well. I dont want to deal with them right now. I close both doors and sit back in the wheely chair. I shrug. "Might as well clear up this dump" i say to myself. So i get to work cleaning all the dirt and rubbish. Its about 2am when i finish. None of those boys seem to be bothering me. Good. I dont want them to. Thats when a strange black mist starts forming on the office ceiling. What the hell is this? I step back. Suddenly i black out.

*Foxy pov*

I can feel something strange. Somethings here. "Guys there be something here." I turn to face them. "What is it Foxy?" Chico questions. "I not be sure. I think it be coming from the office." Worry fills Freddys face. Why would he be worryed about the lass. He hadent even spoken to (y/n). Freddy stands and runs off down the hallway. The three of us give each other questioning looks. Then we get up and run after Freddy.

*Freddy pov*

I cant let anything happen to her. Shes done nothing wrong. She cant... She cant be like us! I wont let that happen. Not again. I slam into the window. Both the doors are closed and theres a strange black mist in the room. Thats when i notice her. Lying on the floor. "(Y/N)!"

*Bonnie pov*

I hear a shout. Its of (y/n) name and it came from Freddy. How can Freddy know her name? He walked out before she told us and we havent spoken about her today. We all reach the office and Freddys already there banging on the glass of the window. He looks like hes crying. But not with anger. With worry. "Freddy?" I walk over. I look into the window next to Freddy. Theres a strange black mist on the roof. Ive never seen that before then i look around the room. (Y/n) is on the floor. "We need to get in!" I look around at everyone they nod in agreement. Faces full of dread. "What should we do?" Chico asks. "We knock down the door. Everyone bang against the door at the same time!"  Freddy says. We all start knocking down the door. After afew minutes the door gives way and fall down. I check her pulse on her wrist. "Shes alive. But, her pulse is low. We need to take her to the stage. It would be easyer to monitor her." I pick her up bridal style abd start walking through the hallway. The others give me glares. Why have i done? I place (y/n) in the centre of the stage and check her pulse again. Still low but she'll be fine.

*??? Pov*

Wow my heads dizzy. Where am i? I was on my desk. I was loading a game. I cant remember what it was called. It hurts thinking about it. I think i was in a call with one of my friends. Is look around. Im in a office. A boy with Dark hair and stuble sits up next to me. "Where are we?" He asks. He has a deep voice. "I... i dont know..." "Should we look around?" He asks as he stands up. "Yer. It would probably be a good idea." He offers me a hand up and i stand. We head down a hallway into a room. I think i can hear people talking...

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